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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Sticky it in newbies introduce urself :P
  2. He made only a double post (probably by lag) yesterday...
  3. DA was good till C4 Comparing a DA with a Paladin in IL,it's non sense(more skills,Angelic Icon,Soul of Phoenix etc) In higher chronicles,phoenix knight has even a pet,lol!(and a high level one) There is no point of making a DA,only for Hero
  4. Req Dev Help L2J EN http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=194981.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=194990.0;topicseen Junk preconf
  5. Server is in deticated? Also,please fix ur title(Prefix,L2J,server's name) so it's better
  6. let's login in lol then
  7. no :( but soon i hope
  8. I know Community is just retarded too Fun for me :D
  9. Believe me,this server has rly nice features,no custom,no donations and dimis has fixed most of the bugs(...,big ones at least)
  10. The x50-100 that will open soon
  11. Come with meh at L2Mafia :P
  12. Σκοπευω να παιξω τον νεο σερβερ του L2Mafia(no donate,mid rate,no customs) Αλλιως,lineage2thegame.com
  13. You don't know
  14. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=10867.0 Links not working http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=194986.0;topicseen He created a topic in Req dev help en (for Erol:This topic is in greek but can't be readen,google translator)
  15. Glad to have you here,welcome here and have fun
  16. Μολις μαυριζουν εδω κατευθειαν εκει δες τους ρουμανους ο sido καρφι χθες εφαγε ο stanmirel,σημερα εκει κατευθειαν ο sora οταν εφαγε κατευθειαν εκει
  17. Καλα ρε οποιος τρωει ban εδω GP καρφι παει;
  18. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=194914.0 >_> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=194969.0;topicseen Lock cause of that http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=183127.0
  19. Paladin,DA δεν αξιζει τοσο
  20. yhn didn't u ever called this gm char donator in la2world?
  21. blocked 450+ times
  22. Πολυ εξυπνο...αν σκεφτεις οτι με την διαμορφωση θα σβηστουν και τα windows 7 που θα εβαζες ^^
  23. Mang,i don't even see it , lol
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