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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. this failed cause it keeps going like RO's one
  2. btw,this topic has totally failed
  3. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=195971.0;topicseen junk
  4. no rules for spam amre just spam amre eat shit die and stfu
  5. Even u don't know how to spam amre
  6. Στοον γοοοοοογλη κανε αιτημα
  8. Spam amre
  9. Αφου ρε μενγκ το λενε κιολας,οτι ειναι διασκευες ενος ξενου ελεος
  10. This is the most stupid reply here.Seriously Since the reason that this kind of servers fail,is core clans leaving,and not some random greeks/latin kids
  11. Alexina...does ur keyboard have any problem with 'i,e' and u use 1 and 3 ?
  12. Αφου του ρεμου ειναι διασκευη απο αυτο . . .
  13. These are guys that like PES now... Jesus,but it's a matter of taste
  14. I want to be good these days,please no send them ALL u find in PM
  15. Since when ban for too much activity exists? In 5,2k posts u will find max 100 spam posts. Believe me,even GrisoM or others have WAY WAY more
  16. Do i spam? lol,when
  17. Why should i stop posting and not him start posting?
  18. Oκ Κυριάκε
  19. Cool ή Koυλ ή Koul ή ko0l
  20. Πως σε λενε τελοσπαντων
  21. Both,suggest me things to add,etc
  22. Οχι αγαπητε Γιαννη δεν θα σου κανω την χαρη
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