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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. If they give a little time they can do it by hand,editing etc or just do what u did Especially about this case,it's ridiculous
  2. καντε dekarma τον maxtor για wrong section :P
  3. Sorry meng but i didn't see any GR topic without subject nonlocked/junked
  4. Making 77 topics about 1-2 weapons is just spam for me(and not something special) At least,a mod should merge their shares
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=195874.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=195877.0 This guy is asking for help about opening a L2Off server One topic in GR and other in EN Better move the EN one in Request Dev Help L2Off EN and junk the GR or move the GR one to Request dev help L2Off Gr
  6. That's my point Since it's not allowed Noone is punished or warned or one topics gets locked Shouldn't you put a rule about this?
  7. For me: Sharing 1-2 weapons is OK Sharing 1-2 weapons every time in 15 topics:NO OK
  8. So,creating a topic with same subject in both languages is allowed?
  9. You can't level up him,unless u do what the guy said in previous page
  10. Κανεις scroll up Show unread posts since last visit. Show new replies to your posts.
  11. Το εννοω
  12. Ουτε ο Cloud ετσι
  13. Παταω unread topic εγινε στις 4:41:20 reported για wrong section στις 4:41:40 λολ
  14. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=83652 Μεγαλος DEV,τον συνιστω!
  15. Για την sign λεω ρε μαλακα fanky τραγικε ποτε προλαβενεις να κανεις report οιμε δηλαδη
  16. Σας επρηξε ο krash?
  17. And what do u stack with this?
  18. Most times it doesn't work in cancel subs Yes that's my point +1 to this too but please,avoid doing double/triple posts,just edit the 1st
  19. Renewal decreases physical skill reuse time,so why not? Also u can't say archers are so easy class in Freya
  20. Ναι μαλακια
  21. Συγνώμμη ή Συγνωμή;
  22. he reminds me of chucky...
  23. Παιδια,συγνωμμη μου που σας στο εκρυβα τοσο καιρο,αλλα ειμαι στο team της ncsoft
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