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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Εγω συμφωνα με το speedtest πιανω 14 και κατεβαζω με 2.3 αλλα συνεχεια disconnects...
  2. ενταξει δεν ηταν χαμογελακι
  3. στο ΕΟΣΤ; ε πηγαινε 3-4 σελιδες πισω και δες εκεινα που ελεγα για τα lock Το ειχε δει ο Erol τοτε,και απλα εκανε lock με ενα χαμογελακι χωρις ban ,για αυτο ρωτησα
  4. ( Α )πογοήτευση ( Ε ) ξευτελισμός ( Κ ) ατάντια
  5. δραμα
  6. I can't be accurate in things i can't know
  7. Just....don't talk
  8. They are the best,they pwned Coyote again....as they say
  9. There is ignore mode too...also u could also answer me here cause i couldn't know who locked dem
  10. Let's end it here , i just wanted these 3 explanations You can see only replies that where in a junked topic,if you are VIP or Staffer Your deleted replies or replies done in deleted topics can be seen only if u have access in recycle bin(some gmods have it)
  11. Relax,i just wanted to know if i was wrong/right or w/e It's your business,not mine You could just tell these reasons in lock...and everything would be fine anyway,about these 3 You know that in their forum they can't do that ;P(u know it well) What people want nowadays was a nice discussion,regarding L2 Interlude Mid rates,and the reason they always fail I don't remember any topic like that,anyway About the 3rd,i agree :P
  12. Σπερα
  13. . . . Nice topic GrisoM,i would say i tend more to Lawful Evil but i do all the other things sometimes too ;D
  14. 2 people fighting , causes a lock of a topic? lol Nais
  15. Isn't this annoying? Anyway,fck this subject,if Erol wants,he will reply
  16. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=194300.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=195456.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=195785.0 Bored of searching for other,there are sure many more,noticed,especially last 2 weeks
  17. 3 locked topics,there anyway,just this Not only cause rules say,but cause
  18. Last days,i see more and more topics locked w/o serious reason,and w/o any explanation of why they were locked Maybe by you too,but most of them are requests ,so who cares but check l2general disc
  19. Erol u are a gmod here,but there are some shitty rules Please,go read the rules about locking,it's annoying some times
  20. ah lol
  21. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=196075.0;topicseen to Dev Help L2J En
  22. World of Warcraft is a MMORPG by Blizzard Warcraft 3 is a Strategy game by Blizzard DotA is a custom map in Warcraft III by one guy named Icefrog who developed it after...(check below) HoN is copy of DotA,with same heroes with different names,improved graphics(that sak) and better client LoL is a game like DotA in it's own client,developed by these guys that invented DotA
  23. Εαν εχεις Windows 7 ισως βρουν και μονα τους τωρα,λογικα αφου εχει εγγυηση θα σου δωσουν αλλο
  24. Dear Warcraft III has nothing to do with World of Warcraft...the one is strategy and the other MMORPG
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