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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. εχεις και ιντερνετ εκει;
  2. μπες ρ μια
  3. Ενω ολα τα αλλα...θελει μπες ΜΣΝ θελω να σου πω κατι
  4. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=201089.0 δες εδω,κραξιμο!
  5. σπαστικο spam τραβα ψαξε,2 colllection υπαρχουν καντο edit ρε ξεφτιλα δες τι πανε και γραφουνε ::)
  6. ελα μας επρηξες,δεν λεμε
  7. +++ i really get angry when i see some people using 'star wars' editions of windows for better performance etc (something that is wrong) Anyway,fighterboss,just download Windows XP (your version,do u remember it?) and press R If it doesn't work,format it Though,you should make some upgrades,your PC is a real crap ;P about the noise,it must be a broken cooler Maybe it's a HDD problem(noise + broken files) ,keep that in mind too
  8. Χωρις να ειμαι σιγουρος τα raid boss jewels παντα εχουν attributes πανω τους
  9. ασε ψυχολογικα εγω με τοσα shield k snares..
  10. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=201178.0 @Raule keep this topic clean :)
  11. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=197070.0 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=200528.0
  12. Vs Janna Morgana Rammus Blitz Lux FULL DISABLE + SHIELDS ΠΩΩΩ
  13. Format time!
  14. Wanna a sign lame ass
  15. any normal server with big atk speed count
  16. Cause it's a 1,5+ year old share,it may worked in some servers ,but surely NOT now you know,moderators...
  17. i will do it for Interlude,but i can't for Freya,right now
  18. Everyone sets up their bar in his own way! I did at Cardinal to point the attacking + buff skills,maybe i will do the same to sps,but not prolly
  19. An autoclicker works EVERYWHERE,damn
  20. Thank you Really want someone to translate it into GR :)
  21. lol anyway,it pisses me off VERY MUCH when you don't even search forum,or even google! these are various http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=199454.0 if you need something more http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=191987.0
  22. Where is the good guide? wrong epic jewels? not even referring to Major Arcana? Dyes(they are wrong at GR,he didn't even have CON dyes) Plus the various things missing,like buffs(rofl?)
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