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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. i guess this topic is solved anyway,lock it
  2. Εξαρταται τα files που θα δεις επειτα,τι να κανεις εναν server σε 32bits?Δεν προκειται να δουλεψει Illegal...σχετικο.Δεν προκειται ποτε να σου κανουν κατι
  3. Start junking topics without notice(as said in the rules of that section) and make some redirection topics(or a sticky topic there about it) and u will see how they will start putting prefixes:)
  4. Ιt's not official windows 8 It's not even Beta version of them I wouldn't change an official version of windows 7 SP1 for any fork of windows 8 ,lol
  5. Please,don't tell this he will spam annoying messages like fafawfao fiegfpa spam amre the same raule told @romanians,and see what they 've done
  6. http://b.imagehost.org/0962/Shot00004.jpg
  7. Αν θες C4 server,χρησιμοποιησε L2Off files
  8. Τhis section's prefixes need a look in daily basis,make only 2 pages ;)
  9. 50% οf topics don't have prefix/wrong title ->Yes,forum needs an active mod fixing them all day. Or mods should junk every topic at once Again,moderator's job. There are specific rules,noone follows them.Nothing more to add And there is no point junking old topics.Even if server is dead.They will go in bottom,anyway
  10. Tell this in Greek and let me translate it
  11. Ενας φιλος μου παιζει πολυ γαματο DotA αλλα δεν του λεω
  12. Μα φυσικα . . . αν και δεν σε πιανω , και δεν ξερω τι προκειται να γινει
  13. Ειναι παρα πολλα meng.Πραγματικα + δεν θα εχει ουτε τους μισους παιχτες,πιστεψε με Το επιχειρημα 'Για να μην δεχτουμε attack' ειναι πιο lame απο ποτε Με ενα καλο Beta period και με καποιον να fixarei τα skills καλα/να βρισκει bugs,ειστε ενταξει
  14. Ποσα ευρω δινεις να σου φτιαξω ενα
  15. make a public topic asking 1 euro from everyone at paypal ;)
  16. It's MXC dude! Anyway,go watch an Alpha Version video(before Prelude) It's not the damn same feeling about a game! It has become more common than ever,now Yeah,NCSOFT couldn't do something to prevent it.
  17. Guess who's the only one having ban/unban privs ::)
  18. 10 euro to maxtor.or just a PM(or 5-6)
  19. I know But some people don't like things like this Such as the new areas,the new armors,the unbalanced pvps(?) with lolskills pwning your face in seconds + the shitty certifications that keep you playing only ur main class Still...even if Freya is better People like playing IL or lower chronicles.They like it,you can't change their minds ;)
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