Σε προειδοποιησα
εκανες αλλα 2 που εγιναν delete.
Εκανες 4 topic με την ιδια απαντηση, και τα 3 σε wrong section(και αυτο ειναι..)
Οταν σου λεμε να σταματησεις, και πας να το παιξεις εξυπνος(to τοπικ που εφτιαξες μετα) και το συνεχιζεις κιολας, δεν γινεται αλλιως.
When you make a Low rate server, you and your players, care for the Stability over many players online, and the balance/everything working
Just discussioning.
It would be better focusing on most important things, atleast for mid rate servers +
In 2009, the world was a different place.
In 2009, the year of your birth, the top selling movie was Avatar.
The video game of the day was The Sims 3.
That was the world you were born into. Since then, you and others have changed it.
Something that came into my mind, Tryskell
Why are you trying to make a Interlude project for a Low rate server ?
Almost everyone knows, that L2J Interlude & low rate, are not a nice combination, since many L2Off IL good packs have been shared,and L2J can't reach their level.
Νομιζω μας παιρνας για -_- .Ρε φιλε, καταλαβε το, οτι δεν θα παρεις support αφου χρησιμοποιεις αυτο το project.
Στο επομενο topic με το ιδιο θεμα, θα φαει instant delete + dekarma
Τι δεν καταλαβαινεις;Ή μας παιρνας για χαζους;
Συνεχισε να spammareis με νεα topic, και θα δεις ^^