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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Thank you for trying to ruin the topic with spam posts.Last warn about here Ι will leave this topic open only for serious posts Offtopic posts get -1 karma
  2. I don't think so. You have no idea what would have happened if we were dekarming/banning after 2-3rd time breaking the rules ;)
  3. Done. Thank you for your reports :)
  4. locked then ;)
  5. He is unbanned much time now. And there was a VERY clear ban reason.
  6. Chr.Trance, you know that i should punish you now, according to the section rules?
  7. They are given that priv. Since they can't respect the rules of using it, they get banned. I don't think someone got a temporary ban for not breaking the rules for XX time Punishments are too kind anyway
  8. To do what you said, a whole new start is needed. You know what's needed for this. We have decided what's needed. There is a topic with 7 or 8 points to be done. I hope it's done soon, after a new update is done ;)
  9. solved > locked
  10. Not really. Do you really think that these are going to help the forum? The first was already reviewed by you are 'useless' in the previous topic(lol) MaxCheaters is a L2 forum.From the very start.This can't change Not everybody, but agree @ most Extra privs are needed..believe me. Do you really think our choices brought the forum here? L2 is dying and maxtor isn't so active as we want. What else do you need? Don't spread rumors, you know that that's not truth. Instant ban? I hope you are kidding You don't know how many warnings/ignores at abuses have been given.That's the only bad part for me. And i kinda agree at some points with you, but personally, i can't change them
  11. Do you really think, that someone thinks he is in power mode? We just stopped 'ignoring' all users that were breaking the rules. Deal with it. Btw, everything sucks, our suggestions suck, but i haven't even seen YET a suggestion by you, how to change it Even when you was global some months ago, at least at staff section. and since you don't care, why do you continue this? There is nothing more to discuss about these bans. They broke the rules multiple times- and they got a warning ban.That simple When you have something related to improvement of this forum, tell me, or open a new topic. You are the one telling so general things this time. I hope you won't make a V3 about this.
  12. @Noble They should first respect the rules, then we will respect them. Simple and clear.
  13. Noble, check global rules.We left only some basic ones. If it was in our hand only, we may remove all section rules. And ,does anyone prevent you reporting a staffer?:) btw, do you know why noone complained about you? Do you think, that if the exact same happened while you or Grisom were global, someone would speak? Definitely not. Just, everyone was used to do anything he wants much time now, without punishments. And now, it seems bad ;)
  14. Yeap I don't get why you get mad. There are 6 rules.If you can't follow them, it's your problem And i don't think we ban persons in purpose..otherwrise, all people from GOST that we know 1+ year very well, would be banned now. @DS: You mean, if you find the old staff back, you will start sharing? We all know what's the main problem. Do you think, that all these haven't been warned so many times? Come real please. If we were 'that abusive' they would be perma banned long time ago. The fact is, that they don't like that we finally started putting some rules. It's not like that. If maxtor actively listen to them, we can become way way specific. We will see.. I can say the same :)
  15. warez is sharing a program, that you need to pay, for free. That's a freeware
  16. Updated. Grand Khavatari guide by Mefisto Trickster guide by DS|Panos Clan hall info by Smok3Boy Ghost Sentinel guide by MeFisto
  17. Αφου το ελυσες, κλειδωνει.
  18. Stop with off-topic and senseless messages
  19. I thought you wanted to keep this topic clear from -_- messages..
  20. Cleaned yesterday's posts, waiting a Global Moderator to ban him
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