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Everything posted by micbarpia

  1. but is it working even when comp ip is checked?? and need login on site?
  2. nice topic... one of the best here from ... i dont even know :D hehehe funny guys
  3. but u dont have video anymore?? are u kiddin? anyone else got it i must see
  4. and im lookign also for some walker l2net with newest version
  5. good but seems same to cmd netstat -n and looking for 2106 port last which was opened in all ip adresses
  6. there many tunneling program in net... read goodle?
  7. i must say i tried this ... and this logic... i dont think is special kind of logic... LOGIC OF ENCHANTING SI SIMPLE... 60% chance (or whatever server make) and FAIL OR NOT... no matter how many weapons etc... gl for all of u with OP ENCHANTS
  8. I got some old script for augument but problem is: ITS WORKING COMPLETE OPPOSITE IT SHOULD... i mean: its do augment,, take off augment if need but when i got skill or any stats i dont need on my weapon it STOP LIKE IT WOULD FINISH, however once when i got good skills i goes ON and fast remove and do it next... im completly poor about scripting... i tried to watch sensitive whats going on and whats wrong with it but i have no fukn idea.... This is the script u can try this and tell me why it work more when no need and stop work when need next augment. thx :SCRIPT: SET_EVENT "<&SCRIPTEVENT_SERVERPACKET&>" "<&SYSTEM_CURRENTFILE&>" CheckSkillList 95 INCLUDE StdLib\inventory.l2c INCLUDE StdLib/npc.l2c DEFINE_GLOBAL ARRAYLIST search_for_skills 0 // DON'T CHANGE //=========================================================================================== // // Augmentation script fully automated. v1.3 // Tested on tow lagfree servers and works flawlessly (03.06.09) // L2NET v370 on Gracia Final (ct 2.3) // // made by undercover iosc :P //=========================================================================================== DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING item_to_aug "Vesper Cutter" // The name of the weapon you want to augment DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING gem_for_aug "Gemstone B" // Gemstone used for augment DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING ls_for_aug "Mid-Grade Life Stone - Level 82" // The EXACT name of the Life Stone used for augment DEFINE_GLOBAL INT num_of_gems 36 // The number of Gemstones used //=========================================================================================== // The skill ID's that you want to get // You can add or delete some "search_for_skills.ADD #i" lines // The IDs of skills are after "#i" ex: #i3250 - 3250 //=========================================================================================== search_for_skills.ADD #i3244 // Item Skill: Shield - Passive: Increases P. Def. when equipped. search_for_skills.ADD #i3240 // Item Skill: Might - Passive: Increases P. Atk. when equipped. search_for_skills.ADD #i3135 // Item Skill: Shield - Active: Increases P. Def. temporarily. search_for_skills.ADD #i3132 // Item Skill: Might - Active: Increases P. Atk. temporarily. search_for_skills.ADD #i3094 search_for_skills.ADD #i3113 search_for_skills.ADD #i3122 search_for_skills.ADD #i3159 search_for_skills.ADD #i3204 //=========================================================================================== DEFINE_GLOBAL INT packet_delay 700 // delay between sent packets ... if it's lag and get some errors you can increase this DEFINE_GLOBAL INT little_delay 300 //=========================================================================================== // DON'T EDIT ANYTHING FROM BELOW UNLESS U KNOW WHAT U'RE DOING //=========================================================================================== SET_TARGETING TYPE TWO SET_TARGETING ATTACKABLE TWO SET_TARGETING ALIVE TWO SET_TARGETING INBOX TWO DEFINE_GLOBAL INT npc_id 0 npc_id = "#i<&TARGET_TYPEID&>" IF TARGET_TYPE != #I3 PRINT_TEXT "Target the augmentation NPC before start the script." JUMP_TO_LABEL THE_END ENDIF DEFINE_GLOBAL INT random_delay 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT loop_flag 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT another_flag 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL ARRAYLIST skill_ids 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL ARRAYLIST full_invent 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL Inventory work_item 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL Inventory work_ls 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL Inventory work_gem 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT ls_count 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT gem_count 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT id_of_ls 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT id_of_gem 0 ITEM_GET_ID id_of_ls "<&ls_for_aug&>" ITEM_GET_ID id_of_gem "<&gem_for_aug&>" ITEM_COUNT ls_count "<&id_of_ls&>" ITEM_COUNT gem_count "<&id_of_gem&>" CALL reload_invet GET_RAND random_delay 150 300 SLEEP "<&random_delay&>" LABEL INFINITE_LOOP WHILE loop_flag == ONE SLEEP 1000 WEND CALL reload_invet CALL remove_augment GET_RAND random_delay 150 300 SLEEP "<&random_delay&>" CALL reload_invet another_flag = ONE CALL add_augment loop_flag = ONE GET_RAND random_delay 150 300 SLEEP "<&random_delay&>" CALL equip_augmented_item JUMP_TO_LABEL INFINITE_LOOP LABEL THE_END PRINT_TEXT "Script Ended." END_SCRIPT FUNCTION add_augment IF work_item.aug_id > ZERO RETURN VOID ENDIF ITEM_COUNT ls_count "<&id_of_ls&>" GET_RAND random_delay 150 300 SLEEP "<&random_delay&>" ITEM_COUNT gem_count "<&id_of_gem&>" GET_RAND random_delay 150 300 SLEEP "<&random_delay&>" IF ls_count < ONE ITEM_COUNT ls_count "<&id_of_ls&>" GET_RAND random_delay 700 1100 SLEEP "<&random_delay&>" IF ls_count < ONE PRINT_TEXT "Not enough <&ls_for_aug&>." JUMP_TO_LABEL THE_END ENDIF ENDIF IF gem_count < num_of_gems ITEM_COUNT gem_count "<&id_of_gem&>" GET_RAND random_delay 700 1100 SLEEP "<&random_delay&>" IF gem_count < num_of_gems PRINT_TEXT "Not enough <&gem_for_aug&>." JUMP_TO_LABEL THE_END ENDIF ENDIF TARGET_NEAREST_ID "<&npc_id&>" SLEEP "<&little_delay&>" TALK_TARGET SLEEP "<&little_delay&>" NPC_DIALOG "bypass -h npc_<&TARGET_ID&>_Link common/augmentation_01.htm" SLEEP "<&little_delay&>" NPC_DIALOG "bypass -h npc_<&TARGET_ID&>_Augment 1" SLEEP "<&little_delay&>" DEFINE BYTEBUFFER select_item_buffer 256 DEFINE BYTEBUFFER select_ls_buffer 256 DEFINE BYTEBUFFER select_gem_buffer 256 DEFINE BYTEBUFFER start_aug_buffer 256 select_item_buffer.write_byte #i208 select_item_buffer.write_int16 #i38 select_item_buffer.write_int32 work_item.id select_item_buffer.trim_to_index INJECTBB select_item_buffer SLEEP "<&packet_delay&>" select_ls_buffer.write_byte #i208 select_ls_buffer.write_int16 #i39 select_ls_buffer.write_int32 work_item.id select_ls_buffer.write_int32 work_ls.id select_ls_buffer.trim_to_index INJECTBB select_ls_buffer SLEEP "<&packet_delay&>" select_gem_buffer.write_byte #i208 select_gem_buffer.write_int16 #i40 select_gem_buffer.write_int32 work_item.id select_gem_buffer.write_int32 work_ls.id select_gem_buffer.write_int32 work_gem.id select_gem_buffer.write_int64 num_of_gems select_gem_buffer.trim_to_index INJECTBB select_gem_buffer SLEEP "<&packet_delay&>" start_aug_buffer.write_byte #i208 start_aug_buffer.write_int16 #i65 start_aug_buffer.write_int32 work_item.id start_aug_buffer.write_int32 work_ls.id start_aug_buffer.write_int32 work_gem.id start_aug_buffer.write_int64 num_of_gems start_aug_buffer.trim_to_index INJECTBB start_aug_buffer SLEEP "<&packet_delay&>" DELETE select_item_buffer DELETE select_ls_buffer DELETE select_gem_buffer DELETE start_aug_buffer RETURN VOID FUNCTION remove_augment IF work_item.aug_id == ZERO RETURN VOID ENDIF TARGET_NEAREST_ID "<&npc_id&>" SLEEP "<&little_delay&>" TALK_TARGET SLEEP "<&little_delay&>" NPC_DIALOG "bypass -h npc_<&TARGET_ID&>_Link common/augmentation_02.htm" SLEEP "<&little_delay&>" NPC_DIALOG "bypass -h npc_<&TARGET_ID&>_Augment 2" SLEEP "<&little_delay&>" DEFINE BYTEBUFFER select_item_buffer 256 DEFINE BYTEBUFFER rem_aug_buffer 256 select_item_buffer.write_byte #i208 select_item_buffer.write_int16 #i66 select_item_buffer.write_int32 work_item.id select_item_buffer.trim_to_index INJECTBB select_item_buffer SLEEP "<&packet_delay&>" rem_aug_buffer.write_byte #i208 rem_aug_buffer.write_int16 #i67 rem_aug_buffer.write_int32 work_item.id rem_aug_buffer.trim_to_index INJECTBB rem_aug_buffer SLEEP "<&packet_delay&>" DELETE select_item_buffer DELETE rem_aug_buffer RETURN VOID FUNCTION CheckSkillList IF another_flag == ZERO RETURN VOID ENDIF another_flag = ZERO DEFINE INT skill_byte 0 DEFINE INT skill_list_size 0 PACKET.READ_BYTE skill_byte PACKET.READ_INT32 skill_list_size FOR Z 0 "<&skill_list_size&>" 1 DEFINE INT _i64 PACKET.READ_INT64 _i64 DELETE _i64 DEFINE INT skillID PACKET.READ_INT32 skillID skill_ids.ADD skillID DELETE skillID DEFINE INT c_byte PACKET.READ_BYTE c_byte DELETE c_byte NEXT DELETE skill_byte DELETE skill_list_size FOREACH X INT skill_ids FOREACH Z INT search_for_skills IF skill_ids.X == search_for_skills.Z PRINT_TEXT "Augmentation with Skill ID <&search_for_skills.Z&> was succesfull." PRINT_TEXT " " JUMP_TO_LABEL THE_END ENDIF NEXTEACH NEXTEACH PRINT_TEXT "No luck this round... " PRINT_TEXT " " CALL equip_augmented_item GET_RAND random_delay 150 300 SLEEP "<&random_delay&>" loop_flag = ZERO RETURN VOID FUNCTION reload_invet GET_INVENTORY full_invent GET_RAND random_delay 400 800 SLEEP "<&random_delay&>" FOREACH item Inventory full_invent if full_invent.item.name == item_to_aug work_item = full_invent.item endif if full_invent.item.name == gem_for_aug work_gem = full_invent.item endif if full_invent.item.name == ls_for_aug work_ls = full_invent.item endif NEXTEACH RETURN VOID FUNCTION equip_augmented_item DEFINE BYTEBUFFER equip_item 256 equip_item.write_byte #i25 equip_item.write_int32 work_item.id equip_item.write_int32 #i0 equip_item.trim_to_index INJECTBB equip_item SLEEP "<&packet_delay&>" DELETE equip_item RETURN VOID
  9. any of u can login? couse im w8ing like 5min on login screen and nothing happend and i dont know is it me or server? NICE SETUP but i wonder how many online
  10. love ^ idiots like this one upper... any proves? i play there why its fail? u cant say nothing more?? so stfu.. or say more
  11. NOT BAd... NOT FATAL... but low online... if online would be 100 ppl more would be nice server
  12. 240 online at start... and now some updates and its really GOOD SERVER as soon
  13. its really good, beside i didnt saw better at this rates and setup till 2 months... GO AND CHECK:D
  14. is it so hard to log in and check if its ok ? ^^
  15. Lookin for [l2jfreya, h5] server, fresh started or upcoming soon: Rates 5-20x, Buffer: could be full and could be normal newbie, i dont care, Mana potions, also dont care if are or not, online at least 200+, I really would like to play on fresh started server to have same chance for new start with all players... i wonder couse i lf server like that pretty long and i didnt found any1. so Where are all players wich likes mid rate servers,
  16. This server is pretty good... minus is that online now its not big... top i ve seen was about 60... but its pretty fresh so i hope new players come and join couse in my opinion its worthy Gl with server
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