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Everything posted by Archdie

  1. hello :) I want to know about exchange talisman system in gracia epilogue. In older pack it's use script/custom 8005_talisman to exchange it. and i can add/remove some talisman or change enything in that script. but in gracia epilogue it's use command "bypass -h npc_%objectId%_ExchangeKE". I want to know. how can i add/remove talisman or edit it. :-\ :-\
  2. it's works sure ;D but you can't spawn NPC because you have error in execute. you can add NPC manauly.
  3. hello ;D i will ask about event. I use gracia epilogue L2Jserver pack when i checkout SVN with Eclipse i got datapack_development and L2_GameServer in package explorer. and i download event.rar. it's have file Core DP and SQL. for this how i add that file into my package.
  4. oh thk you.but it too much to add item in merchant_buylist. however i use command to buylist exam ""bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Buy 3083900" in my custom npc but notwork too. I don't know why?? plz tell me.
  5. sry for duble post.but still ploblem.who have idea reply me plz.
  6. I think he mean ability skill from subclass. it will got when your subclass level 65/70/75 and when your subclass level 80 you can divine tranformations. btw i don't have answers for you ploblem. in my server this feature is work. i use gracia epilogue pack ;D
  7. follow him you must see skill id 10001 and change XXX value in this line as you want. <set name="power" val="XXX"/>
  8. ohh thk you ;D ;D Really I already downloads it.but i don't know how to update it to Eclipse. now it work. I will go next step. ;D ;D
  9. sry for duble post.but i have still ploblem help me plz. :'( :'(
  10. Hello. i from thailand. in my country is not have enough custom L2 server ;D i come to learn more and shear it in my country ;D
  11. i have ploblem with my CUSTOMSHOP NPC. in another pack can use command "bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Sell" for sell an items. but in CT2.4 i can't use it and i see command "bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Buy XXXXXXXX" in default merchant npc. it can buy/sell/refund every thing if it can. but when i use same command in my CUSTOMSHOP NPC it notwork.same multisell id or not. it not work. Some one can help me to pass this ploblem pls. :-\
  12. i think he mean Ancient Cloak ,Holy Spirit's Cloak and Knight's Cloak right? i have this plobem too. but some Cloak it work like ID 13888 Holy Spirit's Cloak . work on dynasty set and vesper set. i will test another and fix them soon. p.s. i have this plobem in GE pack ::)
  13. see this link it can help you. i use gracia epilogue too. and its work. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=107353.0
  14. i use gracia epilogue.it work and verygood npc buffer. but it no kamael buff and you must change "net.sf.l2j" into "com.l2jserver" in file "__init__.py"
  15. I serch for some event to add it on my server and i see first step is set up Eclipse to complie JAVA mods. But i have some ploblem with Eclip. I download file eclipse-SDK-3.5.1-win32 from www.eclipse.org and i get subclipse at http://subclipse.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectProcess?pageID=p4wYuA and i extract them in to folder in c:and then i will config Eclipse follow Guide But my Eclipse it haven't functions about SVN.Who know what can i do :-\ p.s. 1. I already set up Java JDK 6 Update 18 and Subversion 1.6.9 but i not config them i don't know how to config them 2. I use windows xp sp2 3. Sorry if i post incorrect board and my bad english
  16. sry man. I am very newbie. I don't know how to add this event into my server. some topic has too much java script. but in this topic has a little java. and i don't find way to go to data/jscript/cron :( Now i serch for a guide for a newbie to add any event step by step. p.s. sry in my english and my knowledge but it will good in future in this maxcheaters.com :)
  17. It very good Tool for me. thk you.
  18. tnk Critical ;D some cat look like santa hahaha
  19. thk you ;D but I found it now I fix this #teleports/Warpgate/Warpgate.java in file scripts.cfg :) :) :) :)
  20. I have this problem too. I try cancel quest about road to hellbound. but not work. wait for someone help plz.
  21. Good job!! thk
  22. i like that NPC !!! Who tell me for it ID
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