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  1. Relevant topic with information regarding this lost client.
  2. Yes, it works fine except for Geodata, requires a fixed Superpoint. Also it has retail typos and exploits.
  3. With Gracia Final AuthD and AuthGateD premium works perfect! Thanks a lot!
  4. Lol, I just noticed the subforum of the post, thanks. Anyone got more information about this section of "L2Server.ini"? Nothing seems to be affected by changing them. [Premium] enable=true address="" port=10100 hearbeat=10000 pause=true ;비타민 서비스를 시작한다. true 면 중지 pauseCashshop=true ;캐시샵을 시작한다. true 면 중지 [PremiumUser] IsMentorBuffed=false [FreeToPlay] FreeOpenServer=false VitalityConsumeByMob=12 VitalityConsumeByBoss=6 VitalItemDropPenaltyPercent=200 [FreeToPlayUserSetting] ExpSpBoostMinLevel=1 ExpBoostPercent=50 ;SpBoostPercent=50 DropBoostPercent=50 VitalItemDropBoostPercent=200 ;ActivateCharacterAmount=7 VitalBonus=200,300 VitalItemCount=5,10 PCCafe=false Item0=20970 Also, anyone with the Premium Store binaries that run at port 10100 or more details on how it works? How does "subscription_flag" affects the account at "dbo.user_account" table? I cannot find information about it in the internet. Thanks!
  5. Anyone with access to this? (3) [Retail] Asima.ws Glory Days PTS + extender + login server + custom + web | Administrators and game server developers (mmo-dev.info)
  6. I only have the patched system I mentioned above. Your Glory Days upload is the base version with protocol 479. This patched system is Glory Days Update 2 protocol 488. System-488 (mediafire.com) I found the link around, so I suggest to download and reupload. They work together "fine", the only issue I have seen so far is missing tutorial images (black image).
  7. Thanks! I'm asking because the Glory Days you have uploaded is the base version with protocol 479 and has a clean system. So far I was only able to find a patched system for protocol 488 which is Glory Days Update 2. There seems to be some incompatibility by using them together, such as tutorial images being black.
  8. @sireckDo you happen to have a patched system (No GG) or Themida unpacked for the Glory Days version you uploaded? Thanks!
  9. Protocol 488 works for me. Glory Days client: https://mega.nz/folder/n5IgCKDA#fJmO-g4jGs9vF0Q6jMhL1Q Working system: System-488 (mediafire.com) I believe it should work with Infinity Oddysey client too. The files works flawless except for GeoData Superpoint and the current bugs mentioned in a few posts above by Anarchy at https://maxcheaters.com/topic/239441-europts-glory-days-by-nexten/?do=findComment&comment=2771917
  10. Thanks for this, and my post is going to be hell of a necro but I've got a question. Do you happen to have a version compatible with Prelude/C1 authentication without the use of blowfish? More like something as L2AuthD 40504. Thanks!
  11. Hey @pada! I have a couple more of questions, For "ioBufferSizeuptime", could you explain what is each value for? I know the last one is the uptime in minutes. For "currentplayers" versus "playing", I guess the first is the count of all the players logged in including those at the character seleciton screen, and the last is is only those who have already selected a character and are playing. For "inspectorCrc", what exactly is this and do you have to calculate this value? Thanks mate.
  12. Thank you a lot! But even with this we don't know what is all this data about, only a few ones as stated above. Do you also happen to know them all?
  13. So... Someone else tried with a RAW socket in PHP and... Message sent: 07 00 0E FD FF FF FF Answer received: 90 00 2e 01 00 00 00 4f 08 00 00 4f 08 00 00 42 08 00 00 08 01 00 00 30 00 2c 00 38 00 31 00 39 00 31 00 2c 00 32 00 35 00 34 00 37 00 37 00 38 00 2c 00 31 00 36 00 37 00 33 00 00 00 ed d5 00 00 08 e5 00 00 eb e8 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 4f 00 63 00 74 00 20 00 32 00 32 00 20 00 32 00 30 00 31 00 38 00 00 00 31 00 35 00 3a 00 31 00 39 00 3a 00 35 00 32 00 00 00 98 00 00 00 a6 23 f4 fe 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 HEX to ASCII: .OOB0,8191,254778,1673íÕåëèOct 22 201815:19:52¦#ôþ So far we have: Bytes 7~9 is max players Bytes 15~17 is current players Bytes 19~21 is player shops Does anyone in here got the packet structure to decode this response?
  14. What I send. 2091 6.246859 TCP 61 61705 → 7777 [PSH, ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=64240 Len=7 0000 a0 3d 6f 10 4f b4 60 45 cb a4 f3 08 08 00 45 00 0010 00 2f 71 c2 40 00 80 06 00 00 0a 00 01 73 40 19 0020 25 8c f1 09 1e 61 f0 7d 78 6a 3e cc b0 9b 50 18 0030 fa f0 71 39 00 00 07 00 0e ff ff ff fd What I get. 2100 6.430947 TCP 60 7777 → 61705 [RST, ACK] Seq=1 Ack=8 Win=0 Len=0 0000 60 45 cb a4 f3 08 a0 3d 6f 10 4f b4 08 00 45 00 0010 00 28 11 5d 40 00 73 06 85 5b 40 19 25 8c 0a 00 0020 01 73 1e 61 f1 09 3e cc b0 9b f0 7d 78 71 50 14 0030 00 00 d6 f6 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 So... Yeah. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. So I apparently forgot this is a RAW socket, hold on.
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