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Everything posted by Chakl22

  1. Yeah exactly but some already help me and got what i nee. Thx anyways.
  2. This server is thinked for have the best PVP experience possible, if u expect to have 100000 buffs slots, spam MANA POTIONS in PVP like there is no tomorrow this is not a server for u. Here u need to know how buff u and play smart knowing what skills to use for defeat ur enemy. Website: http://zerocool22.wix.com/l2warmachine
  3. Thx for try to help me, but that isn't good cause players can still having more than 1 item at time in the inventory, the only diference on is_stackable= false, is the item will ocupe diferent slots in the inventory.
  4. Chronicle: Freya l2jdp - revision="7968" l2j - revision="4601" The thing is i have an special item on the server, but i want when players try to buy this item, if they already have one then can't buy another till the one they already have get consumed.
  5. Need someone for do a fast test fo conectivity. Just in case some details about server.: Reply here or PM me and i send u the patch.
  6. Players don't get the Noblesse Buff after using ".res", can someone fix it? I see above someone write: L2Skill NobleBlesingBuff = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1323, 1); L2PcInstance activechar = (L2PcInstance) character; if (!activechar.isNoblesseBlessed()) { NobleBlesingBuff.getEffects(activechar,activechar); } but dunno after or replace what in L2CustomPVP.java.
  7. Chronicle: Freya l2jdp - revision="7968" l2j - revision="4601" I m looking for a SQL script for delete any type of drop from MOBS including ADENA.
  8. Can u adapt it for Freya please? thx.
  9. Chronicle: Freya l2jdp - revision="7968" l2j - revision="4601" I have a PVP Zone (players get insta Flagged when inside), and i would like players names change like xxx when they enter on this Zone, someone can put some light on what i need to modify? thx.
  10. Chronicle: Freya l2jdp - revision="7968" l2j - revision="4601" I would like to disable Mana Potions in ARENA zones.
  11. I m using last Rev. Freya. I m trying tu use a SCHEME buffer and i get a error in game when click the buffer: I do all the steps required: Put the in __init__.py en: C:\server\gameserver\data\scripts\custom\55555_NPCBUFFER Added custom/55555_NPCBUFFER/__init__.py a scripts Added SQL with the buffs in Navicat. Addedl NPC in custom_npc But i still getting the error posted above. :/
  12. Yeah was that the problem, thx u.
  13. Trying to compile HI5 Version STABLE: If someone can help please. :/ :-\
  14. Coming from this guys this will be something interesting for sure!
  15. Lot's of errors in Eclipse for H5.
  16. I know the Skill are in XML format now, but it's more easy to have the SQL. so i can find then by name more fast, etc.. well if someone can make the SQL or tell me about some program for transform XML to SQL will be great. Ty.
  17. Ok all working fine now! And my apologies for my temperament. ;)
  18. I love you Never and i know you love me to. So why fight?
  19. Ok, the for fix the flag bug on teleport inside Flag Zone: if (character instanceof L2PcInstance) { ((L2PcInstance) character).sendMessage("You enter a PvP Area"); ((L2PcInstance) character).setPvpFlag(1); +((L2PcInstance) character).broadcastUserInfo(); } } @Override protected void onExit(L2Character character) { character.setInsideZone(L2Character.ZONE_PVP, false); character.setInsideZone(L2Character.ZONE_NOSUMMONFRIEND, false); if (character instanceof L2PcInstance) { ((L2PcInstance) character).stopNoblesseBlessing(null); ((L2PcInstance) character).setPvpFlag(0); +((L2PcInstance) character).broadcastUserInfo(); ((L2PcInstance) character).sendMessage("You exit from a PvP Area"); Thx to AbSoLuTePoWeR The only think that still missing is the Random Respawn thing.
  20. Yeah can still attacking even if i see the other player with White Nick.
  21. Ok the problem is when the players Sapwn inside the Flaged Zone the others players can't see the Flaged Status, but when player Join on the Flaged Zone for themself like walking inside it's works. Now about the Feature for Player to Get Res for himself this never worked. Anyway thx to all the users who take the time for help me.
  22. Ty man this is working but there is other problem, the players only see the Flaged State on herself but not on the other players here the screen: http://i.imgur.com/emKS6.jpg[/img] Ok the problem is when the players Sapwn inside the Flaged Zone the others players can't see the Flaged Status, but when player Join on the Flaged Zone for themself it's works.
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