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Everything posted by Chakl22

  1. Hi i will like to make a GK but for teleport player need a x item for can go to 1 specific zone, for ex if you wanna use a Rad teleport you need 40 GB, something like that. ::)
  2. Aleast 1 guy who help me to fix this -beep-ing problem! Very -beep-ing thx man... =)
  3. Man get a fresh Compile with Eclipse: L2J Server Eclipse/SVN Guide: http://www.l2jserver.com/trac/wiki/Eclipse L2J DataPack Eclipse/SVN Guide: http://www.l2jdp.com/trac/wiki/Eclipse Nothing better than this so you can make all the changes/add on you want. With Precongig packs you are limitated.
  4. Well i m not a expert on eclipse but i knoe the basics thing compiling, apply patch etc... But this time i have a really strange problem, Eclipse stop show me in real time WARNINGS and Checks for see if i m writing some code in wrong way for example: Here Eclipse work fine likse should be show me errors etc, before compiling: This screen was some time ago whe i was using XP now i m with Win 7 x64, dunno if this can be the problem. But now not show anymore the errors, here i intentional put some bad code, but Eclipse don't give me any -beep-ing warning: my Configs: PD: I check and i have active: Project > Build Automatically, If someone can help me will be great, thx.
  5. Index: C:/L2_GameServer/java/config/other.properties =================================================================== + +#------------------------------------------ +# If you have >= 100 points +# You can buy usefull items +#------------------------------------------ +PVPMerchant = 100 Where put that in l2jserver don't have that other.properties...? or i need create a java file with that name and past the code inside?
  6. Some Dev. with nice skills can help me with this GK?
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