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Everything posted by Soula

  1. XAAXAXAX Never , oloi eimaste gay alla esi eisai sto poll
  2. Town : Ioannina City WHO'S THE GAY NOW
  3. ΠΧΟΙΟΣ Voted for Never more ta latinika fenonte poli cool 8)
  4. I Guess you must pay in order to have a developer improving them day by day
  5. and i like that Change name thingy @off : i guess you emoquit like 10 times till the match ends? 8)
  6. Stop Spamming Gregor Warned,Next time i will punish you ! Its Great i hear that changes
  7. Ήταν άλλη μία ώριμη απάντηση από τον VeGe
  8. Relax gataki , edw o author tou topic pezei na min 3erei gri ellinika
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