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Everything posted by Vanes

  1. Maybe 9, cause I disagree.
  2. Oι εικόνες σε κάποια skill έχουν πρόβλημα.
  3. Σαν εξυπνάκιας που είμαι, θα σε ενημερώσω πως είναι bump και σημαίνει bring up my post.
  4. Εγώ δε μπορώ να κάνω edit. Μάλλον θα κάνω c/p το guide του sws με αυτό το acc και θα ζητήσω να μην πάρω karma.
  5. Μπορείς να τα χωρίσεις σε Human Fighter, Human Mystic, Elven Fighter, Elven Mystic κτλπ Να είναι πιο ευπαρουσίαστε ρε αδερφέ...
  6. Do we look like we suffer from inferiority complex?
  7. Damn, I feel embarrassed.
  8. And my posts are so epic that everyone has a quote from them in his sig !
  9. I am disappointed from you :/
  10. I have more posts than you on "Billistain" and it's banned like 3 months now qq
  11. I've got 300 posts + 7xx in spam section. Does this count? :P
  12. @wc lfp If you're clanless then go to Giran and type "!WC LFP". That's all you can do.
  13. Necropolis είναι ο Merchant, όχι ο bs.
  14. HAHAHAHA You just reminded me of one of the most epic threads ever created in a forum http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=614033
  15. Αυτό δεν είναι τίποτα. Τόσα baium camp από τις 3 μέχρι τις 9 το πρωί έχω κάνει.
  16. Είναι μέσα, δίπλα στο άγαλμα που σε πάει rift.
  17. Κάνει spawn τη δεύτερη βδομάδα των seven signs και βγαίνει τυχαία σε μία catacomb, κάνοντας teleport σε άλλη κάθε τόσο.
  18. +1 from me ! on-topic: Soul Eater
  20. You're joking, right? on-topic... Once again, you'll force me to remind you that L2 is a damn ROLE PLAYING GAME. This means that you can't make comparisons between all classes. You cannot compare an archer to a healer, or a nuker to a summoner, simply because everyone has it's own DIFFERENT role in pvp/pve.
  21. And I would advise you to think before you post. Since he has it in his PC and it's not his, it's obviously downloaded from the Internet. Therefore, I was asking for the link he downloaded the video from.
  22. omfg have you ever played in a factor clan in a low rate? Dreaming Spirit's MP consumption is so low. Just ask a EE to buff Clarity on you and it becomes even lower. Btw there's not an EE stupid enough to waste more than 10 % of his MP on any class except from Cards.
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