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Everything posted by Sectis

  1. here are the files http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=69451.0 now about how to use them refer to one of the thousand "how to create server " thingys here
  2. exo mia idea gt dn mathenis siga siga java ke na arxisis koutsa straba ligo to l2j dp developing meta siga siga core deving ? dn ine ke diskolo arxika apla paratiris polii kala mathenodas taftoxrona ta basika tis java an thes boro na sou anafero pia ine se pribe pm :)
  3. kita ligo to ench1time kathorizi poso tha kratai opote leme tora exis bali ton xrono 3600 = 1 ora to enchant level 2 ine 1280 20 lepta ara otan to kanis level 2 ine les ke ginete reset ke dn sou prostheti xrono aplos allazi to poso tha kratai opos ego stin thesis sou tha alaza olous tous ench1time apo 1 ora ke kati parapano se kati level :)
  4. mmm yes but u have to find it and set it up
  5. well seed of anihilation is good and enormus area also seed of destructions seems good but small and too linear and finaly plains of lizzardmen seems awesome lol
  6. u should search the core files to understand how things work in my opinion search all the pcinstance thingy and all the imports it calls to get a basic idea then start litle by litle to chose ur path let say what u wont to be specialized at ? in AI's ? instances ? events ? or whatever search the core files of whatever u wana do but u must know good java to do that cuz some things in core are nuff hard to understand cuz some also use some complex logic and btw u could also search the datapack for lots of examples but if u wana make some thing made from brett16 u must learn the logic that l2j uses and that is not the easyest but if u manage to doit then ur on a good path :). P.S sorry for my english am not da best
  7. dld pos to exis kani apo ta properties i apo ta skill files ? opos ke na to kanis apo ta 2 pali sosto bgeni an ke nmz pos tha itane kalitera na afisis ta properties athikta ke alakse ena ena ton xrono sta skills isos etsi se boithisi
  9. guys does anyone have a good guide bout c++ pointers ? i stacked fer some time and is till cant understand them verry well havent still grasped the full meaning
  10. thats some nice tricks :) awesome i can say
  11. it doesnt work for me saddly
  12. how to say i mean the _sh file that looks like its glowing a second layer to the texture something like that
  13. so i only edit _ori files but what aobut the shaders that are the npcs original colour ? sorry but am soo lost here in texturing world lol
  14. soo guys sorry but am newby at texturing so i folowed ventics guide to export a texture soo my question is bout the _SP and _ori type files wich one i edit cuz those are related but distinct texts on i searched most of the guides but with no luck soo if anyone could enlight me i'll be very gratefull :)
  15. telioo game XD i wait to buy it wen i buy a psp lol
  16. guys imagine how l2 was at start that how aion is now imagine how it will be in 6 years XD big as l2 or biger who knows lol
  17. basicaly i wait for kingdom hearts 3 awesome game XD
  18. hi i found this site while i was searching on how to set up a server well about me am a proud bot my names george and i wish we help eachother with l2dev XD
  19. guys can anyonepost the client weapon grp texts i tryd to convert vesper ones to match but still no luck so if anyone can post them for epilogue that would be nice XD cuz those are so danm nice
  20. pados gia kalo boxx ego tha edina toulaxiston 120 ke pano ke afto an valis thinks pou aksizoun xodro donate px custom armors ke weapons ke ala
  21. guys i instaled those but i cant see the mooving part of some weapons em i missing somethink here ? the weapons i mean are the pereztear hammer aka 25003 and sacredumors aka 25007
  22. lipon exo kani modifie ena script na ke exo adari kapies lines lipon thelo to skill na to kani me rnd 100 < 20 ke hp 1/7 ke thelo mia voithia epidi ine episis ena minion spawn script ke otan kani to skill lei afto pou vlepete kato ala nmz oti tha to kani mia fora to skill ego thelo na to kani gia pada ala taftoxrona to skill na min bori to mob na to kani apo mono dld na ine completely ai handled lipon kamia idea ? [ c o d e ] # By Evil33t import sys from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.ai import CtrlIntention from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables import SkillTable from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model import L2Skill from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest import State from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets import CreatureSay from net.sf.l2j.util import Rnd DARION = 25603 GUARD1 = 22405 GUARD2 = 22343 GUARD3 = 22342 class PyObject: pass class Quest (JQuest) : def __init__(self,id,name,descr): JQuest.__init__(self,id,name,descr) self.npcobject = {} def SpawnMobs(self,npc): newNpc = self.addSpawn(GUARD1,21381,243815,11086,0,False,0,False, npc.getInstanceId()) newNpc = self.addSpawn(GUARD1,22291,243500,11086,0,False,0,False, npc.getInstanceId()) newNpc = self.addSpawn(GUARD1,22480,244021,11086,0,False,0,False, npc.getInstanceId()) newNpc = self.addSpawn(GUARD1,21822,244464,11086,0,False,0,False, npc.getInstanceId()) newNpc = self.addSpawn(GUARD1,21745,243406,11086,0,False,0,False, npc.getInstanceId()) newNpc = self.addSpawn(GUARD2,21402,244104,11086,0,False,0,False, npc.getInstanceId()) newNpc = self.addSpawn(GUARD2,21519,243573,11086,0,False,0,False, npc.getInstanceId()) newNpc = self.addSpawn(GUARD2,22456,243728,11086,0,False,0,False, npc.getInstanceId()) newNpc = self.addSpawn(GUARD3,22362,244281,11086,0,False,0,False, npc.getInstanceId()) newNpc = self.addSpawn(GUARD3,22024,243381,11086,0,False,0,False, npc.getInstanceId()) newNpc = self.addSpawn(GUARD3,21568,244344,11086,0,False,0,False, npc.getInstanceId()) newNpc = self.addSpawn(GUARD3,22117,244446,11086,0,False,0,False, npc.getInstanceId()) def onAttack(self, npc, player, damage, isPet, skill): npcId = npc.getNpcId() if npcId == DARION: try: test = self.npcobject[npc.getObjectId()] except: self.npcobject[npc.getObjectId()] = PyObject() self.npcobject[npc.getObjectId()].started = False self.npcobject[npc.getObjectId()].killed = False self.npcobject[npc.getObjectId()].hp_to_spawn = {} self.npcobject[npc.getObjectId()].hp_to_spawn[90]=False self.npcobject[npc.getObjectId()].hp_to_spawn[70]=False self.npcobject[npc.getObjectId()].hp_to_spawn[50]=False self.npcobject[npc.getObjectId()].hp_to_spawn[30]=False self.npcobject[npc.getObjectId()].hp_to_spawn[10]=False self.npc.addSkill[skillTable.getInstance()].getInfo(5503, 1)) maxHp = npc.getMaxHp() nowHp = npc.getStatus().getCurrentHp() rnd = Rnd.get(100) if (nowHp < maxHp*0.9) and not self.npcobject[npc.getObjectId()].hp_to_spawn[90]: self.npcobject[npc.getObjectId()].hp_to_spawn[90] = True self.SpawnMobs(npc) if (nowHp < maxHp*0.7) and not self.npcobject[npc.getObjectId()].hp_to_spawn[70]: self.npcobject[npc.getObjectId()].hp_to_spawn[70] = True self.SpawnMobs(npc) if (nowHp < maxHp*0.5) and not self.npcobject[npc.getObjectId()].hp_to_spawn[50]: self.npcobject[npc.getObjectId()].hp_to_spawn[50] = True self.SpawnMobs(npc) if (nowHp < maxHp*0.3) and not self.npcobject[npc.getObjectId()].hp_to_spawn[30]: self.npcobject[npc.getObjectId()].hp_to_spawn[30] = True self.SpawnMobs(npc) if (nowHp < maxHp*0.1) and not self.npcobject[npc.getObjectId()].hp_to_spawn[10]: self.npcobject[npc.getObjectId()].hp_to_spawn[10] = True self.SpawnMobs(npc) if (rnd < 23 ( nowHp < maxHp*0.2() npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(5503, 1)) npc.broadcastPacket(CreatureSay(npc.getObjectId(),0,npc.getName(),"All Shall Fall!!!")) def onKill(self,npc,player,isPet): npcId = npc.getNpcId() if npcId == DARION: self.addSpawn(32374,21939,243917,11088,0,False,0,False, player.getInstanceId()) self.npcobject[npc.getObjectId()].killed = True return QUEST = Quest(-1,"Darion","ai") QUEST.addKillId(DARION) QUEST.addAttackId(DARION) print "[Darion Manager ] [Loaded]"
  23. well i will explain here how do we do a custom transformation i explain what we need first off all a small knowledge of xml understand how skills work how to create ur own buffs/debuffs/magik/atacking skills and other types also a knowledge to edit client also how to edit java not creating it we dont need uncompiled pack to do this we can do it on compiled allready AND!!! download notepad++ it will make ur work way much easyer trust me Smiley ON TO THE GUIDE!! create copy a xml from gameserver/data/stats/skills file delete all the skills inside but keep the <list>and </list> and keep the encoding at the start id the xml rename it to whatever number we wont i chose 75100-75199 copy an existing transform skill heres the anakim trans <skill id="664" levels="1" name="Transform Anakim"> <set name="mpConsume" val="31"/> <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/> <set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/> <set name="isMagic" val="true"/> <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/> <set name="hitTime" val="2500"/> <set name="reuseDelay" val="14400000"/> <set name="staticReuse" val="true"/> <set name="staticHitTime" val="true"/> <set name="transformId" val="306"/> <cond msgId="1509"> <player olympiad="false"/> </cond> <for> <effect name="Transformation" time="1800" val="0"/> <!-- Transformation lasts 30 minutes --> </for> </skill> the key part here is the transform id the transform id u find it in gameserver\data\scripts\transformations there u will see the transform id (so then how do we know thats anakim ?) now in system file theres a file named transformdata.dat open it and u will see go to id 306 and u will 2 lines like that 306 0 13100 0 LineageEffect.s_u833_transform LineageEffect.s_u833_transform 0 0 0 0 306 1 13100 0 LineageEffect.s_u833_transform LineageEffect.s_u833_transform 0 0 0 0 where 13100 is the anakim one another anakim sql so copy this lines change the transform id and the npc id to what u wont wen ur done with it encode it again with file editor so next step u copy the transform skill of anakim and u change the name to transform antharas etc and change the transform id and change also the skill number and rename it to 75100 or 75176 whatever u wont and put level 1 NOW on to the java file copy a transform java from the path i showed to u before import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.TransformationManager; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Transformation; public class Frog extends L2Transformation { public Frog() { // id, colRadius, colHeight super(111, -1, 20, 9); } public void onTransform() { if (getPlayer().getTransformationId() != 111 || getPlayer().isCursedWeaponEquipped()) return; transformedSkills(); } public void transformedSkills() { // Decrease Bow/Crossbow Attack Speed getPlayer().addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(5491, 1), false); // Transfrom Dispel getPlayer().addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(619, 1), false); getPlayer().setTransformAllowedSkills(new int[]{5491,619}); } public void onUntransform() { removeSkills(); } public void removeSkills() { // Decrease Bow/Crossbow Attack Speed getPlayer().removeSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(5491, 1), false); // Transfrom Dispel getPlayer().removeSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(619, 1), false); getPlayer().setTransformAllowedSkills(new int[]{}); } public static void main(String[] args) { TransformationManager.getInstance().registerTransformation(new Frog()); } } Where frog u will put Antharas in all 3 places and down where it says register new trans that have transform name where 20 and 9 is width and height pu the ur desired width and heidth of ur mob where -1 leave it as it is and rename the file to ur transform name antharas in this case now wen ur done with the java file save it to the path where all transformations are then edit the scripts.cfg in gameserver/data/scripts.cfg ade this line transformations/Zombie.java in our case we will put transformations/Antharas.java where in the group where all transformations are now close it and save it now we edit system the skilgrp.dat put this line with ur transform skill id 75100 1 7 1 44 4294967295 1 2.50000000 1 A icon.skilltransform1 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 where 75100 put ur transform skill id and skillsoundgrp.dat 75100 1 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 chrsound.m_hfighter_call chrsound.f_hfighter_call chrsound.m_darkelf_call chrsound.f_darkelf_call chrsound.m_dwarf_type_c chrsound.f_dwarf_type_c chrsound.m_elf_call chrsound.f_elf_call chrsound.m_hmagician_call chrsound.f_hmagician_call chrsound.m_orc_fighter_type_c chrsound.f_orc_fighter_type_c chrsound.m_orc_magician_type_c chrsound.f_orc_magician_type_c chrsound.MKamael_TypeC_S chrsound.FKamael_TypeC_S chrsound.m_hfighter_throw chrsound.f_hfighter_throw chrsound.m_darkelf_throw chrsound.f_darkelf_throw chrsound.m_dwarf_throw chrsound.f_dwarf_throw chrsound.m_elf_throw chrsound.f_elf_throw chrsound.m_hmagician_throw chrsound.f_hmagician_throw chrsound.m_orc_fighter_throw chrsound.f_orc_fighter_throw chrsound.m_orc_magician_throw chrsound.f_orc_magician_throw chrsound.MKamael_throw chrsound.FKamael_throw 250.00000000 50.00000000 where 75100 put ur transform skill id and skillname.dat 75100 1 a,Transform Anakim\0 a,Transform to Anakim.\0 a,none\0 a,none\0 where 75100 put ur transform skill id and where Transform Anakim put ur transformation name now go ingame press shift click on urself skills ade skills down in the window put ur skill id and level and press the skill and ZOOMG theres ur trans XD if u need any help lemme know in this topic dont pm me cuz others must learn also if they have some mistake in the code hope u enjoyed my guide have a nice transcrazyness XD!!! AND!!! Credits gows to me sectis XD thanks for reading and reminding me of that hehe
  24. any moderator please delete this post i transfered my guide here http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=127907.0
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