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Everything posted by kurameboli

  1. I liked this server when it was managed by pro developers .... now with the new staff those retarded owners totaly fuked up the server ....always the old school is the best ...... :|
  2. Ok but i will lose aaaaaaaaaaaLL the maps that i got + all the new add-ons ........... [ tell me how to re-install without losing my things ]
  3. My video cart is cool [ when i create a game its working good ], My connection speed is actualy not the problem ..... i have good ping .... but as i said its not about my speed .... and realy i don't know how to solve this .......... [ when i fire i wait about 1 second then it shoots ..... but when i create a game its normal .... only when i join other servers i have this problem ......... [ BTW i restarted the mode ]
  4. I already did that ...... but its same ......
  5. Omg man , i said its not about the ping !!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have 10 ping and its same ....... [ the link that u gave me about the userconfig file ... its pure sh1t ......... i use it ( with fast / vfast ) i have everything same ......... MY PROBLEM NOT SOlVED YET , help me please .
  6. Marwan has internet connection under ROUTER ...... that is his problem ...... there are some steps to take when u are using private router ..... if anybody can help him ..... :-)
  7. Hey i have a serious problem on my cs 1.6 .... it happens on all servers i join no matter if my ping is 10 or even 140 ..... its same ..... well when i press on fire button i wait about 1 or 2 seconds till the gun starts to shoot !!!! this is realy annoying ... Help me pelase if u know how to solve this cursed evil problem !!!!!!!!
  8. Dude .... put a guide , HOW to disable options from the hack ..... and whick buttons run the hack !!!!
  9. now the deffence of all mages nerfed , WTF .............
  10. dude BTW from ur website: Enchant Safe : 25 Enchant Max : 25 Enchant Rate : 100% Bleassed Enchant Rate : 85% Hell tell me wtf is that bull sh1t ??? and btw whats the point of all +25 ? 4 hours playing and =====>>> BORING then a quick shift + delete .....
  11. dude buffer stops working after u //reload skills !!! and u need to rr all the server
  12. OMG are u from brazil or u are just a BR ? , first play the server then faking complain man .............. i am a god damn SPS on this server and i pwn everybody even in mass pvp ......... me alone vs 3 daggers i kill them ........ same with tanks ...... and other classes ...... nobody can kill me ..... only if some ppl come in pt with bishop ....... and if 3 archers attack me in same time . Necro hit more than archer dude OMG really i have no words for u ...... the best necros on the server hit me 248 dmg each hit !!!and 800 criticals !!!!! BUT archers hit me each critical 1.6k and sometimes 1.9k with heroic valor ...... with high attack speed + insane criticals ...... SO WHERE IS THE BALANCE ........... dude play the server then u can feel free and post whatever u want ..... ZOMG
  13. Lmao mofo this is not a falme topic , HERE u talk about the server all u know without saying sh1t ...... i told u i play 2 days and i see everything how is it going .... but u talk sh1t and u ask me what class is for pvp ?!?! [[[[ well nobody playing daggers / NO orcs / No gladiators / No tanks / ]]]] and server always getting crash because of the new L2Jkiller 4.0 new version ...............
  14. WTF or what balance are u talking about ? and what mass pvp u talking about ? i play there 2 days and i see whats going on ...... there is NO balance ..... all the server are archers with insane attack speed and almost all hits criticals and mages with high mage crit rate .... this is all the server ..... other classes are nothing nobody playing other classes ......... ARCHERS AND MAGES this is it , what balance u talking about MOFO .............. (( and what mass pvp are u fakin talking about ? mofos spamm cancel then clan hall b soe )) ** about life stones ..... u need to kill a raid boss 10 times in order to get 10 costum items to change for 1 ls & the chance of getting a skill is 5% {aproved by gm} *** And by the way ...... now all the staff of this server is changed !!!! the old owners are gone .... now some bunch of retards are managing the server with some epic failed features ...............
  15. its not a big deal to start again or alone ....... as i said in 2 or 3 hours u make full + 25 .............. [ the problem is that in this server only 2 classes ..... archers and mages ] lol
  16. This server ............... yeah always 100+++ online .......... [ its the old school of interlude pvp ] / but its boring ..... u play 2 hours and make full + 25 .... then u go pvp ...... and u get bored very fast ..... [ augments not working / the interlude skills not working at all / all the server are archers and mages .................. other classes are dead and u can't try to play other class cause its waste of time u gonna die in seconds ............ [ archers hit very fast + high crit rate / and mages high fast with high mag crit rate ..... THIS IS THE SERVER ] * when u are dagger u hit mages back stab 600dmg ..... ( dagger classes are dead ) The costum weps are pure sh1t [ giving 300 magic dmg or 300 p attack ONLY and no other stats ] the costum shop is really NOOB WORK ..... a shopping buggs ........ Thats all about this server ......... Thx for attention .
  17. im talking about the S grade + getting the SA .... then the B scrolls , then the life stones ....
  18. Nice features ...... [ but first make the damn web-site ]
  19. This server !!!!!!!!!! EPIC FAIL !!!!!!!! [ pvp high rate and u have to farm ages for items ...... / in oly here come the EPIC SH!T ....... there is not balance ..... players join oly with buffs ...... pladins use the sacrifice then angelic icon bugg .......... the oly is a holly damn epic fail in this server ............the skills not working properly ....... the rest is normal .... [ server very boring ]
  20. from the web site features : When you take the armor seal off it loses the enchants. When you SA a weapon it loses the enchants. but in here u said that u don't lose enchants WTF ?!?!?!? Note: If your antivirus found a virus in your patch, dont worry, its just a false positive!. Just disable it and download the patch again. It is everything alright with the patch and its totally clean [[[ LMAO ]]] ............. dude are u joking ?
  21. PPL want a real interlude pvp server !!!!!! [ did u ever hear about l2 extreme ? ] this is what ppl are looking for .............. REAL server and by the way u tell me that this is not farm server ? [ ooh really ..... u get ur self fuked up till u farm the items needed for the costum armor and wep ..... and other miscs ....... dude this server is [ one silly admin who wanna make some cash ] then he opens server and wait for fools to join and say wow super server ......
  22. This server is pure ribbish ...... WASTE of time ..... server for donators only ........... + nothing is like retail ...... [ the enchant rate is not retail (realy dead rate) / the drop rate is not retail (when u kill mobs for some item drop u cand ream about it )/ the buffs are not retail / the items status is not retail [ some wep is supposed to give a special bonus but its giving other sh1t ...... ] its only playing playing in an illusion then when u wake up and say SH!T this server is fake ...... Thats all from me :-)
  23. Thats more liked baby :D :D thx dude ..... u gave me D-Key !!!! :-) [ after i finish .... i need to patch the added files ] so players can see my effects ?? ;D ;D
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