Skill Slow - Chance 65% effect 15 sec.
Effect chance my ass _|_ in l2 java even u you put it 99 or even if you type it 200 or what ever its still bugged ..... this is java dude .... buggs inside !!!!!!!!!!
oMG the web-sit is zomg ....... banner made with holly fuKKK ....... TOTAL NEWBIES ...... i will check the server and i will post what the fuk is up later ............ i hope the server is not so fakin noobish as the web-site .
Lol ....... i hope that =linkin= will be the one and only Gm .......... also i know him prety good better than you :D realy im waiting for the server's next stage ^_^ gogogo dude rock the guitar and show us who is the man who is the mada faka l2 dev :P
This server is just perfect BUT i don't know WHYYYYYYYY the admin doesn't give a damn fuKKKKK about his server ....... i think that he will close it ......... or maybe he is lil bit busy with the University i think :)
Next time ........ stay alert to admin's actions or just play on the server for coulpe of days to get sure the server is good / working ........ then feel free to post it .
Dude ppl play pvp high rate servers to get items fast then go for pvp ......... i won't lose 3 days for farming ........ in your stupid server that is l2 JAVA !!!!!!!!!!! with corrupted gms giving free stuff to friends ....... and CANCELING buffs for enemies ....... holly fuk-ed server ..... corrupted retards ........ burn in hell
* I play hard hours and hours to get some + 0 sh1ts ........... then the gm friends come for 10 min ....... full items maxed .... give me a break you fuking IDIOT ........ your server is CORRUPTED sh1t !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* I will never lick gm's ass for even 1kk adena !!!!!!!!!!!!
* Another sh1t ........ people play with a class very good then the next day ..... booom boom the mofo admin nerfing the class ... so we have to farm for another armour and another wep and just delete the old stuff from the nerfed class .......... next day same sh1t after people find another good class ........ farm items then the gm on the next day bam bam ........ class nerfed and so on .........
This server is biggest EPIC FAIL same as the admin but double fail !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Farm 1 day for 1 part or armour .......with 30 ppl online ........ better accomplish a suicide act !!!!!!!!!!!! FTW
* Waiting for the server grand close day ^_^
Dude look around .... find a little hole & --------------> Jump Inside !!!!
[server not working / website down] just no comments ... go die on the moon or chose another planet because here one arth nobody will accept your corpse !!!!!
Lock my ass ........ idiots this is not preview !!!! The server is online , go to fuking web site and check !!!!! Just its in Beta ....... so people can join and test whats up ... thats ALL !!!!!!!!
Very good server , people join za sh1iiiiiiiiiiit you gonna like it :-) , and mr admin ..... add GMs speaking english please FTW :D
* AND fix za ENGLISH web-site .
Dudes ......... nobody is playing on 1 same pvp server for more than 1 week ......... so whats the big deal if the wipe is 6 month or even 6 weeks ......... ALSO the server will not last that long LOL [ server will be online for max 4 or 6 weeks MAX ]
so have the meal and play the deal mufflerszzz ^_^