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Everything posted by Beastlike

  1. well imo is the best out there.thats why i did add it
  2. i am thinking about a mac too.
  3. Beastlike

    My Dream!

    Well i am about to buy a new pc so i decided to make one!i am just wondering what u ppl think.
  4. Downloading.Also i cant wait for i always wanted to buy a macbook but i didnt know which and why!Hope i will now...! @Watched the video already!and YES I DO REALLY WANT A MAC !!!!also have u considered uploading the videos on youtube?since you are a mac "geek" u can help a lot of ppl
  5. Everything is nice except the max enchant!Good luck with your server.! also if was non custom would be better :-*
  6. Θυμάμαι όταν ήμουν 8 χρονων παιδάκι και είχαμε ακούσει πως θα ερχόταν να κάνει μια παράσταση.Είχαμε όλοι τρελαθεί.Χαρά όχι μαλακίες!Πάντα ήμουν θαυμαστής του έργου που δημιούργησε για αυτό έχω και σχεδόν όλες τις φιγούρες!Κρίμα που πολλοί από εσάς δεν μεγαλώσατε με έναν καραγκιόζη διπλα σας
  7. τι θελει να πει ο ποιητης?
  8. * Inicio * * Asistente de Cuentas * * Como Conectar * * Info o Rates Server Mid o Rates Server Low o Requisitos para jugar * * Guias o Personaje + Razas + Estilos de Pelo + Colores de Pelo + Caras o Objetos Dynasty + Armas + Caravan certificate o Alas Celestial L2 o Capas de Castillos o Raid Boss Celestial L2 o Certificated Skills o Armas Icarus * * Normas o Normas Servidor MID o Normas Servidor PvP * * Donaciones o Donaciones para Alquiler * * Afiliados * * Foro * * Buscador Drop mucho spanish!
  9. απο ποτε αποφασιζει ο καθε αναπηρος που την εχει δει καποιος?
  10. εσυ τα διαβαζεις καθε μερα?
  11. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=127184.0 have fun :)
  12. well every1 got an opinion.watch your language.He said that is homemade and YES its the fucking true!so shut it and dont reply back with IDIOT etc.
  13. you should relax with tripleposting
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