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Everything posted by embass

  1. Spam some other thread tyvm. I haven't provided any link so this is obviously a +1 post.
  2. I have recently rented a dedicated server which way surpasses my needs. As such, I'm willing to offer a FREE webhosting WITHOUT ads, no redirects, no hidden banners or any of that crap to anyone that asks me nicely. Your website would be located at yoursite.temptation-network.com You would get 300MB of webspace hosting, 1 mysql database and direct ftp access. All that we ask in return is that you place a small link to our home site in the footer (bottom of the page). There are few restrictions though: - No viruses, malware, shareware, porn, malicious software or any kind of crap like that. If we find that on your website it will be deleted along with the website itself; - You are to place NO ADS on your website other than logos that you made by yourself; - You are not allowed to try getting access (hacking) to any other part of the server. Doing that will result in an immediate ip ban + website deletion + possible wide ip ban (ip range) if it continues. This is NOT a trick of any kind. I am simply willing to share the unneeded resources I have at my disposal to someone that can't afford it by himself. Those interested in the offer can request hosting by: -sending an email request to staff@temptation-network.com with the subject of "Requesting website hosting" -requesting it over msn at staff@temptation-network.com I will respond as soon as I possibly can. Regards, Velin. p.s. Mods feel free to move this thread in any section you wish. Wasn't sure where to place it.
  3. Link is not working. Download not found. Please update your link or the topic will be locked.
  4. Google is your friend. html tutorial java tutorial php tutorial google for dummies tutorial...
  5. Good job for taking it from fyyre and not posting a link TO HIS SITE DIRECTLY as he requested. http://fyyre.ivory-tower.de/
  6. Sure you can run it, but you cant do shit with it.
  7. Have you tried to teleport there during sieges? Townhascastleduringsiege...
  8. Yes lawl. How on earth did you even imagine running a server with 512mb of ALLOCATED ram. Increase your number to 1024 ATLEAST. java -server -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xmx2048m -Xms1024m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -Xnoclassgc -XX:+AggressiveOpts Probably not related but you never know.
  9. Hetzner is german provider. What the hell are you babling about?
  10. Not enough priviledges. Are you trying to install from a quest account?
  11. Doesn't the error already say everything? You have duplicated entries, that skill already exists. Tell us more about what you're doing and we'll try to help.
  12. Wth horus. html files don't get packed as jar. Jar is a JAVA archive repository. filename.java = java filename.html = HTML (web) format. Anyway execute this query in the navicat and tell us what it says select * from teleport where id = 50009
  13. There are plenty of guides here. Just use the search button...
  14. Navicat is NOT just a program. It's the best program out there to run/read queries on a mysql/mssql/oracle server. And since l2j basically is using mysql server to store it's structure your program is pointless. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying (or flaming at that point) your program is useless. It's just that it will never reach the functionalities that navicat has. For example. In navicat, I can open the queries section and type down this select id,name,hp,patk,pdef,matk,mdef from npc where type like '%grandboss%' and id between 29000 and 29030 This will show me the status of every grandboss. If I wanted to add the normal raids on the list, I could simply add a few additional words to the query. Where as in your program, I'd have to ask you to include that query in in the first place, wait for a release and then reask for every minor chance (which takes about 10s to do in navicat) I wanted to have. Anyway I won't respond anymore as I feel like I'm bashing you (which is totally not my point in the first place). Good luck with your program and let me know if you need any help.
  15. You said it twice it's not the right place. Wouldn't be more useful if you just told him where to place it in the first place?
  16. http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html (Xampp for windows) http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-linux.html (Lampp for windows) Xampp/lampp includes mysql server, php extensions and apache/perl server. all of those get installed with one simple click and an easy to guide you through installer. Never heard of diskw before. Don't trust it at all.
  17. What exactly is this supposed to do? Connect to your database and do...? Use navicat or the tool included in the mysql lawl. It's 100% virus clean, no memory leaks either and with shitloads of usefull functions. It's ok if you wish to learn on visual basic (I'd take c++ c# over it any day of the week) I guess, but don't see a reason of learning a vb to make this tool.
  18. This isn't an exploit ffs. It is how the internet works. Google for define:ping /facepalm. Plus it's illegal to do that in the first place. If the owners of that website capture the traffic and post the logs to your isp, then there is a high probability that your contract will get terminated = no internet. Do you want that lawl?
  19. Lawl is it even allowed to post something like this?
  20. This is outdated. 90% of the lol servers and 100% of the updated ones got build in protection that will auto ban you if you do this. Locked.
  21. Haven't though of actually using the html to make a message lawl. Thanks for the idea.
  22. Played on it for quite a while until I got fed up with the incompetence on staff's side and left. Made my own server and guess what, atleast 3/4 of the people I knew switched over to mine. It takes ages to fix trivial updates (archer range for example is bugged for like 7 months now), few of the staff members are corrupted. Sad thing is they don't even bother to deny it anymore since none of them give a darn anymore. But hey, who am to judge... Just look at their forum and see it for yourself. Used to be a GREAT server until a year ago. Community progressed, staff didn't. It's dead now.
  23. SELECT * FROM npc WHERE type='L2Monster' and level between 1 and 10 ORDER BY level DESC This is not related to php at all. It's a simple mysql query. More info here: http://www.w3schools.com/Sql/sql_between.asp
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