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Everything posted by Sponz

  1. I sell here gatherbot MySQL connection Stats qounter live preview on GRNET ( #gatherstyle #gather.gr #gatherway #noobwars #battlenet #topgaming #hl-gather ) HLTV connection Money from paypal. answer here or send a pm ;)
  2. After 20mns its ok now :)
  3. Scammer after taking euros did scamm gfus :S ====================================== Chat logs: dnpawkala@papaki.net (Η διεύθυνση ηλ. ταχ. δεν έχει επαληθευτεί) (dnpawkala@papaki.net) middleman_mxc@hotmail.com (middleman_mxc@hotmail.com) (4:48 μμ) dnpawkala@papaki: ?? (4:48 μμ) dnpawkala@papaki.net (Η διεύθυνση ηλ. ταχ. δεν έχει επαληθευτεί) has changed his/her status to Busy (4:48 μμ) Δεν ήταν δυνατή η παράδοση του ακόλουθου μηνύματος σε όλους τους παραλήπτες: ?? (4:48 μμ) dnpawkala@papaki: dsa (4:48 μμ) Δεν ήταν δυνατή η παράδοση του ακόλουθου μηνύματος σε όλους τους παραλήπτες: dsa Session Start: Σάββατο, 26 Νοεμβρίου 2011 dnpawkala@papaki.net (E-mail Address Not Verified) (dnpawkala@papaki.net) Middle (middleman_mxc@hotmail.com) (3:39 μμ) dnpawkala@papaki: hey (3:39 μμ) Middle: yes (3:39 μμ) dnpawkala@papaki: from (3:40 μμ) Middle: Romania, why (3:40 μμ) dnpawkala@papaki: me greece so.. i wanna buy steam account with cs16 How many euros? (3:41 μμ) Middle: how much are u willing to give ? (3:41 μμ) dnpawkala@papaki.net (E-mail Address Not Verified) has changed his/her status to Busy (3:41 μμ) dnpawkala@papaki: 6euros? ; ;p (3:41 μμ) Middle: got teamviewer ? (3:41 μμ) dnpawkala@papaki: yes (3:41 μμ) Middle: give me id/pass u pay with paypal right ? (3:41 μμ) dnpawkala@papaki: yes (3:42 μμ) dnpawkala@papaki: 159 639 343 421 4213* (3:43 μμ) Middle: I logged out teamviewer (3:43 μμ) dnpawkala@papaki: w8 1 sec.. ;/ (3:43 μμ) Middle: yes (3:44 μμ) Middle: finished seting up ur security questions ? (3:44 μμ) dnpawkala@papaki: connected (3:44 μμ) Middle: give me again id/pass from twier (3:44 μμ) dnpawkala@papaki: 159 639 343 2472 (3:45 μμ) dnpawkala@papaki: u got 0 euros lol? (3:46 μμ) dnpawkala@papaki: safety message (3:47 μμ) Middle: ok I received (3:47 μμ) dnpawkala@papaki: (3:47 μμ) Middle: tell me ur steam acc name (3:47 μμ) dnpawkala@papaki: new? to create a acc? (3:47 μμ) dnpawkala@papaki: i do not have steam. (3:47 μμ) Middle: yeah (3:47 μμ) dnpawkala@papaki: PinwFribes (3:47 μμ) Middle: open teamviewer (3:48 μμ) dnpawkala@papaki: i didnt make a steam pf w8 ;s (3:50 μμ) dnpawkala@papaki: ready (3:51 μμ) dnpawkala@papaki: now wait 1 sec (3:51 μμ) dnpawkala@papaki: tipe here again ur steam acc name PinwFribes (4:03 μμ) Middle: tell me the email wich u used to register ur steam acc (4:03 μμ) dnpawkala@papaki: trel0s@live.com (4:05 μμ) Middle: wait a bit I logout msn and go on another to see smthing brb fast (4:05 μμ) dnpawkala@papaki: ?? (4:05 μμ) Middle is now Offline ============================ photo
  4. i added you but i am still waiting you to be online..
  5. Opoios einai fasistas an exei ta @@ na katevei se poreia pou ginate oloi mages..
  6. hello i wanna buy a steam account with counter strike paypal
  7. to product key mpenei mono mia fora.. to cs kanei 10euro...sta @@ sas h krish xD
  8. ...you are from..? i can give you some good GG servers but the ping is a little probl if you are not Greek.
  9. [script] on *:TEXT:!add:%channel:{ if (%add == 1) { set $2 } } on *:TEXT:!add*a:%channel:{ if (%add == 1) { checkteamsa } } on *:TEXT:!add*b:%channel:{ if (%add == 1) { checkteamsb } } on *:TEXT:!next:%channel:{ if (%add == 1) { next } else { msg %channel %Color1 There is no game.. %Color2 } } on *:TEXT:!teams:%channel:{ if (%add == 1) { teams } else { } } alias teams { .msg %channel 2Currently3:( $+ %slots $+ /10):5Team A(CTs):2 $pavla(%teama) 5Team B(TERRORISTs):2 $pavla(%teamb) | unset %pavla checkslots } on *:TEXT:!remove*:%channel:{ if ($2 == $null) { .msgremove } if ($2 != $null) && ($2 isincs %teama) && ($nick == %admin) { .set %teama $instok($remtok(%teama,$2,1,32),?,5,32) | .dec %slots | .dec %slots1 | teams } if ($2 != $null) && ($2 isincs %teamb) && ($nick == %admin) { .set %teamb $instok($remtok(%teamb,$2,1,32),?,5,32) | .dec %slots | .dec %slots2 | teams } else { .halt } } on *:TEXT:!teams:%channel:{ if (%add == 1) { teams } else { .msg %channel %Color1 There is no game %Color2 } } alias teams { .msg %channel 2Currently3:( $+ %slots $+ /10):5Team A(CTs):2 $pavla(%teama) 5Team B(TERRORISTs):2 $pavla(%teamb) | unset %pavla checkslots } alias add { if (($nick !isincs %teama) && ($nick !isincs %teamb)) { testslots } else { .notice $nick %left You are already added. %right } } alias testslots { if (%slots1 > %slots2) { add-b } else { add-a } } alias add-a { if (%slots1 != 5) { .set %teama $reptok(%teama,?,$nick,1,32) .inc %slots .inc %slots1 .teams } } alias add-b { if (%slots2 != 5) { .set %teamb $reptok(%teamb,?,$nick,1,32) .inc %slots .inc %slots2 .teams } } alias checkteamsa { if (($nick !isincs %teama) && ($nick !isincs %teamb)) { add-a } else { .nickremove | add-a } } alias checkteamsb { if (($nick !isincs %teama) && ($nick !isincs %teamb)) { add-b } else { .nickremove | add-b } } alias nickremove { if ($nick isincs %teama) { .set %teama $instok($remtok(%teama,$nick,1,32),?,5,32) | .dec %slots | .dec %slots1 } elseif ($nick isincs %teamb) { .set %teamb $instok($remtok(%teamb,$nick,1,32),?,5,32) | .dec %slots | .dec %slots2 } } alias msgremove { if ($nick isincs %teama) { .set %teama $instok($remtok(%teama,$nick,1,32),?,5,32) | .dec %slots | .dec %slots1 | teams } elseif ($nick isincs %teamb) { .set %teamb $instok($remtok(%teamb,$nick,1,32),?,5,32) | .dec %slots | .dec %slots2 | teams } else { .notice $nick %left You are not added on any team. %right } } alias pavla { var %a = 2 set %pavla $1 while (%a <= 8) { set %pavla $instok(%pavla,-,%a,32) inc %a 2 } return %pavla } alias checkslots { if (%slots == 10) { set %add 0 set %getpass 1 mode %channel +m .inc %totalgames .topic %channel %topic .msg %channel %left Match starting , check your private messages ( this will be take about 1 minute ) , if you didn`t receive ip & password type: !getpass after -m channel mode. %right .msg %channel %left Team A(Counter Terrorists): %teama %right .msg %channel %left Team B(Terrorists): %teamb %right msg $gettok(%teama,1,32) %left You are in Team A (Counter Terrorists) %mid Copy/Paste in your concole:4 name $gettok(%teama,1,32) ;password %password ;connect %ip %right msg $gettok(%teama,2,32) %left You are in Team A (Counter Terrorists) %mid Copy/Paste in your concole:4 name $gettok(%teama,2,32) ;password %password ;connect %ip %right msg $gettok(%teama,3,32) %left You are in Team A (Counter Terrorists) %mid Copy/Paste in your concole:4 name $gettok(%teama,3,32) ;password %password ;connect %ip %right msg $gettok(%teama,4,32) %left You are in Team A (Counter Terrorists) %mid Copy/Paste in your concole:4 name $gettok(%teama,4,32) ;password %password ;connect %ip %right msg $gettok(%teama,5,32) %left You are in Team A (Counter Terrorists) %mid Copy/Paste in your concole:4 name $gettok(%teama,5,32) ;password %password ;connect %ip %right msg $gettok(%teamb,1,32) %left You are in Team B (Terrorists) %mid Copy/Paste in your concole:4 name $gettok(%teamb,1,32) ;password %password ;connect %ip %right msg $gettok(%teamb,2,32) %left You are in Team B (Terrorists) %mid Copy/Paste in your concole:4 name $gettok(%teamb,2,32) ;password %password ;connect %ip %right msg $gettok(%teamb,3,32) %left You are in Team B (Terrorists) %mid Copy/Paste in your concole:4 name $gettok(%teamb,3,32) ;password %password ;connect %ip %right msg $gettok(%teamb,4,32) %left You are in Team B (Terrorists) %mid Copy/Paste in your concole:4 name $gettok(%teamb,4,32) ;password %password ;connect %ip %right msg $gettok(%teamb,5,32) %left You are in Team B (Terrorists) %mid Copy/Paste in your concole:4 name $gettok(%teamb,5,32) ;password %password ;connect %ip %right .inc %mystats. [ $+ [ $gettok(%teama,1,32) ] ] .inc %mystats. [ $+ [ $gettok(%teama,2,32) ] ] .inc %mystats. [ $+ [ $gettok(%teama,3,32) ] ] .inc %mystats. [ $+ [ $gettok(%teama,4,32) ] ] .inc %mystats. [ $+ [ $gettok(%teama,5,32) ] ] .inc %mystats. [ $+ [ $gettok(%teamb,1,32) ] ] .inc %mystats. [ $+ [ $gettok(%teamb,2,32) ] ] .inc %mystats. [ $+ [ $gettok(%teamb,3,32) ] ] .inc %mystats. [ $+ [ $gettok(%teamb,4,32) ] ] .inc %mystats. [ $+ [ $gettok(%teamb,5,32) ] ] .inc %gstats. [ $+ [ %admin ] ] mode %channel -m } } on *:TEXT:!last:%channel:{ if (%add == 0) msg %channel %Color1 Last game started at %last by %lastadmin %Color2 } on *:TEXT:addgame*:?:{ if (%add == 0) ($nick == %admin){ set %add 1 set %ip $2 set %password $2 set %game 1 notice %channel %Color1 Game started by %admin %Color2 topic %channel 14,1[4,1«0,1 Game started! 0,14,1»14,1]14,1[4,1«0,1 Admin: %admin 0,14,1»14,1]14,1[4,1«0,1 Map: %map 0,14,1»14,1]14,1[4,1«0,1 Type: %type 0,1 4,1»14,1] teams } }} on *:TEXT:!settype*:%channel:{ if (%add == 1)set %type $2 } on *:TEXT:cancelgame:?:{ if (%add == 1) ($nick == %admin){ set %add 0 set %game 0 set %teama ? ? ? ? ? set %teamb ? ? ? ? ? set %lastadmin $nick set %slots 0 set %slots1 0 set %slots2 0 set %type Mixbot v.2 by spongegr set %map Not Given Yet notice %channel %Color1 ATTENTION! - %admin decided not to do his game - Everything works good for now.. %Color2 notice %channel %Color1 %admin decided not to do its game! %Color2 topic %channel 14,1[4,1«0,1 Gatherbot 2011 - 2012 0,14,1»14,1]14,1[4,1«0,1 spongegr@md.gr 0,14,1»14,1]14,1[4,1«0,1 Version 1 0,14,1»14,1]14,1[4,1«0,1 Last game by %lastadmin 0,1 4,1»14,1] } }} on 1:QUIT:%channel:{ if (%add == 1) { set %add 0 set %getpass 0 topic %channel %topic mode %channel -m notice %channel %left 4GAME HAS BEEN CANCELED. %right unset %admin } } on 1:PART:%channel:{ if ($nick isincs %teama) { nickremove } else { if ($nick isincs %teamb) { nickremove } } } on 1:QUIT:%channel:{ if ($nick isincs %teama) { msgremove } else { if ($nick isincs %teamb) { msgremove } } } on 1:nickchange:%channel:{ if ($nick isincs %teama) { msgremove } else { if ($nick isincs %teamb) { msgremove } } } on 1:KICK:%channel:{ if ($knick isincs %teama) { msgremove } else { if ($knick isincs %teamb) { msgremove } } } on 1:BAN:%channel:{ if ($bnick isincs %teama) { msgremove } else { if ($bnick isincs %teamb) { msgremove } } } on 5:text:restart:?: { quit Restarting...Gatherbot by spongegr | timer -o 1 3 server nana.irc.gr set %add 0 set %slots 0 set %slots1 0 set %slots2 0 set %teama ? ? ? ? ? set %teamb ? ? ? ? ? } on *:text:!help:%channel: { notice $nick %ms User commands are : !addme <team> - !remove - !teams - !next - !last - !totalgames - !sub - !ip %me } on 5:text:!help:%prive: { notice $nick %ms Admin commands are : !setmap - !settype - !kick - !ban - !unban notice $nick %ms Senior commands are : addakick - delakick - addaccess - delaccess - addadmin - deladmin notice %prive %ms To Start a game type /msg $me help } on 5:text:help:?: { msg $nick To Start a game msg $me ''addgame IP:PORT'' (without "") msg $nick To change map type !setmap on %channel msg $nick To change type type !settype on %channel msg $nick %Color1 Gatherbot by spongegr 2011 %Color2 } /set %channel #Channelpickup /set %prive #Channelprive /set %support #Support Source will be updated soon
  10. i give 2 steam accounts counter strike 1.6 no vac ban for 1steam i give 2 steam accounts with games COUNTER STRIKE 1.6 for 1 steam with games cs16 Please newcommers on cs stay out (Bleik)
  11. get a life spammer i dont care if i piss you off:) 2 steam COUNTER STRIKE GAMES for 1 steam with counter strike even 10yo
  12. blind or smt? i give 2 steam accounts counter strike 1.6 no vac ban for 1steam
  13. bah who told you about non steam? i give 2 steam accounts counter strike 1.6 no vac ban for 1steam
  14. i give 2 steam accounts counter strike 1.6 no vac ban for 1steam
  15. Here you will learn how to make your first counter strike gatherbot Exp level: 2 ======================================================= The Files Create on mirc folder vars.ini remote.ini mirc.ini and a folder named scripts on folder scripts create gatherbot.ini script1.ini script2.ini script3.ini on mirc.ini type Scripts/script1.ini Scripts/Gatherbot.ini Scripts/script2.ini Scripts/script3.ini Let's start. on vars.ini type %channelpickup#YourChannel %prive #YourPriveChannel %Color1 Put some color codes %Color2 Put some color codes %gather 0 %admin %support #YoursupportChannel %next 0 %info 0 %sub 0 %user1 ? %user2 ? %user3 ? %user4 ? %nick5 ? %nick6 ? %nick7 ? %nick8 ? %nick9 ? %nick10 ? ======================================================= The bot part. on *:TEXT:!setmenext:%gatherprive:{ if (%admin == 0) && (%next == 0) (%game == 0) { set %next 1 set %admin $nick msg %channelpickup %Color1 Get Ready for the next game on %gatherchann %Color2 } } on 30:TEXT:addgame:?:{ if (%admin == 1) && (%next == 1) (%game == 0) (info == 0 { set %next 1 set %info 1 msg %gatherchann %Color1 The next game will be done by %admin %Color2 msg $nick %Color1 Type /msg $me setip to set game ip %Color2 msg $nick %Color1 Type /msg $me setpass to set game pass %Color2 join %support set %admin $nick set %nick1 ? set %nick2 ? set %nick3 ? set %nick4 ? set %nick5 ? set %nick6 ? set %nick7 ? set %nick8 ? set %nick9 ? set %nick10 ? }} }} on *:TEXT:!add:%gatherchann:{ if (%game == 1) { notice %gatherchann %Color1 Wait $nick for %admin aprove %Color2 msg %admin %Color1 User $nick requested to add him %Color2 } } on :TEXT:setpass*:?:{ if ($nick == %admin) { set %password $2 msg $nick %Color1 PASSWORD has been saved - (Current password: %password $+ ) %Color2 } } on 30:TEXT:setip*:?:{ if ($nick == %admin) { set %ip $2 msg $nick %Color1 IP has been saved - (Current ip: %ip $+ ) %Color2 } } on 30:TEXT:gameinfo ok*:?:{ if ($nick == %admin) { set %game 1 set %info 0 mode %channelpickup +Mm notice %Channelpickup %Color1 Game started on %Channelpickup - Go Subcribe! %Color2 notice %support %Color1 Game started on %channelpickup by %admin - Go Subcribe! %Color2 topic %channelpickup %Color1 Game started! - Admin: %admin - Type: %type - Map: %map %Color2 } } on 30:TEXT:stop:?:{ if (%game == 1) { set %game 0 set %next 0 msg %channelpickup %Color1 No Admins in queue %Color2 topic %channelpickup %Color1 Gbot %color2 mode %channelpickup -Mm unset %admin $nick uset %user1 ? unset %user2 ? unset %user3 ? unset %user4 ? unset %user5 ? unset %user6 ? unset %user7 ? unset %user8 ? unset %user9 ? unset %user10 ? unset %ip unset %password unset %admin } } on *:TEXT:!ip*:%channelpickup:{ if (%game == 1) { msg %channelpickup %Color1 Server's ip: %ip $+ - Check your ping! %Color2 } } }} on 30:TEXT:!addmap*:%channelpickup:{ if ($nick == %admin) { set %map $2- topic %channelpickup %Color1 Game started! - Admin: %admin - Type: %type - Map: %map %Color2 } notice %support %Color1 Mixed started on %map by %admin - Join at %channelpickup and add your self! %Color2 } on 30:TEXT:!settopic *:%channelpickup:{ if ($nick == %admin) { set %map $2- topic %channelpickup %Color1 Gbot %Color2 } } on 30:TEXT:!addtype *:%channelpickup:{ if ($nick == %admin) { set %type $2- topic %channelpickup %Color1 Game started! - Admin: %admin - Type: %type - Map: %map %Color2 } } on 30:TEXT:needsub:?:{ if (%sub == 0) { set %sub 1 msg %channelpickup %Color1 Substitution request by admin %admin - Type !sub to play NOW! %Color2 notice %support %Color1 Substitution request by admin $nick - Join at %channelpickup and type !sub to play NOW! %Color2 mode %channelpickup -Mm } } on 30:TEXT:cancelsub:?:{ if (%game == 1) && (%sub == 1) { msg %channelpickup %Color1 Substitution request by admin %admin - Type !sub to play NOW! %Color2 notice $nick %Color1 Substitution request canceled! %Color2 mode %channelpickup -Mm } } on *:TEXT:!sub:%channelpickup:{ if (%game == 1) && (%sub == 1) { set %sub 0 msg $nick %Color1 Admin %admin will msg you with connect line %Color2 msg %admin %Color1 User $nick took the sub request !! Msg him with the connect line %Color2 } } on *:TEXT:!settopic*:%channelpickup:{ if ($nick == %admin) && (%game == 0 ) { set %topic $2 topic %channelpickup $2 } } on *:TEXT:!add:%channelpickup:{ if (%game == 1) { notice %channelpickup %Color1 Wait $nick for %admin aprove %Color2 msg %admin %Color1 User $nick requested to add him %Color2 } } on 30:TEXT:user1*:?:{ if ($nick == %admin) { set %user1 $2 msg %channelpickup %Color1 Currently Team A(CTs): %user1 - %user2 - %user3 - %user4 - %user5 - %user6 - %user7 - %user8 - %user9 - %user10 %Color2 } } on 30:TEXT:user2*:?:{ if ($nick == %admin) { set %user2 $2 msg %channelpickup %Color1 Currently Team A(CTs): %user1 - %user2 - %user3 - %user4 - %user5 - %user6 - %user7 - %user8 - %user9 - %user10 %Color2 } } on 30:TEXT:user3*:?:{ if ($nick == %admin) { set %user3 $2 msg %channelpickup %Color1 Currently Team A(CTs): %user1 - %user2 - %user3 - %user4 - %user5 Team B(TERRORISTs) %user6 - %user7 - %user8 - %user9 - %user10 %Color2 } } on 30:TEXT:user4*:?:{ if ($nick == %admin) { set %user4 $2 msg %channelpickup %Color1 Currently Team A(CTs): %user1 - %user2 - %user3 - %user4 - %user5 Team B(TERRORISTs) %user6 - %user7 - %user8 - %user9 - %user10 %Color2 } } on 30:TEXT:user5*:?:{ if ($nick == %admin) { set %user5 $2 msg %channelpickup %Color1 Currently Team A(CTs): %user1 - %user2 - %user3 - %user4 - %user5 Team B(TERRORISTs) %user6 - %user7 - %user8 - %user9 - %user10 %Color2 } } on 30:TEXT:user6*:?:{ if ($nick == %admin) { set %user6 $2 msg %channelpickup %Color1 Currently Team A(CTs): %user1 - %user2 - %user3 - %user4 - %user5 Team B(TERRORISTs) %user6 - %user7 - %user8 - %user9 - %user10 %Color2 } } on 30:TEXT:user7*:?:{ if ($nick == %admin) { set %user7 $2 msg %channelpickup %Color1 Currently Team A(CTs): %user1 - %user2 - %user3 - %user4 - %user5 Team B(TERRORISTs) %user6 - %user7 - %user8 - %user9 - %user10 %Color2 } } on 30:TEXT:user8*:?:{ if ($nick == %admin) { set %user8 $2 msg %channelpickup %Color1 Currently Team A(CTs): %user1 - %user2 - %user3 - %user4 - %user5 Team B(TERRORISTs) %user6 - %user7 - %user8 - %user9 - %user10 %Color2 } } on 30:TEXT:user9*:?:{ if ($nick == %admin) { set %user9 $2 msg %channelpickup %Color1 Currently Team A(CTs): %user1 - %user2 - %user3 - %user4 - %user5 Team B(TERRORISTs) %user6 - %user7 - %user8 - %user9 - %user10 %Color2 } } on 30:TEXT:addme*:?:{ if ($nick == %admin) { set %user10 $2 msg %channelpickup %Color1 Currently Team A(CTs): %user1 - %user2 - %user3 - %user4 - %user5 - %user6 - %user7 - %user8 - %user9 - %user10 %Color2 } } on 30:TEXT:startgame*:?:{ if ($nick == %admin) { set %game 0 msg %channelpickup %Color1 Currently Team A(CTs): %user1 - %user2 - %user3 - %user4 - %user5 Team B(TERRORISTs) %user6 - %user7 - %user8 - %user9 - %user10 %Color2 mode %channelpickup +Mm topic %channelpickup %Color1 Gbot %Color2 %Color1 Match is starting on %map , please wait during password forwarding.. Check your private messages and DO NOT RENAME NOW !! msg %user1 %Color1 The Game is now live! - Your admin is %admin .Server's ip is %ip and password %password - connect %ip ; %password ; name %user1 %Color2 msg %user2 %Color1 The Game is now live! - Your admin is %admin .Server's ip is %ip and password %password - connect %ip ; %password ; name %user2 %Col msg %user3 %Color1 The Game is now live! - Your admin is %admin .Server's ip is %ip and password %password - connect %ip ; %password ; name %user3 %Col msg %user4 %Color1 The Game is now live! - Your admin is %admin .Server's ip is %ip and password %password - connect %ip ; %password ; name %user4 %Color2 msg %user5 %Color1 The Game is now live! - Your admin is %admin .Server's ip is %ip and password %password - connect %ip ; %password ; name %user5 %Color2 msg %user6 %Color1 The Game is now live! - Your admin is %admin .Server's ip is %ip and password %password - connect %ip ; %password ; name %user6 %Color2 msg %user7 %Color1 The Game is now live! - Your admin is %admin .Server's ip is %ip and password %password - connect %ip ; %password ; name %user7 %Color2 msg %user8 %Color1 The Game is now live! - Your admin is %admin .Server's ip is %ip and password %password - connect %ip ; %password ; name %user8 %Color2 msg %admin %Color1 The Game is now live! - Your admin is %admin .Server's ip is %ip and password %password - connect %ip ; %password ; name %user9 %Color2 msg %admin %Color1 The Game is now live! - Your admin is %admin .Server's ip is %ip and password %password - connect %ip ; %password ; name %user10 %Color2 msg %channelpickup %Color1 If you didn't get ip and pass msg %admin %Color2 unset %user1 unset %user2 unset %user3 unset %user4 unset %user5 unset %user6 unset %user7 unset %user8 unset %user9 unset %user10 unset %admin unset %game unset %ip unset %password } } on *:TEXT:!teams:%channelpickup:{ if (%game == 1) { msg %channelpickup %Color1 Currently %user1 - %user2 - %user3 - %user4 - %user5 - %user6 - %user7 - %user8 - %user9 - %user10 %Color2 } } Credits: Logi32gr
  16. Simple mixbot will be posted here soon
  17. We have this on *:TEXT:!Test *:#-?-%botnick: # means channel where you will type the command (!Test) ? means that you can type the command (!test) on bot or on the channel %botnick means that you can type the command (!test) on bot only. 1) Simple Access System ACCESS channel {ADD | DEL | LIST | VIEW | LISTLEVEL | COUNT | CLEAR} [parameters] When $2=User , $3=Reason , $nick=Person who does this action [Chanserv Commands] a) on *:TEXT:!addaccess *:#:{ if ($nick isop $Chan) cs access # add $2 $3 /op # $2 } b) on *:TEXT:!delacess *:#:{ if ($nick isop $Chan) cs access # DEL $2 /dop # $2 Simple Akick System AKICK channel {ADD | DEL | LIST | VIEW | COUNT | ENFORCE} [parameters] on *:TEXT:!addakick *:#:{ if ($nick isop $chan) cs AKICK # add $2 $3 [Add akick] if ($2 isop $chan) cs access # DEL $2 [if user who akicked is opped will be DEL from access list] ban # $2 [ban Ip] kick # $2 $3 [Kicked by bot with reason($3)] on *:TEXT:!delakick *:#:{ if ($nick isop $Chan) cs akick # DEL $2 [Warning: cs akick # DEL user!*@*] How to make a responder. on *:TEXT:Hello *:#:{ msg # Test } 3) Ban System: on *:TEXT:!ban *:#:{ if ($nick isop $Chan) ban # $2 kick # $2 $3 } on *:TEXT:!unban *:#:{ if ($nick isop $Chan) mode # $2 -b } on *:TEXT:!kick *:#:{ if ($nick isop $chan) kick # $2 $3 }
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