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Everything posted by Sponz

  1. Everything good ...1Q. can you code it to capture screenshots from only one program ex(counterstrike) thanks in adv
  2. Give some views to this video!:D
  3. Sponz

    brb from me;)

    try to have fun in your holidays
  4. (09:28:22) <@spongegr> !Help (09:28:22) -spongebot- Installed systems: Peak System , Seen System , Youtube info founder , mix system , Deop if away , Protection system (09:28:24) -spongebot- Mixed Commands: !add a , !add b , !next , !teams , !Remove (09:28:26) -spongebot- Other Commands: !Peak , !seen , !site , !forums , !version , !Server 1 - 6 , !cheat server1-6 , !topic newtopic (09:28:29) -spongebot- publicbot v.2 beta (09:28:02) <@spongegr> !INFO (09:28:03) -spongebot- website: [url=http://www.maxcheaters]www.maxcheaters[/url]..com (09:28:03) -spongebot- forums: [url=http://www.maxcheaters.com/forums]www.maxcheaters.com/forums[/url] (09:28:03) -spongebot- version: 2.0.0 beta (09:28:03) -spongebot- contact: trel0s@live.com (09:28:03) -spongebot- Cheat Report: Use !Cheat QS or !Cheat Server1 (09:28:04) -spongebot- Lookup Function: !server 1-6 or !QS (09:28:05) -spongebot- Settopic: !settopic newtopic (09:28:07) -spongebot- Add/DELACC: msg publicbot addaccess USER LEVEL (09:28:09) -spongebot- ADD/DELACC: msg publicbot delaccess USER DEFAULT Downlad link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LJ8IR7A6 HF N GN
  5. this ''idea'' we saw it for first time @ TOPGAMING (steam) and not kapsimo(public nonsteam) anyway frags low=D
  7. if you need help pm me or contact me at trel0s@live.com
  8. trel0s@live.com msn
  9. ;;Away Script created out of boredom by `666;; ;;To go away or come back you can right click in a channel, query, or status window.;; ;;Or you may also just do /away and /back;; ;;All of the away settings may be configured by right clicking in a channel, query, or status window;; menu channel,query,status { - Away Settings .Default Away:/set %Default.msg $$?="What would you like your default away message to be?" .Away After Idle:{ var %y/n $input(Would you like to go away after a set amount of time? $+($chr(40),Clicking "No" will remove any previous auto away information,$chr(41)),yvq) if (%y/n = $yes) { set %idle.time.allowed $$?="How many minutes would you like to be allowed to idle, before auto-away?" timeridle.time.check 0 30 Away.Idle.Check echo $color(info) * You will now go away automatically after %idle.time.allowed minutes. } else { $iif(%idle.time.allowed,unset %idle.time.allowed,halt) timeridle.time.check off } } .Message Channel or "/me" channel:/set %Away.meormsg $input(Would you like to "/me" or message the channels? (Choose from the drop-down bar).,meq,Away Settings,Message the channel,/me the channel,Message the channel) .Reset All Customs:{ if ($input(Are you sure you wish to reset all your Away Settings?,yw) == $true) { unset %away.timezone %idle.time.allowed %away.meormsg %Default.msg %left.at %away.reason %away.ctime timeridle.time.check off echo $color(info) * All of your Away Customs have been reset. } } .Time Zone on away/back:{ $iif($input(If you wish to have your Time Zone said on away $+ $chr(44) enter it and push Ok. Can't find your's? Type it in. $+($chr(59),$chr(41)),meq,Away Settings,EST,ADST,WST,GMT/UTC,CST,AST,AEST),set %away.timezone $v1,halt) echo $color(info) * Time Zone set to $+(%away.timezone,$chr(46)) } Away and Back .Away(Reason Specified):{ away $$?="What is your reason for going away? Leave blank for default away." } .Away(Default Reason):{ away %default.msg } .Back:/back - } alias -l Away.Idle.Check { if ($status == Connected) && ($idle < $calc($eval(%idle.time.allowed,1)*60)) var %Idle = off if (%idle != off) { away I have been idle for %idle.time.allowed minutes, and am now away $iif(%default.msg,- %Default.msg,$null) timeridle.time.check off } } alias away { set %Left.At $timestamp set %Away.Reason $iif($1-,$1-,%default.msg) set %Away.Ctime $ctime if ($1 == $null) && (%default.msg == $null) { set %away.reason No reason given } $iif($eval(%away.meormsg,1) == /me the channel,ame,amsg) I am now away - Reason for leaving: %away.reason - I am leaving at %left.at $iif(%away.timezone,$v1,$null) } alias back { $iif($eval(%away.meormsg,1) == /me the channel,ame,amsg) I am now back from my time away - Reason for leaving: %away.reason - I left at $+(%left.at $iif(%away.timezone,$v1,$null),$chr(44)) and was gone for $+($duration($calc($ctime - $eval(%away.ctime,1))),$chr(46)) unset %left.at %away.reason %away.ctime if (%idle.time.allowed) { timeridle.time.check 0 30 Away.Idle.Check } } on *:CONNECT:{ if (%idle.time.allowed) { timeridle.time.check 0 30 Away.Idle.Check } } -You may set a default reason for going away. -Away after specified time idle. -Choose to message or describe (/me) in the channels for /back and /away. -Ability to reset back to the default of the script. Instead of just doing /unset for the vars yourself. -A fairly "Newby" friendly script, as it tells you when you click on everything what it does, and what you should do. -Ability to add your Time Zone (You have to set it in the menu) in /away and /back.
  10. New Gatherbot shared Futures: Everything is from MYSQL Stats etc Preview on #battlenet #gather.gr #hl-gather #topgaming Download link? PM ME to further
  11. I dont know how to call it When a user relases +M mode script will make an action example on gather network [05:50] * ZOUN1 sets mode: -m [05:50] <sponge> !add Code: on *:mode:#battlenet: if (-m isin $1-) msg $chan !add
  12. MIRC shares-codes allowed?
  13. topic changer instead of /cs topic #channel topic , this code does this !topic yourtopic if you are not an Oper you can't use this command [msg $chan Sorry, you don't have operator status. ] on *:text:*:#: { tokenize32 $strip($1-) if (!%floodcontrol) { inc -u4 %floodcontrol if ($me isop $chan) { if ($nick isop $chan) { if ($1 == !topic) { if ($2 == $null) { msg $chan $nick $+ , the correct synax is: !topic YourTopicHere } else { topic $chan $2- } } } else { msg $chan Sorry, you don't have operator status. } } else { msg $chan I don't have an OP status! } } } need mirc scripting or just scripting board
  14. Για αλλη μια φορα η διατησια εκανε την δουλεια της πιστευω....
  15. Pws tha ginei me mia aspirini treles vives
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