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Everything posted by Sponz

  1. Sponz


    Sprites for cs1.6 Download link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VR52VCFL
  2. use !seek to seek any away (or idle for over than 30m) user in channel and if there is one, it'll deop the user. use !seek auto to auto seek every 60mins on *:text:!seek*:#:{ if ($timer(seekandestroy).secs) { if (!%awarn) { msg $chan !seek is in Auto-Pilot :) next check in $duration($timer(seekandestroy).secs),1) set %awarn 1 timerawarn 1 60 unset %awarn } } else { if ($2 == auto) { who $chan | timerseekandestroy 0 3600 who $chan } if (!$2) { who $chan } } } alias who { set %chan $1 who $1- } #352 on ;raw *:*:{ echo -s $numeric $1- } raw 352:*:{ if ($6 != $me) { if (G isin $7) || ($nick(%chan,$6).idle > 1800) { write awayu.sys $6 } } } raw 315:*:{ var %y = 1 var %z = 0 while (%y <= $lines(awayu.sys)) { if ($read(awayu.sys,%y) isop %chan) { set %awayu $addtok(%awayu,$read(awayu.sys,%y),32) inc %z } inc %y } mode %chan -o $+ $str(o,$numtok(%awayu,32)) %awayu if (%z) { msg %chan These nicks are set as away or were idling for more than $duration(1800,2) } ;unset %awayu } #352 end
  3. Tittle says everything. Script: on *:text:.steamhelp:* { inc -u30 %wonflood. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] if ((%wonflood. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 2) || ($var(%wonflood.*,0) > 2)) halt notice $nick $makecell(Command,30,l) $+ Description notice $nick $makecell(.steamid <steamid>,30,l) $+ Lookup a single SteamID. ex: 0:0:12345 notice $nick $makecell(.steamid <steamid> $+ $chr(44) $+ $chr(0160) $+ <steamid>,30,l) $+ Lookup multiple STEAMID's separated by commas notice $nick $makecell(.steamid name <name>,30,l) $+ Lookup a player by name notice $nick $makecell(.steamid alias <alias>,30,l) $+ Lookup a player by alias. notice $nick $makecell(.steamid team <name>,30,l) $+ Lookup a player by their team name notice $nick $makecell(.steamid tag <tag>,30,l) $+ Lookup a player by their team tag notice $nick $makecell(.steamid irc <channel>,30,l) $+ Lookup a player by their IRC channel notice $nick $makecell(.steamid rcon <server> <pass>,30,l) $+ Lookup a server via RCON (PM $me $+ ) notice $nick $makecell(Use * for wildcard searches.,30,l) $+ Example .steamid alias *dead* for all possible results for a name containing dead. Use with alias, IRC, Team & Tag searches. } on *:text:.steamid *:* { var %string, %query, %key, %null, %limit, %server, %pass inc -u30 %wonflood. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] if ((%wonflood. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 3) || ($var(%wonflood.*,0) > 4)) halt ;; store nic and chan %to.nick = $nick %to.chan = $chan ;; limit the number of results %limit = 5 ;; base query string %querystring = /index.php?output=xml&version=extended&limit= $+ %limit %httpstring = http://steamid.elite-pimps.com/ ;; we're doing a batch steamid search ifs if ($regex($2-,/^[0-9:]+(\s* $+ $chr(44) $+ \s*[0-9:]+)*$/)) { %query = $2- %querystring = %querystring $+ &action=search&type=mass&format=comma&query= $+ $urlencode(%query) %httpstring = %httpstring $+ ?action=search&type=mass&format=comma&query= $+ $urlencode(%query) } ;; we're doing an rcon search if else if ($regex($2-,/rcon\s.+\s.+/)) { %null = $regsub($2-,/^\w+\s/,,%string) %null = $regsub(%string,/\s.+$/,,%server) %null = $regsub(%string,/^.+\s/,,%pass) %querystring = %querystring $+ &action=search&type=rcon&server= $+ %server $+ &pass= $+ %pass %httpstring = %httpstring $+ ?action=search&type=rcon&server= $+ %server $+ &pass= $+ %pass } ;; else we're doing a keyword search else { %null = $regsub($2-,/\s.+$/,,%key) %null = $regsub($2-,/^\w+\s/,,%query) %querystring = %querystring $+ &action=search&type=single&key= $+ %key $+ &query= $+ $urlencode(%query) %httpstring = %httpstring $+ ?action=search&type=single&key= $+ %key $+ &query= $+ $urlencode(%query) } ;; figure out if we're replying to a channel or a person if (!$chan) %to = $nick else %to = $chan sockclose steamid sockopen steamid steamid.elite-pimps.com 80 } on *:sockopen:steamid: { sockwrite -n $sockname POST %querystring HTTP/1.1 sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: keep-alive sockwrite -n $sockname Host: steamid.elite-pimps.com sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: Close sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Length: 0 sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf } on *:sockread:steamid: { if ($sockerr > 0) { msg %to Error halt } else { var %buffer, %message, %remainder, %msg sockread %buffer if (<total_results>*</total_results> iswm %buffer) { %count = $nohtml(%buffer) if (!%count) %count = 0 if (%count > 0) msg %to $makecell( STEAMID,15,l,00,14) $+ $makecell(Alias,15,l,00,14) $+ $makecell(Team,19,l,00,14) $+ $makecell(Channel,15,l,00,14) $+ $makecell(Division,11,l,00,14) $+ $makecell(Record,8,l,00,14) $+ $makecell(Banned,7,r,00,14) } else if (<ban_status>*</ban_status> iswm %buffer) { %info.banstatus = $nohtml(%buffer) if (%info.banstatus > 0) %info.banstatus = 4,1Yes15,1 else %info.banstatus = No } else if (<query_time>*</query_time> iswm %buffer) %querytime = $nohtml(%buffer) else if (<player_alias>*</player_alias> iswm %buffer) %info.alias = $nohtml(%buffer) else if (<player_steamid>*</player_steamid> iswm %buffer) %info.steamid = $nohtml(%buffer) else if (<team_name>*</team_name> iswm %buffer) %info.teamname = $nohtml(%buffer) else if (<team_game>*</team_game> iswm %buffer) %info.game = $nohtml(%buffer) else if (<team_league>*</team_league> iswm %buffer) %info.league = $nohtml(%buffer) else if (<team_division>*</team_division> iswm %buffer) %info.division = $nohtml(%buffer) else if (<team_irc>*</team_irc> iswm %buffer) %info.irc = $nohtml(%buffer) else if (<team_record>*</team_record> iswm %buffer) %info.record = $nohtml(%buffer) else if (</result> iswm %buffer) { msg %to $makecell(%info.steamid,15,l,15,01) $+ $makecell(%info.alias,15,l,15,01) $+ $makecell(%info.teamname,19,l,15,01) $+ $makecell(%info.irc,15,l,15,01) $+ $makecell($upper(%info.game) $upper(%info.league) $+ - $+ %info.division,11,l,15,01) $+ $makecell(%info.record,8,l,15,01) $+ $makecell(%info.banstatus,7,r,15,01) } else if (</results> iswm %buffer) { if (%count == 1) %message = Result else %message = Results msg %to $makecell(Found %count in %querytime sec,25,l,00,14) $+ $makecell(.steamhelp for commands list & usage examples,60,r,00,14) if (%count > 5) { %remainder = %count - 5 notice %to.nick View %remainder more results: %httpstring } } } } alias -l nohtml { var %tmp, %null %null = $regsub($1-,/(<[^>]+>)/g,,%tmp) return %tmp } alias -l noirc { var %tmp, %null %tmp = $1- %null = $regsub(%tmp,/(\d\d? $+ $chr(44) $+ \d\d?|\d\d?||)/g,,%tmp) return %tmp } alias -l makecell { var %null, %tmp, %i, %padding, %trim, %string, %colorcode %string = $1 %padding = $2 - 1 if (!$5) %colorcode = $+ $4 else %colorcode = $+ $4 $+ $chr(44) $+ $5 if ($len($noirc(%string)) > %padding) { %trim = %padding - 2 %string = $left(%string, %trim) %string = %string $+ .. } %i = $len($noirc(%string)) if ($3 == r) { %tmp = %colorcode while (%i < $2) { %tmp = %tmp %colorcode %i = %i + 1 } %tmp = %tmp $+ %string } else if ($3 == l) { %tmp = %colorcode $+ %string while (%i < $2) { %tmp = %tmp %colorcode %i = %i + 1 } } return %tmp } alias -l urlencode { var %tmp, %null %tmp = $1- %null = $regsub(%tmp,/\s/g, $chr(37) $+ 20,%tmp) %null = $regsub(%tmp,/ $+ $chr(44) $+ /g,$chr(37) $+ 2C,%tmp) %null = $regsub(%tmp,/#/g,$chr(37) $+ 23,%tmp) return %tmp } Sample: .steamid <steamid> Lookup a single SteamID. ex: 0:0:12345 .steamid <steamid>, <steamid> Lookup multiple STEAMID's .steamid name <name> Lookup a player by name .steamid alias <alias> Lookup a player by alias. .steamid team <name> Lookup a player by their team name .steamid tag <tag> Lookup a player by their team tag .steamid irc <channel> Lookup a player by their IRC channel .steamid rcon <server> <pass> Lookup a server via RCON Doing a search would return results as listed below... .steamid 1337 STEAMID Alias Team Channel Division Record Banned 1337 Lost|Darkmal.. [DEAD] The Lost #clanlost CS CAL-o 0-0-0 No 1337 stalin [DEAD] dx #dx CS CAL-o 0-0-0 No Found 2 in 0.009 sec .steamhelp for commands list & usage examples ¬ ID: 0:0:1337 ¬ Alias: stalin ¬ Team: The Lost ¬ TAG: Lost ¬ IRC: #clanlost ¬ Division: CS cal-o ¬ Record: 0-0-0 ¬ Banned: no (If banned, should be in RED) ¬ ID: 0:0:1337 ¬ Alias: meme ¬ Team: bleh ¬ TAG: cxe ¬ IRC: #chan ¬ Division: CS cal-o ¬ Record: 0-0-0 ¬ Banned: Yes (If banned=YES, should be in RED & Bold) Found 2 in 0.009 sec .steamhelp for commands list & usage examples
  4. Hello guyz. i am looking for a coder to help me out for some sources. i want to make a program A/C for cs STEAM. info Based on mirc bot and coded in visual basic if its easy.what i mean? When some admin types in gather for example at the bot !type a/c , the a/c program will be enabled auto at the hlds.exe i am open to hear some tips.. Thanks in adv
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYCSWBQmMhM&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv6vU_olNWQ&feature=related
  6. Coding a new gatherbot based on adminmod-amxmod
  7. i am selling you my new one for 70 Euros.you will find me on da msn
  8. This script is for bots. Code: ON *:JOIN:#: { if ($nick == $me) || ($nick == YOURNAME) || ($nick == BOTNAME) halt msg BotServ SAY $chan Welcome $nick To $chan notice $nick mIRC Scripts by Lamar } Put it on bot's remote. Preview:
  9. Tested,worked,but not good. ( as i presented in other topic)
  10. on *:TEXT:!add:%channel:{ if (%add == enable) { add } } on *:TEXT:!addme:%channel:{ if (%add == enable) { add } } on *:TEXT:!add*a:%channel:{ if (%add == enable) { checkteamsa } } on *:TEXT:!addme*a:%channel:{ if (%add == enable) { checkteamsa } } on *:TEXT:!add*b:%channel:{ if (%add == enable) { checkteamsb } } on *:TEXT:!addme*b:%channel:{ if (%add == enable) { checkteamsb } } on *:TEXT:!remove:%channel:{ .msgremove } on *:TEXT:!removeplayer*:%channel:{ if ($nick == %admin) && ($2 isincs %teama) { .set %teama $reptok(%teama,$2,?,1,32) | .dec %slots | .dec %slots1 | teams } elseif ($nick == %admin) && ($2 isincs %teamb) { .set %teamb $reptok(%teamb,$2,?,1,32) | .dec %slots | .dec %slots2 | teams } } on *:TEXT:!teams:%channel:{ if (%add == enable) { teams } else { .notice $nick ***GatherServicesBot***: There is no gather in progress. } } alias teams { msg %channel Slots3:( $+ %slots $+ /10):7*Team A3:( $+ %slots1 $+ /5):2 $pavla(%teama) 7*Team B3:( $+ %slots2 $+ /5):2 $pavla(%teamb) | unset %pavla checkslots } alias add { if (($nick !isincs %teama) && ($nick !isincs %teamb)) { testslots } else { .notice $nick ***GatherServicesBot***: You are already added. } } alias testslots { if (%slots1 > %slots2) { add-b } else { add-a } } alias add-a { if (%slots1 != 5) { .set %teama $reptok(%teama,?,$nick,1,32) .inc %slots .inc %slots1 .teams } } alias add-b { if (%slots2 != 5) { .set %teamb $reptok(%teamb,?,$nick,1,32) .inc %slots .inc %slots2 .teams } } alias checkteamsa { if (($nick !isincs %teama) && ($nick !isincs %teamb)) { add-a } else { .nickremove | add-a } } alias checkteamsb { if (($nick !isincs %teama) && ($nick !isincs %teamb)) { add-b } else { .nickremove | add-b } } alias nickremove { if ($nick isincs %teama) { .set %teama $instok($remtok(%teama,$nick,1,32),?,5,32) | .dec %slots | .dec %slots1 } elseif ($nick isincs %teamb) { .set %teamb $instok($remtok(%teamb,$nick,1,32),?,5,32) | .dec %slots | .dec %slots2 } } alias msgremove { if ($nick isincs %teama) { .set %teama $instok($remtok(%teama,$nick,1,32),?,5,32) | .dec %slots | .dec %slots1 | teams } elseif ($nick isincs %teamb) { .set %teamb $instok($remtok(%teamb,$nick,1,32),?,5,32) | .dec %slots | .dec %slots2 | teams } else { .notice $nick ***GatherServicesBot***: You are not on the game. } } alias pavla { var %a = 2 set %pavla $1 while (%a <= 8) { set %pavla $instok(%pavla,-,%a,32) inc %a 2 } return %pavla } alias checkslots { if (%slots == 10) { set %add disable set %getpass enable mode %channel +m .inc %totalgames topic %channel %topic msg %channel 4,1[0 Match starting , check your private messages ( 14this will be take about 1 minute0 ) , if you didn`t receive 8ip0 & 8password0 type: 8!getpass0 after -m channel mode. 4] notice %channel ***GatherServicesBot***: Team A(Counter Terrorists): %teama notice %channel ***GatherServicesBot***: Team B(Terrorists): %teamb msg $gettok(%teama,1,32) 4,1[0 IP:8 %ip 7-0 Password:8 %password 7-0 Connect to the server asap 7*0 You are in 8Team A (Counter Terrorists) 4] msg $gettok(%teama,2,32) 4,1[0 IP:8 %ip 7-0 Password:8 %password 7-0 Connect to the server asap 7*0 You are in 8Team A (Counter Terrorists) 4] msg $gettok(%teama,3,32) 4,1[0 IP:8 %ip 7-0 Password:8 %password 7-0 Connect to the server asap 7*0 You are in 8Team A (Counter Terrorists) 4] msg $gettok(%teama,4,32) 4,1[0 IP:8 %ip 7-0 Password:8 %password 7-0 Connect to the server asap 7*0 You are in 8Team A (Counter Terrorists) 4] msg $gettok(%teama,5,32) 4,1[0 IP:8 %ip 7-0 Password:8 %password 7-0 Connect to the server asap 7*0 You are in 8Team A (Counter Terrorists) 4] msg $gettok(%teamb,1,32) 4,1[0 IP:8 %ip 7-0 Password:8 %password 7-0 Connect to the server asap 7*0 You are in 8Team B (Terrorists) 4] msg $gettok(%teamb,2,32) 4,1[0 IP:8 %ip 7-0 Password:8 %password 7-0 Connect to the server asap 7*0 You are in 8Team B (Terrorists) 4] msg $gettok(%teamb,3,32) 4,1[0 IP:8 %ip 7-0 Password:8 %password 7-0 Connect to the server asap 7*0 You are in 8Team B (Terrorists) 4] msg $gettok(%teamb,4,32) 4,1[0 IP:8 %ip 7-0 Password:8 %password 7-0 Connect to the server asap 7*0 You are in 8Team B (Terrorists) 4] msg $gettok(%teamb,5,32) 4,1[0 IP:8 %ip 7-0 Password:8 %password 7-0 Connect to the server asap 7*0 You are in 8Team B (Terrorists) 4] .inc %mystats. [ $+ [ $gettok(%teama,1,32) ] ] .inc %mystats. [ $+ [ $gettok(%teama,2,32) ] ] .inc %mystats. [ $+ [ $gettok(%teama,3,32) ] ] .inc %mystats. [ $+ [ $gettok(%teama,4,32) ] ] .inc %mystats. [ $+ [ $gettok(%teama,5,32) ] ] .inc %mystats. [ $+ [ $gettok(%teamb,1,32) ] ] .inc %mystats. [ $+ [ $gettok(%teamb,2,32) ] ] .inc %mystats. [ $+ [ $gettok(%teamb,3,32) ] ] .inc %mystats. [ $+ [ $gettok(%teamb,4,32) ] ] .inc %mystats. [ $+ [ $gettok(%teamb,5,32) ] ] .inc %gstats. [ $+ [ %admin ] ] mode %channel -m } } on 1:PART:%channel:{ if ($nick isincs %teama) { .set %teama $reptok(%teama,$nick,?,1,32) | .dec %slots | .dec %slots1 | teams } elseif ($nick isincs %teamb) { .set %teamb $reptok(%teamb,$nick,?,1,32) | .dec %slots | .dec %slots2 | teams } } on 1:QUIT:%channel:{ if ($nick isincs %teama) { .set %teama $reptok(%teama,$nick,?,1,32) | .dec %slots | .dec %slots1 | teams } elseif ($nick isincs %teamb) { .set %teamb $reptok(%teamb,$nick,?,1,32) | .dec %slots | .dec %slots2 | teams } } on *:TEXT:!next:%channel:{ if (%next == $null) { msg %channel 4,1[0 No admins in queue list 4] } else { msg %channel 4,1[0 Next game will be done by admin:8 %next 4] } } on *:TEXT:!queue:%prive:{ showqueue } on *:TEXT:!setmenext:%prive:{ if (%slots != 8) { checkqueue } } alias checkqueue { if ($nick !isincs %queue) { set %queue $reptok(%queue,?,$nick,1,32) .inc %qslots showqueue checknext } } on 1:PART:%prive:{ if ($nick isincs %queue) { qremove } } on 1:KICK:%prive:{ if ($knick isincs %queue) { qremove } } on 1:BAN:%prive:{ if ($bnick isincs %queue) { qremove } } on 1:QUIT:%prive:{ if ($nick isincs %queue) { qremove } } alias checknext { if ($nick == $gettok(%queue,1,32)) { set %next $nick | msg %channel 4,1[0 Get ready for the next game 7-0 Next game will be done by admin:8 %next 4] } } alias showqueue { msg %prive 4,1[0 Admins in Queue:3( $+ %qslots $+ /8):8 %queue 4] } on *:TEXT:!delme:%prive:{ if ($nick isincs %queue) { qremove } else { .notice $nick ***GatherServicesBot***: You are not on Queue list. } } alias qremove { set %queue $reptok(%queue,$nick,?,1,32) | .dec %qslots | showqueue | checkqnext } alias checkqnext { if ($nick == %next) { unset %next } } on *:TEXT:!last:%channel:{ msg %channel 4,1[0 Last game admin:8 $gettok(%last,5,32)) 7-0 Started at:3(Time/date)8 /- $+ $gettok(%last,3,32)) $+ -/-/- $+ $gettok(%last,1,32)) $+ -/ 4] } on *:TEXT:!addgame:?:{ if (%add == disable) { checkgame } } alias checkgame { if ($nick == %next) { mode %channel +m qremove set %admin $nick set %map Not given set %type Not given set %password not given set %ip not given set %last $date - $time - $nick msg %admin Game started , type now !ip <server_ip:server_port> & !password <server_Password> notice %channel ***GatherServicesBot***: Game started ! topic %channel 4,1[0 Game started 7-0 Admin:8 %admin 7-0 Game type:8 %type 7-0 Game map:8 %map 4] set %add enable set %getpass disable teams } } on *:text:!getpass:%channel:{ if ($nick isincs %teama) { .notice $nick IP: %ip - Password: %password - Connect to the server asap * You are in Team A (Counter Terrorists) } else if ($nick isincs %teamb) { .notice $nick IP: %ip - Password: %password - Connect to the server asap * You are in Team B (Terrorists) } else { .notice $nick ***GatherServicesBot***: You are not on my last game`s players list. } } on *:TEXT:!cancelgame:?:{ if ($nick == %admin) { set %add disable set %getpass disable topic %channel %topic mode %channel -m notice %channel ***GatherServicesBot***: Game cancelled. unset %admin } } on 30:TEXT:!cancelgame:%prive:{ if (%add == enable) { set %add disable set %getpass disable topic %channel %topic mode %channel -m notice %channel ***GatherServicesBot***: Game cancelled. unset %admin } } on 1:PART:%channel:{ if (%add == enable) { set %add disable set %getpass disable topic %channel %topic mode %channel -m notice %channel ***GatherServicesBot***: Game cancelled. unset %admin } } on 1:QUIT:%channel:{ if (%add == enable) { set %add disable set %getpass disable topic %channel %topic mode %channel -m notice %channel ***GatherServicesBot***: Game cancelled. unset %admin } } on 1:OPEN:{ .closemsg $nick } on 1:PART:%channel:{ if ($nick isincs %teama) { nickremove } else { if ($nick isincs %teamb) { nickremove } } } on 1:QUIT:%channel:{ if ($nick isincs %teama) { msgremove } else { if ($nick isincs %teamb) { msgremove } } } on 1:KICK:%channel:{ if ($knick isincs %teama) { msgremove } else { if ($knick isincs %teamb) { msgremove } } } on 1:BAN:%channel:{ if ($bnick isincs %teama) { msgremove } else { if ($bnick isincs %teamb) { msgremove } } } on 1:START:{ if (%csystem == off) { .set %channel #$$?="Enter you Gather`s channel name please - without (#)" .set %prive #$$?="Enter you Gather`s private channel name please (for admins) - without (#)" .auser 5 $$?="Enter bot`s master nickname please" .set %server $$?="Enter an IRC server (auto-reconnect if bot quits)" .set %identify $$?="Enter bot`s identify password (NickServ type)" .set %csystem on } } on 1:START:{ dialog -md welcome welcome } dialog welcome { title "GatherBot v1.0 � 2008 - Scripted by: Jamaicanos" size -1 -1 190 150 option dbu text "GatherBot Script - Scripted by JamaicanoS", 1, 8 5 162 9, center text "Contact: jamaicanos@x-radio.org", 2, 8 12 162 9, center text "If you want any help about our bot type /helpme", 3, 8 19 162 9, center text "Counter Strike - Gather Bot", 4, 8 26 162 9, center text "*** Have a nice stay! ***", 5, 8 37 162 9, center button "Click here to close this window", 10, 10 90 170 25, cancel } on 1:DISCONNECT:{ if (%csystem == on) { .server %server } } on 1:CONNECT:{ if (%csystem == on) { /ns id %identify /j %channel /j %prive } } on *:TEXT:!mystats:%channel:{ if (%mystats. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { .notice $nick 4,1[0 You have play:8 $gettok(%mystats. [ $+ [ $nick ] ],1,32) 0games 4] } else { .notice $nick 4,1[0 No stats available for you. 4] } } on *:TEXT:!myadminstats:%channel:{ if ($nick isop %channel) { adminstats } } alias adminstats { if (%gstats. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { .notice $nick 4,1[0 You have create:8 $gettok(%gstats. [ $+ [ $nick ] ],1,32) 0gathers 4] } else { .notice $nick 4,1[0 No stats available for you. 4] } } on *:TEXT:!addtype*:%channel:{ if ($nick == %admin) { set %type $2- topic %channel 4,1[0 Game started 7-0 Admin:8 %admin 7-0 Game type:8 %type 7-0 Game map:8 %map 4] } } on *:TEXT:!addmap*:%channel:{ if ($nick == %admin) { set %map $2- topic %channel 4,1[0 Game started 7-0 Admin:8 %admin 7-0 Game type:8 %type 7-0 Game map:8 %map 4] } } on *:TEXT:!ip*:?:{ if ($nick == %admin) { set %ip $2 msg $nick IP has been saved - (Current ip: %ip $+ ) } } on *:TEXT:!password*:?:{ if ($nick == %admin) { set %password $2 msg $nick PASSWORD has been saved - (Current password: %password $+ ) } } on *:TEXT:!totalgames:%channel:{ msg %channel 4,1[0 Totalgames:8 %totalgames 4] } on 5:TEXT:!control*:?:{ . $+ $2- } on 5:TEXT:!settopic*:?:{ .set %topic $2- } on 1:LOAD:{ set %slots 0 set %slots1 0 set %slots2 0 set %qslots 0 set %teama ? ? ? ? ? set %teamb ? ? ? ? ? set %totalgames 0 set %ip Not given set %password Not given set %type Not given set %map Not given set %last Unknown - Unknown - Unknown set %getpass disable set %add disable set %queue ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? } Credits:jamaicanos You put the code on Bot's remote (ALT+R)
  11. Alias Ident { If (!$Dialog(Ident)) { Dialog -m Ident Ident } Else { Echo -a ***14,1(4Auto Ident Is already Running14)*** } } Menu Channel { Ident: Ident } dialog Ident { title "Auto Ident" size -1 -1 166 84 option dbu box "Password 1", 1, 1 14 106 27 edit "", 2, 4 24 94 10, pass autohs box "Password 2", 3, 1 42 106 27 edit "", 4, 4 53 94 10, pass autohs check "Chatspace", 5, 110 19 50 8 check "iRCD", 6, 110 30 50 8 check "Chatspace", 7, 110 47 50 8 check "iRCD", 8, 109 58 50 8 button "Set", 9, 2 70 76 12 button "Finished", 10, 87 70 76 12 radio "Auto Identify On", 11, 16 4 58 8 radio "Auto Identify Off", 12, 84 4 65 8 } On *:Dialog:Ident:*:*:{ If ($devent == Init) { If (%AutoPass1 == Cs) { Did -c $dname 5 } If (%AutoPass1 == IRC) { Did -c $dname 6 } If (%AutoPass2 == CS) { Did -c $dname 7 } If (%AutoPass2 == IRC) { Did -c $dname 8 } If (%AutoId == On) { Did -c $dname 11 } If (%AutoId == Off) { Did -c $dname 12 } Did -a $dname 2 %AutoPass1.Pass Did -a $dname 4 %AutoPass2.Pass } If ($devent == Sclick) { If ($did = 5) { Set %AutoPass1 CS | Did -u $dname 6 } If ($did = 6) { Set %AutoPass1 IRC | Did -u $dname 5 } If ($did = 7) { Set %AutoPass2 CS | Did -u $dname 8 } If ($did = 8) { Set %AutoPass2 IRC | Did -u $dname 7 } If ($did = 9) { Set %AutoPass1.Pass $did(2) | Set %AutoPass2.Pass $did(4) } If ($did = 10) { Dialog -x $dname $dname } If ($did = 11) { Set %AutoId On } If ($did = 12) { Set %AutoId Off } } } Raw 512:*:{ If (%AutoId == On) { If (%AutoPass1 == CS) { Pass %AutoPass1.Pass } If (%AutoPass2 == CS) { Pass %AutoPass2.Pass } } } On *:Notice:*:*:{ If (%AutoId == On) { If ($nick == Nickserv) && (Identify Isin $Strip($1-)) { If (%AutoPass1 == IRC) { Msg Nickserv Identify %AutoPass1.Pass } If (%AutoPass2 == IRC) { Msg Nickserv Identify %AutoPass2.Pass } } } } Credits: D34th
  12. Eiparxei kanena tetio book FREE ? an ne reply here or send me pm mates
  13. Sponz

    New Board

    What about lang. boards? I wanted to find at mxc 2 new boards. Scripting ( php mIRC) And Visual Basic board with tut shares etc
  14. at steam ofc it doesnt works cauz alias on steam is forbidden. Also at 90% of ''kz'' servers will not work and you will be banned for scripts
  15. vsk mpori na ine efixto me anti cheat programs. gt ta anticheat programs dn ine opos to vac p an valis dn egine k tpt sta undected. sta anticheat ta piani
  16. [gr] cs tour se cheating forum?10-15 atoma tha ine kaloi oi aloi tha ine f9 fasi[/gr]
  17. files/steam/steamname/counter strike/csstrike/hltv.txt lol?
  18. its something like gathering ppl for a game on garena?
  19. is anyone tested on steam gaming? cauz non steam has a lottt of bugs.. and kapsimo.net has buggs too... just check cv commands on any server except 5..
  20. /server nana.irc.gr /nick yournick /ns register pass mail /auth codemail /identify /j channel omg pou ine to diskolo re psile?
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