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Everything posted by `PsDn^

  1. naabzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz allll stop spamming !!
  2. i think they haven't .................................................THEY HAVE ONLY FACEBOOK ROFL 10 YEARS OLD WTF
  3. i see 2 addicted nabz0rs 10 years old in my net and they are playing Tu Gi Oh WTF they are here from the morning and they just play ugioh wtf!!
  4. for what u sell the items?
  5. Thnx for share.. i think that u must update it immediatly!
  6. me 2 ..can anyone help me?
  7. So +1 again and dont change it he deserve it ...
  8. It IS Awsome and it works too!+1 karma from me br0!
  9. hello welcome and have fun in our forum:)
  10. if it is sorry:(and lock it and delete it too... but can u give me the link?
  11. i tested and they give good stats br0!:)btw..ty :P
  12. Hi all, I Share my Custom Tattoos for all community of MaxCheaters! Some Photos -- ************************************************** ****************** -- Vendor Tattoos XL Events - Lineage II - By Crispy 2009 -- Version : Gracia Part 2 CT2.2 L2J-Free 1.2.10 ( svn.51xx ) -- Version : 16/02/2008 rev 1.2 -- ************************************************** ****************** * List ID Npc Custom Vendors Spawn : 963014 : Vendor Tattoos 963013 : Vendor Tattoos XL * List ID Items : 9639010 - 9639054 / 9638010 - 9638054 Tattoos - NoGrade = 2 Tattoos - D-Grade = 4 Tattoos - C-Grade = 4 Tattoos - B-Grade = 4 Tattoos - A-Grade = 4 Tattoos - S-Grade = 2 Tattoos - S80-Grade = 2 Tattoos - Special-S80 = 4 Tattoos - Boost-S80 = 4 Tattoos - Gm = 2 Tattoos - Officiels = 12 Tattoos - Crispy = 1 ( Just for Fun !!! ) * List ID Ingredients : Essence of Power = 9639055 Essence of Divine = 9639056 Essence of Fuzion = 9639057 Tattoos Material = 9639058 Crystal of Tattoos = 9639059 Scroll of Tattoos = 9639060 * List ID Skills : 9639010 - 9639013 / 9638010 - 9638013 -- ************************************************** ****************** INSTALL : HTM File -> ..\data\html\merchant MULTISELL File -> ..\data\multisell XML File -> ..\data\stats\armor & ..\data\stats\skills ZIP File -> ..\data\faenor SQL File -> Use Navicat or Other ... !!! You need to custom or modify your client lineage (system) !!! INTO The Game : //spawn Merchant_ID ex : //spawn 963014 -- ************************************************** ****************** Link Version 1.2: http://angelhyx.free.fr/_files/modl2/Vendor_Tattoos/Vendor_Tattoos_CT2.rar Gracia Part 2: http://angelhyx.free.fr/_files/modl2/Vendor_Tattoos/Vendor_CT2.2_TattoosXL.rar Credits Goes to adzarus
  13. reported to eklepses apo alo hide topic kai epeidi dn edwses credits -1 :)
  14. t ennoeis?emena m evgale mmorocore gameserver k datapack:/
  15. e vazw to svn sto eclipse kai dn m exei login server:D
  16. soz eim ligo noob ala na sas rotisw loginserver dn exei/:S
  17. yes now i saw it.. sorry:(
  18. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=21156.0 Wrong Section It Is For L2PACKS AND FILES NOT ITEMS AND CHARS http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=21554.0 Wrong Section It Is For L2PACKS AND FILES NOT ITEMS AND CHARS http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=21855.0 Wrong Section It Is For L2PACKS AND FILES NOT ITEMS AND CHARS http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=22418.0 Wrong Section It Is For L2PACKS AND FILES NOT ITEMS AND CHARS
  19. wrong section request for move!
  20. only in other server?u dont need real money?:P
  21. φαίνεται πολύ ωραίο μήπως θα μπορούσες να βγάλεις και photo ta multisell? tou npc? !Σίγουρα θα το δοκιμάσω
  22. :O Πρώτη φορα το βλέπω πολύ ωραίο συνέχισε έτσι!
  23. nice loading screen.. i have never seen it thnx it rocks :]
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