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Everything posted by `PsDn^

  1. litourgei ston www.l2virtual.tk euxaristw poly m8 !!
  2. Welldone mate!!You And Your Shares Are Perfect!!! Thnx
  3. Very Good AIO LauQ Thnx a lot man Keep It Updated!
  4. thnx a lot karma.... You Helped Me Enough Because Im noob In Client Modding thnx:)
  5. Ena Telio AIO Xilia euxaristw God ... Poly Kalh douleia Ty k pali Ty xD
  6. [move]Hi all....[/move] The Forum Rocks!! I love it I wanna say some things about me Just to know!! I'm From Greece xD... I <3 L2,WoW,Aion! I'm 15 Years Old! And My Name Is Thanos xDDD
  7. I agree with 2 server One High And One Low Rate ... If you cannot do this I Suggest To Have Only PvP Server With Custom Weapons Only Hard Enchant and hard farm too.. PS.If You agree with me Maxtor Do Not Put Crazy stats in Weps!!! GL With The New Server!!!
  8. It rocks!!! Ty A Lot Macε {GR}Ta spas mace poly wraio ali8eia
  9. Euxaristw para polu stefouli eixa provlima k mou evgaze you dont meet the criteria k kati tetoia ala auto to guide me voi8ise 1000%% k einai ola mia xara twra :)
  10. euxaristw pl KD den to exw 3anadei ta spane ta weps alh8eia :P
  11. It Is awsome and it is working thnx a lot !
  12. e paidia egw nomizw pws afto einai 8ema tou gmshop ka8e server ... thn alh fora epeza se enan l2flamix kapws etsi k eperna ta recovery scroll 45k k ta poulaga 1kk :P
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