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Everything posted by `PsDn^

  1. thanosbel@hotmail.com add me xD
  2. eixa to idio problima file mou .. mporeis na m stilis s pm to link ? apo to aggliko section lew :P
  3. psaxe sto forum sigoura 8a exei to java code :)
  4. Egw to kanw k dorean .. afou dn exw ti na kanw afto to kero.. k mias p 8a einai se dedicated no prob :)
  5. ahh ok guys k emena doulevei k soz gia ta agglika xDtespa topic Locked
  6. Man I just did it because u dont need warn u have 350 posts wtf i have right
  7. an kanw restart dn litourgei?
  8. thnx a loot.... i found it :) ty Locked
  9. to open l2 serrver u must have unlimited traffic and more than 4gb ram :)
  10. Ventic eisai ekei ? mipos prepei na kanw afto edw false? # Activate Protection for unknownPacket flooding PacketProtection = True # How much unknown packets before punishment. # If the player send more than 5 unknownPackets per second, the player get punished. UnknownPacketsBeforeBan = 500 # Punishments # 1 - broadcast warning to gms only # 2 - kick player (default) # 3 - kick & ban player (Accesslevel -99) UnknownPacketsPunishment = 1
  11. w8 na dokimasw Edit: 1 kai 999 to eixa apo prin :S k akoma to idio ginete dn mporw alo :p
  12. oxi dn ginete me new account genika lew.. ka8e fora mporei na einai k diaforetiko account kai dn 8elw na alaxw pack gt m aresei poli!
  13. ventic mporeis na m peis ti ftei?:S
  14. egw xrisimopio afto to pack k dn paei pu8ena einai kalo exei protections ala re paidia peftei sinexeia down opote logarei ena account sigekrimeno dixnei oti logare k meta kati midenika k kolaei to login k peftei down o server ti ftei ?:S
  15. -1 karma.. double post.. i think you know the rules ...You have 350 posts..so ... //on topic.. thnx For jewels.. i'll try them :)
  16. i have such a big cock!
  17. oxi.. 8a epernes pipa apo to skilo sou gia 1k evro?
  18. man emas pou dn exoume rapid share mas gamas...:/
  19. I dont care About the pizza and pasta...But i care about the pussy!!I have home in italy i go often there.. in padova xD btw welcome!
  20. i agree with ya 3 signatures ROFL!!
  21. yep.. i like it a lot .. ty ™StarЯdoм® !!
  22. 8a m apantisei kaneis gt efage ban?XD
  23. guyz gt efage ban telika?:S
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