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Everything posted by Bawlz22

  1. yea extended dual monitors, but l2 never tries to maximize randomly without l2c.
  2. Hello I have windows 7. I am playing without enter chat and set "alt" to switch panels... sometimes l2control tries to maximize l2. Anyone know how to fix/avoid or what causes this exactly? It does not always happen.
  3. I've scanned and monitored 4 different cracked 6.3 pro releases and this one has the least about of results. It appears safe... I have a problem with l2control, playing without enter chat and set "alt" to switch panels... sometimes it tries to maximize l2. Anyone know how to fix/avoid or what causes this exactly? It does not always happen.
  4. Hey I'm new to the L2Off scene sort of. Last time I played with it was back when C1 was extended to C4 with working dye slots. In your opinion whats the best way to go as far as starting a private server? Full L2Off C4 ? Extended dvamp interlude/hellbound ? - costs $$ + requires a lot of work? 32bit Gracia extender smeli server - Looks like a poor way to go.. unless you have a lot of free time and want a 32bit server. There is also L2J... but L2j doesn't have the right game mechanic feel to L2. I've searched and only able to find so many packs... All feature information isn't really available also... there is the interlude pack here, labeled "best free" but what does that really have to offer ><. L2Storm seems to be the best Off C4 pack too also? Anyways, if anyone has any feedback towards whats the better idea to start with from whats available free... or if you would probably want to spend money on something. Starting out though, I dislike the idea of jumping in to spend money.
  5. 30 sec bsoe = regular soe lol
  6. another question which can't have one answer... depends on class and situation
  7. I go with speed, both those suck though... you want S grade or higher
  8. You can't answer this, it's dependent on the server and chronicle usually
  9. I wonder how many people bot this
  10. full buffed sps is the shit
  11. I never experience crit errors rly... long ago I did, dunno why
  12. was actually asking myself this same question
  13. dang this is an interesting tool
  14. l2 + win7 is fine :O
  15. pretty no brainer here
  16. Ive seen a bunch on retail
  17. russian ick :<
  18. You gotta like L2 a nice amount to put this together
  19. kinda sad if anyone rly needs to know HOW TO install l2... :/
  20. ive never played any :/
  21. LF gracia + l2off files! lol.
  22. im thinkin about tryin this, sounds interesting...
  23. what a bastage!
  24. L2Off and L2J are completely different
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