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Everything posted by xOutlaw

  1. too much random sh1t talk...if u dont like paradise and pyromaker...dont comment..and dont post.... p.s. : someone clean this
  2. server looks good really good....but pyromaker is using paradise name w/o the real owners aproval..and thats a real bad thing...lets just hope server will survive what is coming ^^
  3. nice but its just icarus weapons with diferent texture....and if im not wrong i have seen it before..dunt remember where..:( anyway gj and its cool
  4. i tottaly agree with u but sometimes it depends on the raw power like u sayd kill them fast... but sometimes depends on the situation that ure into and how`s ure game style...and moreover how u manage to tank a group of ppl w/o die`ing fast...a glad can do it...kill a bit slower and tank a little more than normal... anyway there are alot of way`s to play a glad....with ofensive dye`s or defensive dye`s or simple...no dye`s...
  5. i always considered glad same as dagger classes... skill power matter of the most ... when i play glad i just add con 4 / dex 5 all - str... since im base`ing my self on skill power only i dont need str..same as dagger... dunno maybe its just my opinion...but everyman with his own style... try it ...test it...see what it fits u....also dex -con is a cool ideea but u dont need tons of con in -- cuz glad is based on his imba cp amount cheers
  6. so if its not urs..k np..but ask the owner for the server features...and re-edit ure post...
  7. thats all the info`s on the site? lawl mate u can do better :S
  8. +20 players? yea i can agree to that...20 players and 1 gm....i just saw how many times patch was downloaded :) 21 times =) good luck btw :P
  9. gr33k iz da most spoke :O and no im not a racist :D
  10. PW win any pvp dagger vs dagger :D ( dodge=win ) T_T
  11. totaly agree ... but no coruption? i dont know any server w/o coruption till now...( dont mention low rates) all are for money and corupted...this is how it was ....is ... and will be...sad but true :(
  12. mi play with bots :D average lvl :X
  13. use search before u post """"Go to user.ini in your system folder, open it with file edit, find the line where it says: Aliases[39]=(Command="set Engine.LineagePlayerController MaxZoomingDist 13000",Alias=InfinityZoomOutPress) and change the number to something like 999999" """"" credits : Cook
  14. hello xDrac :p sup :p niid ppl :D
  15. rain dont confuse spanish with spanglish :D
  16. i can log with phx :D but i cant send packs ...its auto dc :D btw did u fixed ure serv problems? zones/xp/drops? cuz u know u had some things messed up.
  17. guud dat iz guud...ima on already try`ing hax`es and sh1t :D but not rly work`ing :D:D
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