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Everything posted by xOutlaw

  1. gracia and above chronicles is all about the dagger era :) with the new skills daggers are kinda OP and godlike if ya know how to play em... teleportation/ invisibility ...dual daggers...and sh1t lots more.. :) daggers = win all
  2. Cristiano hey bro server seem nice but its still bugged as hell in alot of ways. Buffs stacking also augments Epic jewls skill stackin x2 x3 x4 Armor bonus stacking S weps SA pasive skill stacking ( ex : u get stack the focus from DB to AM or w/e ) Adena bugs on gm shop Geodata bugs ( lol ) Bad teleport spots Server is laggy and its not my internet. Im from romania and i got lag..friends from SP quited cuz of lag. w/e. Also its kinda lame a bit cuz the pvp is dead lol. Dont take it personaly but ure english is verry bad... Good luck with ur server anyway. I just quited. RO: Succes ( dar slabe sanse ).
  3. I always thought these things were a frekin joke lol , but i joined a lol site that was say`ing make money surfing some site`s and after 2 weeks of aka surfing ( 15 mins per day lol ) i found today by mistake in my AlertPay account 5.050 USD ( u can get payed by Paypal also ), and i loled so freaking hard lmao. Im not doing advertisement but im just pointing some sites were u really can make money and not a freaking scam lol. Also its all for free u dont got to invest nothing . U just have to register and click on the add that pop up from time to time on ure account . Here they are : we dont allow this Good luck ^_^
  4. Pro sh1t brah :) when did ncsoft added totems to Titans ? :)
  5. fail server haha...100 ppl on =)) on top moments of the day even lololol. gl Joshua aka Rack :)
  6. Nice pet dogs Josh has :) say rouf :) yO Josh remember when u begged me for money to pay the host 1st month ? and u sayd : we will open donation from the start and i`ll pay u back from them !! :) I still got the logs between us brah :D !!!
  7. lol @ ure english skills .. lmao
  8. So so true... :D +1 more pyroBR fail :D
  9. Hello Josh / Joshua L2x now ? since u failed so hard with l2vengeance and so on.... ? Who will believe into ure lies ? U know i know who u are . Using ur homemade box server again ? :) and the l2sublimity files ? sup brah ? Sniff sniff ... i smell fail.
  10. well i got jailed on l2gold 3 years ago :D and since server updated to c6 2 days ago i got unjailed xD. /win :P
  11. ur a idiot lmao , its called Fusion skills , not Battle Symbol skills ROFL
  12. noone cares how we got the castle...the fact is we got it and u all failed ...thx again :) we held it up 1 h vs animal who was trying to crest it...and we succeded.... what is tiger doing all day? except FP? :O and most of tigers are brazilians so .../end :)
  13. im in a random clan called FortKnox... guess our alt clan got Aden? sup brah :D
  14. mucho story`s to make up brah...keep failing in Nova :) random players in random clans with random sh1t talk ftw cheers brah...keep it up =)) ass lick more =)))))
  15. the big shot tildao :O allmight clam lidar :O play`ing nova in a random clam =)) where iz ur criminal clam or vam clam rofl kid...get over it ur a failiure :))
  16. it is pyromaker :))) another fail serbitor lama ;)
  17. This is another fail attempt from Josh aka Joshua aka Rack Josh was the fail owner of l2vengeance :) So many servers he opened and he failed..now he wanna rip off some money :) Remember Josh when u begged me to give u money for the Host? Josh ... mate ... continue with this sh1t and i will start posting the msn logs :> ( u know what im talking :) ) cya and close this sh1t...
  18. u are absolutly corect. Nova is a great server already with lots of peeps... eXtreme is just another fail remake and try from Josh(Joshua aka Rack) the guy who made l2vengeance and other crap servers ( random dev ) and Survival was a good server but now its dead same like renewal. Comunity is kinda taken atm... LMAOROFL is right ... make a forum see ur ammount of ppl and do it in a original name and style.
  19. i understood ur position and what u wanted to say...but the point is u already written down name Paranoid and with that name comes comunity .... old and famous names atract peeps... w/e bro..good luck in w/e u wanna do...but as i sayd...Be Original .
  20. paranoid is closed and dead.... why u wanna use its name to get some comunity back? many lamers tryed to open servers with great names and they failed... i suggest dont do it...dont open paranoid.. just be urself BE ORIGINAL... Good luck.
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