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About cdutchy

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Country
    United States

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  1. As title says, I have lvl 15 Human mage..wanting to make 40 sorcerer and need power level. Send offers via pm. Thank you
  2. Made purchase with simbiosgg and all went very smooth. Used middleman, all went fast and easy. Good seller. Will most def buy from again! Thank you!
  3. Used mevsyou as middleman and transaction was very, very fast..smooth and easy. Will def use again if middleman is needed.
  4. Dr. Pepsi scammed me for Emi bow on Giran server. I posted a wtb list and he pm'd me with his skype info: I sent original payment over g2a pay but he claimed he got blocked...he's has since deleted our skype conversations but you can see that I did send payment and he claims to not get it, we agreed to wait a few days to see if he could get it unlocked. In the end, I cancelled the payment with g2a and we agreed to use Western Union. So today I send western union money for a +7 Emi bow, he has deleted the skype email where he linked the bow in chat but you can see from the $850 amount that it was overenchanted. He picked up the funds: his wu info: from that point he delayed and messaged me that he he would delivery but I didnt hear from him again...gg. I shouldve used a middle man.....lesson learned, the hard way.
  5. I wtb Eminence bow on Giran server...send me pm here if you have. Thanks.
  6. Anyone here use this on official US? How does it compare to radar in ZR? Haven't tried adrenaline yet...is it detected at login? I'm not sure how much ncwest cares anymore...
  7. So I found this updated l2fileedit that works with Helios (https://github.com/L2Miko/L2FileEdit). I am able to edit and save my files easily (and the save stays), but when I run l2 and get in game the edits don't work. It's my understanding that l2fileedit automatically patches the system folder. What could I be doing wrong?
  8. Thanks! The patcher I have is error'ing out...is there a working patcher?
  9. Ok..so I remembered that for it to save I need to have a patched system folder. I vaguely remember how to do this...put patcher and l2encdec into system directory, run patcher..let it do its thing and then I can save modified files..right? Am I missing anything? Also...is there anything new with gameguard that I need to know?
  10. Napster...thanks for the quick reply! I used the file you sent, but after I edit a file, then click encrypt and save..it reverts back to the original values. Do you know why? I'm selecting EP3_0 Helios protocol. For example..I'm editing l2.ini. I decrypt it, change: [CharacterDisplay] Name=true Dist=1000 to [CharacterDisplay] Name=true Dist=10000 But it won't save like this.
  11. Hi all, Just got back into l2 after a 2 year break...i used to be able to use l2encdec and patcher to mod these files for unlimited zoom and increase player name range, but now I cant. Does anyone know how to get fileedit to work for helios (retail NA), or how to go old school and use l2encdec to get it to run? I've searched forever and the most recent ive found was a l2fileedit for grand crusade I believe. I could edit the files, but when I run l2 everything is normal with no mods working. Maybe I'm forgetting a step. I will pay for a working helios fix...hit me up please. :)
  12. I used him for his services, went from 1/1 to 101/99. As the poster above me mentioned, be prepared to buy full xp boosts. Legit powerlevel, not botted at all.
  13. Pm me here or hit me up on skype, thedutchy2012. Thx
  14. I have purchased from him many times and every time the transaction has been very, very fast. I love buying from him!
  15. I have a character I'll sell to you, a 91 YUL. No chance of getting recalled. Plus, I'm sure you know of this archer as well.
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