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Everything posted by GriFFt3r

  1. some1 know why TheAbyss server is down for some weeks???? i cant work on my l2walker if the server is down :(
  2. redirected.... no download without registration anymore.. i started the topic because i want share my files with u, but i got to much PMs so i will not answer ur PMs for configurating and bot making anymore.
  3. i checked it at viruschief.com and it says its ok
  4. ROFLLOL indeed try the l2walker10.7.4 version or my 10.7.4UltimeserverC5
  5. for all who search for l2walker or packetsniffer to download, just use the link in my signature called " Bot files and more ". there u will find a bounch of walker and many many other stuff u can download. i hope it helps some newcomer with the search for programs and that some ppl stop asking for links of the programs Have fun at boting and exploiting
  6. i scaned the file and got this results Antivir: Nothing found ArcaVir: Nothing found Avast: Nothing found AVG: Nothing found BitDefender: DeepScan:Generic.Hupigon.4988E331, DeepScan:Generic.Hupigon.AFD4176F ClamAV: Nothing found F-Prot: Nothing found Norman: Nothing found Rising: Nothing found VirusBlokAda32: Nothing found VirusBuster: Nothing found Report overview Scanned by viruschief.com but if its a packetsniffer i think it will be no problem
  7. yea the best way to enchant ur weapon is to ask a GM if he enchant it to +65535 and this is 100% enchant rate, if u have luck XD
  8. ROFLMAO he loged in but he dont know how to use it, then stop boting. he want to bot but he dont know how to use it, then i think u dont know what happens when a GM will see u boting. i hate this noobs.... they dont read any posts/stickes and they are to lame to use the search function on this board.... *sorry for flaming* but thats my oppinion
  9. try to download it here http://rapidshare.com/users/K52DQV <---- password is "haxor" scoll down and download the file called " L2Walker_1.79__1.78_fixed_for_Interlude_.zip "
  10. LOL i like his namecreation... its near to be undected like a spy... what noob take the same name 4 time??? post him that he get a ban... But first ask him about the bot
  11. damn we need some1 who can translate it into english language... i cant read anything in this tool but it is looking intersting. on what server/cronicles do it works???
  12. there are some little viruses but a very nice collection, i think i´ll try them all
  13. thats the problem we all have on TheAbyss.. some guys talked about a anti-bot system that check all 30sec. for bots and u can buy a special option for ur account that alloews u to bot.... but i dont belive that thing with the special option, they only want that u donate.
  14. u think u are good?? then try it on the hardest server http://la2.theabyss.eu/
  15. i thought every server has his own token isnt it??
  16. what link isnt working anymore????? my links are working perfect
  17. hmmmm i need to configurate my walker for a C5 server but i something doing wrong because i get..... 17:34:57 Link LoginServer Succeed. 17:34:58 ->Login LoginServer Fail. i got IP, PORT, protocolversion 709 and the token = 5F3B352E5D39342D33313D3D2D257854215E5B24 but i cant connect... what l2walker do u use mates??? 10.7.4??? and do u use l2asrv051 or a l2w_vse (serveremulator)
  18. well guys i tried many things to get a working bot on TheAbyss but nothing works realy good, that why i wanna share my BOTFILES with u all Take a look here password is " haxor " BTW: check all files after downloading with Viruschief
  19. [DEFAULT] CountryList=theabyss; DefaultCountry=0 DefaultServer=2 DefaultCharacter=0 DefaultAccount=your account DefaultPassWord= thats my settings [theabyss] LoginServerIP= LoginServerPort=2593 ProtocolVersion=747 <------- 748 & 749 sometimes worked for me too ServerList=[1]3x;[2]another;[3]7xUSA; i share my botfiles, maybe one of u guys can handel it or if u are to lazy to search the web for bots than take a look in my files BotFiles EDIT: password is " haxor "
  20. dont work on TheAbyss...i get error after i choose my char.... maybe it is because the server is C6??? dont know BUT 100 times THX DUDE for share with us
  21. MMWWUHAHAHAH i like this pics... i make one for my char XD
  22. thats what i have looking for... i never knew the status off my clan/ally
  23. there are many sites i didnt knew.. THX a lot for the share
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