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Everything posted by masterkaoz

  1. 54 times with glad.. not much time to play l2 :(
  2. 54 times with glad.. not much time to play l2 :(
  3. but it's a boring boss.. more than 15 mins to kill it
  4. but it's a boring boss.. more than 15 mins to kill it
  5. with this update l2 will become the best mmorpg in the world.. i just hope they launch it quickly
  6. with this update l2 will become the best mmorpg in the world.. i just hope they launch it quickly
  7. i still prefer using them as a pvp spot instead of clan hall :P
  8. i still prefer using them as a pvp spot instead of clan hall :P
  9. nice info, tks mate ;)
  10. nice info, tks mate ;)
  11. pretty cool instanced dungeons and areas, make the game a lot less boring, u just need like 5 friends top to always make stuff
  12. pretty cool instanced dungeons and areas, make the game a lot less boring, u just need like 5 friends top to always make stuff
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