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Everything posted by tavitox

  1. Didnt understand why +8 wit if the max is +5.. anyway thx
  2. Good guide, need to know if i have a change to enchant skills which ones u would choose ?thx again
  3. Smoke weed and cigarettes :D
  4. Can someone helps me, and says me how i can trade an augumented weapon ? Thank u i just have 30 posts
  5. Didnt worked for me it takes the same time to load !
  6. Wts account on l2 damage with: Dragonic set +20, Full raid boss jewels +20, Tallum heavy +20, Heavens divider +20 with active might, Forgoten blade +20, shining bow +20, Tatoo of donator +20, 25 donator coins, Strider, Char leader of a clan lvl 8 full skills. 350 k adenas ! Just to make a comparation draconic part = 100 adenas Server isnt custom, Is interlude and need to kill raid bosses for jewels! Here is the link www.l2damage.com Thanks,
  7. l2 extreme when c3 like 5-6 ago l2 revenge last year
  8. Well guys im playing a l2 server. And i created a lot of bots to raise my clan lvl. Now the problem is i want to create another main char and when i click create character it gives a message "You cannot create another character, please delete the existing character and try again" I already deleted all the bots i made, and nothing happends, someone know what i can do ? I will be pleased! Thx
  9. If u could choose for a active augument skill on bow, u will choose focus, might, guidance or what ? Cause my server have the option ! Thx
  10. Got it thx! =) But my crest are horrible, i think its because i dont know which is a good wallpeper to dl ! :/
  11. Thx Happy, there is a guide of l2 crest maker ? BB
  12. Congrats, do u have my respect! Thanx!
  13. Hi guys, im looking for awesomes l2 crests and im not founding. If someone can help me i will be glad Bb
  14. what about sxe injected 10.0?
  15. For farming in my opinion warlord with a good certification =)
  16. I think 12 -15 cant remember well
  17. Aden by far =) everybody knows that :D
  18. I think eva templar is the best char for far if u know how to play with it
  19. I think its a good class if u know how to play it . Its more balanced than previously chronicles
  20. Gj i had a server and didnt know the commands ty
  21. Lol i was looking for that for a long time tytytytytyty :):):):):):):)
  22. Cs1.6 better. It have better gameplay and its more original by far
  23. Well my name is gustavo im from uruguay , im new here. Hope to find good cheats and good friends too on forum cya
  24. without doubt windows xp
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