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Everything posted by `Vaxil

  1. No. As long as i know of myself i always wanted to gether as much information as i can bout everything. Time is included too , so no.
  2. All HAIL Escordia. Tsili just right clicked.
  3. Anyone has some leaked information about the opening date ? DUDEZ
  4. Even if u are good , some champion can avoid it so easily. Caitlyn , Vayne
  5. He is a VERY good and fast jungler , but he sux at ganking unless the enemies have REALLY overextended. I go : Lantern ( i start with cloth and W) , Frozen mallet , warmog's /Sunfire ,atma's and then some extra durability and mana like Banshee's. R>Q>E>W
  6. Μόλις έγινα 6 χτες. Και αυτό που εννοεί ο φινίτο είναι να ξαναδιαβάσεις τα ρουλς silly boy.
  8. Well , HP + AP is what Nunu mostly needs. And that passive will make it more difficult to people getting out of ut ulti oru will ba able to troll them with ur E :3
  9. Wind Rider για Oly και μέτρο πβπ και GH για να τρολφέις.πνγ στα πβπ αλλά άθλιο oly.
  10. Plus , that the server is going to be opened prolly until the next monday , so stay tuned ;)
  11. In 1900, the world was a different place. There was no Google yet. Or Yahoo. Remember, that was before there were DVDs. Heck, even before there was VHS. People were indeed watching movies in the cinema, and not downloading them online. Imagine the packed seats, the laughter, the excitement, the novelty. And mostly all of that without 3D computer effects. In 1900... The United States Census estimates the country's population was 70 million. Strikes in Belgium and Germany lead to mining riots. The Gold Standard Act is ratified, placing United States currency on the gold standard. Hawaii becomes an official U.S. territory. Boxers gather about 20,000 people near Peking and kill hundreds of European citizens, including the German ambassador. That was the world you were born into. Since then, you and others have changed it. But it didn't stop the planets from spinning, on and on, year by year. Years in which you would grow bigger, older, smarter, and, if you were lucky, sometimes wiser. Years in which you also lost some things. Possessions got misplaced. Memories faded. Friends parted ways. The best friends, you tried to hold on. This is what counts in life, isn't it? The 1900s were indeed a special decade. The Naughts see end of the Second Boer War. The Russo-Japanese War establishes the Empire of Japan as a world power. The home phonograph becomes widely popular. The first Zeppelin flight occurs. The first electric typewriter is invented. The nickel-alkaline storage battery sees the light of day. The Geiger Counter, measuring radioactivity, is invented by Hans Geiger. There's a kid outside, shouting, playing. It doesn't care about time. It doesn't know about time. It shouts and it plays and thinks time is forever. You were once that kid. Progress, year after year. Do you wonder where the world is heading towards? The technology available today would have blown your mind in 1900. Do you know what was invented in the year you were born? Epinephrine/ Adrenaline. The Rigid Dirigible Airship. The Self-heating Can. It's 2011. The world is a different place. What path have you taken? Well , Nice Times back then i must admit.
  12. updated the informations post. I will post A FAQ too concerning critical errors.
  14. I just ate that fish. I heard its name was urf.
  15. Επειδή το έψαξα λίγο το θέμα , ο άνθρωπος ποτέ δεν προοριζόταν να περάσει το 1.70 , αλλά τελευταία σχεδόν όλες οι τροφές που καταναλώνουμε περιέχουν συντηριτικά , και ένα απο αυτά τα στοιχεία είναι το φώσφωρο ( το οποίο ευθύνεται και για το φαινόμενο του Ευτροφισμού ( Βλ. Πράσινη γλίτσα στην θάλασσα που δημιουργείται όταν τα απόβλυτα των εργοστασίων καταλήγουν εκεί και τα φύκια αποροφούν μερικά τοξικά στοιχεία , και έτσι αναπτύζονται με ταχύτατο ρυθμό.) ) . Έτσι λοιπόν φυσικό είναι για τους ανθρώπους που κατοικούν στις μεγαλούπολεις , να έχουν αναπτυχθεί περισσότερο ( δεν είναι πάντα καλό , διότι αργότερα θα παρουσιάσουν πολλά προβλήματα όπως η οστεοπόρωση) εξαιτίας της αυξημένης ποσότητας φωσφόρου στην ατμόσφαιρα. ΤΟ ΑΙΜΑ ΜΑΣ ΠΙΣΩ ΝΙΑΜΟΥ
  16. Username : Vaxil And i have the kamael emblem as an avatar. Q.Q
  17. Θα πάω στην πόρτα της κουζίνας και θα ξαναμετρηθώ με την βοήθεια της ξύλινης καμήλας.
  18. Αν μπορούν τα άτομα με ύψος άνω του 1.80 να σκάσουν γιατί μας φέρνουν σε μειονεκτική θέση , θα το εκτιμούσα και θα προσέφερα την παρθενιά του Βάζελου.
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