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Everything posted by `Vaxil

  1. Bigfoot talking ? Δεν είμαι τύπος που ρίχνεται στο κρεβάτι από την 1η μέρα :X ΕΔΙΤ : Για τους χαζούς που δεν κατάλαβαν , προσπάθησα να δημιουργήσω υπαινιγμό. Εγώ απέκτησα σήμερα....
  2. Είπα να φέρω εκλεράκια , αλλά τώρα 1:30 ώρα σε μετρό και ηλεκτρικό + Σύνταγμα = Defeat.
  3. Καλά , μόλις δεις Revenger και Vege RL , θα νιώσεις σαν μια μικροσκοπική αμοιβάδα. Η παλάμη του Vege είναι διπλάσια από την δική μου , lol.
  4. Να σου υπενθυμίσω πως όταν ο αριθμός έχει αρνητικό πρόσημο , αποκτά μικρότερη αξία από αυτόν με θετικό πρόσημο. Δεν σε έστειλα γυμνάσιο γαμώ :/
  5. Γιατί ρε μαλάκα είμαι κοντός ; Αντε γαμηθείτε ρε κολόζωα μου προκαλέσατε ψυχολογικά σμρ , ζωα .
  6. Δεν πηγαίνω σε νετ όταν είμαι διακοπές.
  7. Σπέτσες > Ύδρα πάντως.
  8. Την Leona θα έλεγε.
  9. Ρε μαλάκα , άνθρωπος της εκκλησίας είμαι , δεν θα σε κρεμάσω από τη λάμπα με τα σωθικά σου !
  10. Ρε είμαι 15 και είμαι ο ψηλότερος στην περιοχή μου με ύψος περίπου 1.80~ ΚΑΙ ΜΕ ΠΕΡΝΑΓΑΝ 1 ΚΕΦΑΛΙ ΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑ ΨΥΧΟΛΟΓΙΚΑΑΑ
  11. Ρε , είναι τέρατα. Γιέτι . Νούνου.
  14. Haters gonna hate :/ Btw ur posts are gonna be deleted so , sadmemore.png
  15. Psychological problems from previous game experience detected. Evacuating.
  16. Είμαι άπλυτος και το πλύσιμο των ρούχων αντικρούεται με τα δεδομένα της θρησκείας του γατιού μου.
  17. It's always a pleasure to have newcomers to AION , and we will do our best to help you gain the best experience from this choise. If you are not aware with the content that AION offers please read the first posts. ( I will add some videos to help you decide which class ur heart belongs too.)
  18. This Post will guide you thru the whole procedure to play AION. If you find any difficulties or receive any error , please let us know.
  19. Download the NcSoft Launcher , and select the AION option ( its quite big ).
  20. Hello fellow members ! So first of all in order to play AION you have to download the NcSoft Launcher. http://us.ncsoft.com/en/launcher/ncsoft-launcher.html The site itself is pretty well explanatory so i don't think you will mess up anywhere. After that part , please procedure to the settings. ( Ctrl + S). Then select the Advanced Tab on this window. Now do this. Region = North America. And Language = English. Afterwards , select the AION option from the list and press "Play Game". The game is actually quite big , so it's gonna take a little time until you will be able to play. After you have done that , please PM me in order to sent you the information about the server we will be playing and how to contact us.( When the server opens.) Yours Sincerely , Vaxil - Head Community Assistant. 2. As we have encountered a lot of newcomers to AION , and almost everyone does not know which class suits him the most , this post right here will provide you with as much information about the classes and generally the whole intercept of AION. ( Please visit aionsource(dot)com for further information.) AION is a mmo far beyond l2 or wow , because it offers not only Instances and Sieges as well as the unique FLY system. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4gMGZnrFlA This is a tutorial i found on utube , and it will surely guide you to the flight system. Moreover AION classes have many skills. However , some skills can ONLY be used when certain conditions are met.ChainSkills. For example when you cast a skill that is part of a chain , then the next skill ( usually more powerfull) will appear. Another example is Shield Stuns. Some shield stuns can ONLY be used after you have blocked an attack thus making the shield skill available. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bm54wEDKoCM Now , the classes AION offers are 8. When you create your character you have to choose among 4 MAIN classes. These are : Warrior , Scout , Mage and Priest. At level 9 you will gain the Ascension quest which will make you choose ( depending which Main class you have chosen) among 2 new classes. These are : Warrior = Templar / Gladiator , Scout = Ranger /Assassin , Mage = Sorcerer /Spiritmaster and Priest = Chanter / Cleric. Topics that may prove themselves usefull. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=174923.0 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=90269.0 Information and Server Features : AION International ~ First of all the server is still underdevelopment and in pre-release state. Althu i will go thru in some very basic features this sever as well as emphasize in depth of the developed and newly scripted parts. 1) Aion International supports ONLY 2.5 + Client so if you are still on 2.0 , please update from NCsoft Launcher. 2) Aion International has daily and weekly events which will provide you gracefull awards that will help you accomplish your ultimate goal. As i find it really senseless posting all the extra information here i would like to redirect you to http://www.aioninternational.com/index.php?page=features'>http://www.aioninternational.com/index.php?page=features . It's Aion International Feature section and i have a feeling that it will help you more than i ever could. The official site is http://www.aioninternational.com/ , be sure to take a look ! Also the MxC topic is located here , created by EDLAX , http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=210375.0 Also we have our own channel in a Teamspeak server of a dear friend of mine ( xTsili <3) , and we can write / chat /talk there freely ! After u have been accepted to the clan , pm me for the info. ERROR SECTION. So as many of us may have encountered some errors ( Please post the error log or some evidence to help you solve it ) , i decided to TRY and solve some of them. The first most annoying error is the Freezing Login Screen after you have inserted your id/pass. Solution ( Worked for me ) : Try to update from NCSoft Launcher. After done updating , please delete bin32 located in C:\Programm Files(x86)\NCSoft\AION , then right click on AION in the NcSoft launcher and click the option *Repair*. After repaired , try launching AION and logging in. Done.
  21. done ;D Anime.gr too is a good place.
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