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Everything posted by TheiPodKid

  1. c'mon people, vote !! :D
  2. I see that everyone is going just for L2...
  3. BsCyB, tottally agree. I was off Lineage2 for ~ 2 months, then when I started to listen music wich was from Lineage2 Videos it reminded me of Lineage2 PvP and other, so I couldn't help it but to come back to Lineage :)
  4. Invaders Time-Warrior
  5. Spellhowler / Necromancer
  6. Angel Of Death I agree with you, but I don't like COD :(
  7. omg.. failed video..
  8. Nice man. Waiting for others ! :D
  9. 2. Mage (Spellhowler/Necromancer) - It's easy to PvP, and It's usefull in Mass PvP.
  10. This is really working, thanks bro
  11. 1. L2Endure (www.L2Endure.com) 2. L2Live (www.L2Live.lt) 3. L2Vendetta (www.L2-Vendetta.com)
  12. Everyone, vote and coment :D
  13. ExTrEmEDwarf MasterDisaster, Added :)
  14. Which game Lineage2 Aion Counter Strike Warcraft Cross Fire GTA SA:MP Perfect World Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 2 Do you like the most ? Vote, Then post wich game did you choose and why :P I Choose Lineage2, Because I play it for like ~ 6 years and didn't get tired ! And I love Lineage2 web'sites. How about you guys ? Post here wich game and why !
  15. Rhodi, I tottally agree :)
  16. Looking for a good serv !
  17. Where can i download perfect world ?
  18. I don't think it's a good game :?
  19. I think it's lame serv ..
  20. I can if u want... :?
  21. Dragon Ball? omfg....
  22. Nice guid man ! Thx a lot !
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