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Everything posted by Darkylos

  1. Kai epsaxna wings gia frozen!bravo re megale!oso gia ta cup eimai periergos na ta dw :) :) nice work! sthn db perasan pantws,se ligo 8a to anoiksw na dw :) gg man
  2. i am searching 1 our for vespers!if this work i am gonna kiss you man!:P xD all the vespers until either they dont show graphs in game and not spawn in inventory or the Database doesnt read them! on topic: I Like a LOT the mini valakas <3 i hope that he will work :P
  3. ok sorry gia auto la8os m
  4. ok sorry gia auto la8os m
  5. to -1 karma einai gia auta pou les,den ta skeutesai...file 1000 tosoi idioi server ok den lew,so?den 8es mhn paizeis :) anaferomai me auto to topic se allous pou 8eloun enan server na mpoun
  6. to -1 karma einai gia auta pou les,den ta skeutesai...file 1000 tosoi idioi server ok den lew,so?den 8es mhn paizeis :) anaferomai me auto to topic se allous pou 8eloun enan server na mpoun
  7. Hello there!This is our new server!We hope to see you soon ;D http://L2HellAndParadise.comuf.com See what our server can provide to you! General ____________________ Server: Interlude PvP Pack: V.1.1 Email: L2HellAndParadise@hotmail.com Rates ____________________ Exp/Sp: x3000 Drop: x40 Adena: x3000 Party Exp/Sp: x3100 Enchantments _________________________ Weapon's Enchant Rate: 75% Armor's Enchant Rate: 75% Jewels' Enchant Rate: 75% Blessed Enchant Scrolls Rate : 90% Safe Encantment: +7 Max Encantment: +25 NPCs _________________________ GM Shop Luxary GK with custom Zones [LvL/Adena/PvP/Farm] Raid Teleporter Buffer with Full Buffs Special Shop Top PvP/PK [Top 10 PvP and Top 10 PK Players] Donations Manager PC Bang Points System _________________________ Every 15 minutes you get 20 - 100 PC.B.P The one with the highest score gets a special prize every month! Olympiad Period _________________________ Heroes every 2 weeks! Olympiad starts at 18:00 SRV time Events _________________________ Capture the Flag Event starts at 18:00 SRV time TvT Event starts at 19:30 SRV time Event's reward : 50.000 Ancient Adena
  8. Hello there!This is our new server!We hope to see you soon ;D http://L2HellAndParadise.comuf.com See what our server can provide to you! General ____________________ Server: Interlude PvP Pack: V.1.1 Email: L2HellAndParadise@hotmail.com Rates ____________________ Exp/Sp: x3000 Drop: x40 Adena: x3000 Party Exp/Sp: x3100 Enchantments _________________________ Weapon's Enchant Rate: 75% Armor's Enchant Rate: 75% Jewels' Enchant Rate: 75% Blessed Enchant Scrolls Rate : 90% Safe Encantment: +7 Max Encantment: +25 NPCs _________________________ GM Shop Luxary GK with custom Zones [LvL/Adena/PvP/Farm] Raid Teleporter Buffer with Full Buffs Special Shop Top PvP/PK [Top 10 PvP and Top 10 PK Players] Donations Manager PC Bang Points System _________________________ Every 15 minutes you get 20 - 100 PC.B.P The one with the highest score gets a special prize every month! Olympiad Period _________________________ Heroes every 2 weeks! Olympiad starts at 18:00 SRV time Events _________________________ Capture the Flag Event starts at 18:00 SRV time TvT Event starts at 19:30 SRV time Event's reward : 50.000 Ancient Adena
  9. Γεία σας!Εδώ είναι οι πληροφορίες για τον καινούργειο μας server.Ελπίζουμε να σας δούμε σύντομα! http://L2HellAndParadise.comuf.com Τι προσφέρει ο server μας! General ____________________ Server: Interlude PvP Pack: V.1.1 Email: L2HellAndParadise@hotmail.com Rates ____________________ Exp/Sp: x3000 Drop: x40 Adena: x3000 Party Exp/Sp: x3100 Enchantments _________________________ Weapon's Enchant Rate: 75% Armor's Enchant Rate: 75% Jewels' Enchant Rate: 75% Blessed Enchant Scrolls Rate : 90% Safe Encantment: +7 Max Encantment: +25 NPCs _________________________ GM Shop Luxary GK with custom Zones [LvL/Adena/PvP/Farm] Raid Teleporter Buffer with Full Buffs Special Shop Top PvP/PK [Top 10 PvP and Top 10 PK Players] Donations Manager PC Bang Points System _________________________ Every 15 minutes you get 20 - 100 PC.B.P The one with the highest score gets a special prize every month! Olympiad Period _________________________ Heroes every 2 weeks! Olympiad starts at 18:00 SRV time Events _________________________ Capture the Flag Event starts at 18:00 SRV time TvT Event starts at 19:30 SRV time Event's reward : 50.000 Ancient Adena
  10. Γεία σας!Εδώ είναι οι πληροφορίες για τον καινούργειο μας server.Ελπίζουμε να σας δούμε σύντομα! http://L2HellAndParadise.comuf.com Τι προσφέρει ο server μας! General ____________________ Server: Interlude PvP Pack: V.1.1 Email: L2HellAndParadise@hotmail.com Rates ____________________ Exp/Sp: x3000 Drop: x40 Adena: x3000 Party Exp/Sp: x3100 Enchantments _________________________ Weapon's Enchant Rate: 75% Armor's Enchant Rate: 75% Jewels' Enchant Rate: 75% Blessed Enchant Scrolls Rate : 90% Safe Encantment: +7 Max Encantment: +25 NPCs _________________________ GM Shop Luxary GK with custom Zones [LvL/Adena/PvP/Farm] Raid Teleporter Buffer with Full Buffs Special Shop Top PvP/PK [Top 10 PvP and Top 10 PK Players] Donations Manager PC Bang Points System _________________________ Every 15 minutes you get 20 - 100 PC.B.P The one with the highest score gets a special prize every month! Olympiad Period _________________________ Heroes every 2 weeks! Olympiad starts at 18:00 SRV time Events _________________________ Capture the Flag Event starts at 18:00 SRV time TvT Event starts at 19:30 SRV time Event's reward : 50.000 Ancient Adena
  11. Sory gia to la8os section.kapoios mod na to lock kai olas gt to elusa to prob! :)
  12. ama ekane update ??? isws lew?????:P
  13. Trww auto to error kai den kserw gt,kai oxi mono egw alla oloi!help sas parakalw! Login Server http://img823.imageshack.us/i/loginserver.jpg/ Game Server + Critical Error http://img840.imageshack.us/i/errorcgz.jpg/
  14. link dead!to 8elw AUTO to site !!!! :P
  15. tested!man it is really perfect!keep sharing :D
  16. [GR]Gamaei re!Bravo!!!+1 gia thn douleia sou,sunexise etc
  17. super!!!!i will download it right now!thnx hli4s
  18. File ela einai ena shop opws ola ta alla kai amfivalw an einai diko sou,apla evales sto html to name sou kanw deletares kai kati kai etoimo???
  19. Did you make these???They are awesome i will try them right away!
  20. Thnx man,einai polu kalo kai boh8aei para polu kai ekana to site m xD +1 apo emena
  21. THNX se olous,me boh8aei kai o psomas opote solved to prob,plz kapoios mod na lock to topic:)
  22. Geia sas paidia Tha h8ela ligo help gia na ftiaksw ena website,kata protimhsh ucoz an kserete,kserw sto peripou alla den thn paleuw kai polh kai den briskw kana teplate ths prokophs...:/ kai epipleon an mporei na me help kaneis kati sto compile.... opoios mporei na help plz add to msn m... darkylos@hotmail.com thnx prokatavolika :D
  23. Auto to eixa kanei kai egw paliotera,alla to link pou eixa anevasei to phx eixe leiksh opote,thnx kai to psaxna to script,god job, GIA NA KSERETE AUTO PIANEI SE OLOUS TOUS SERVER AKOMA KAI AS MHN PIANEI TO ENCHANT KAI OTI ALLO.AUTO PANTA PIANEI :)
  24. File auto einai....kai paidi pou exei kanei estw kai ena siege sthn zwh tou katalavainei thn diafora,kalutera na kanei kapoios lock to topic na mhn spamaroun kai olas
  25. Arxaio alla se nooboservers panta pianei kai panta 9a pianei :p m aresei merikoi pou to kseroun den mporoun na to kanoun gt den ta kanoun se swsto xrono :P Anyway bravo pou to eksighses analutika.ama evazes kai kamia foto
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