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Everything posted by Billpap

  1. thank you m8
  2. The button is disabled (with an x r something) could this mean NO donations?
  3. Now that was what my server was missing ;) TY
  4. Your MSSQL is trial or full?
  5. It is easy to convert to L2J. Just some MySQL and XML. Anyways, Pyro great share! You do the textures alone or you have a team?
  6. Packet Changes and tsoup! You have interlude server? Come'on! It's not Interlude files, it's C4. And personaly I think greately overpriced ;)
  7. It's absolutely needed, thank you
  8. PyroMaker, you're the CustomMaker :P Thank you.
  9. Summon a friend is a great skill. Summon Party Members (DoomCrier lvl 79) is better though :P
  10. At least he pasted it here for others to see. You should thank him.
  11. It is possible only with a Server Modification too. I'm working on a project about this but to be honest it's not something anyone would share......
  12. Exactly. Although if you know your player right you may win every class regardless of yours....
  13. Official Servers are the real deal! Get a 80lvl there from scratch and then you'll have my respect
  14. The link there was broken :S Anywhere else? or maybe reshare?
  15. How many devs up until now?
  16. The fun side of L2
  17. Or you may speak to an adventurer in any village, same info ;)
  18. You may want to add a greater healing potion after the CP pots, it's very good. And I heard that G15 is not working with newest update of Official....
  19. It's one of the best tools to decide what set and weapon you'll need in higher levels...
  20. No it's not true :P
  21. Just rumors though .....
  22. Not melee Class, they are archers too. They have no mage class if this is what you meant
  23. in official I have 3 +10 Homu and 1 +6 SoM BW light all set +6 and Tallum robe all set +6 Not much but it's Official and all by me, not e-bayed ;)
  24. In official he is dead in 15mins
  25. Auta einai!
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