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Everything posted by TroubleChick

  1. Yep Smoker (aka RedSky), Crypt (aka AndyWarhol) and Ashley (aka SaltySweet) were in Silver Project and Dutzu (aka Tzu) + DuckFace (aka Sciron) were in Pharos project. We just decided to build something together this time.
  2. We know we have set the goal to get L2PoW live today, but after reviewing the things still to be done, and since also the advertising part was not done properly we shall wait one week with the opening. So we decided that the LIVE date will be November 8th 2013 and we hope for the best. Until then join our beta! :)
  3. Check out the new Shop Finder coded by our Team! We are waiting you for live on 8th
  4. We proudly inform you that our OBT opened the gates this evening and will be running the next days. You can find the Beta System (lameguard -ON) at this link: www.l2pow.com/system.rar Any remarques, ideas, features discussion or any other thing that would request out attention, please feel free to post it on our forums at www.l2pow.com/forum and we will look at it. Also if you want to follow us, you can do it on FB: www.facebook.com/L2PreyOfWar Thank you all and we are eager to see you in-game! L2 Prey Of War - Project
  5. You have open beta for that and the forum. We are ready to tests and waiting for you guys
  6. Retail like. We will test more on beta and see how it all works.
  7. 1.Dedicated server in france 2. Intel Xeon E3 1245v2 4x 3.40+ GHz 32 GB DDR3 2x 120 GB SSD 3.More than enough 4. The more the merrie, we don't have any statistic yet about starting count.
  8. Lameguard protection last version DDoS Protection: Hyperfilter.
  9. L2Silver & L2Pharos present L2PreyOfWar Website: http://www.l2pow.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/L2PreyOfWar Why us? Because we spent many years in this game and we know what makes the difference from just another random server to one of the best servers. Because we run on a well developed source and we have our own coders that can do incredible things and that will never stop developing L2PoW. Because we have years of experience and we have done most of the mistakes a developer can do long time ago and we learned from them so you dont have to encounter them again. Because we dont want to make just another money making machine but a real player orientated server where wars will be fought and friendships will be built. Because we come back in the L2 scene after a break of many months (final uni exams'n shit) and we have a burning flame inside that will make us the most active team ur half blind gamers eyes have seen in years. Because ... lets be honest you dont have a good FRESH mid rate where to spend the comming autumn and winter and even if you had, when we put this baby rolling you wont see any name in the shade of L2PoW :) Because this mofo that wrote the lines above love his players and his server more than other mofos love their families PS: Grammar nazis can go down in a corner and QQ, i dont bother spellchecking my text because this is a message from gamers to gamers and I am sure all of you can read it and get the ideea. Beta: on now Live: 08.11.2013 19:00 GMT+1 Server Rates: XP: 20x SP: 20x Drop: 15x Spoil: 15x Adena: 15x Raid: 5x Manor: 2x Quest Drop: 3x Quest Reward: 3x Quest Reward XP: 5x Quest Reward Adena: 3x Quest Reward Potion/Scroll/Recipe/Material: 1x Party XP: 1.5 Game: Buff slots: 24+4 Dance/Songs: 12 Safe Enchant: +4 Max Enchant: +18 Enchant Chance: 60% Max subclass level: 85 No hellbound quest needed Class master pop-up change Offline shops Auto learn skills Auto loot Retail events: Elpy, Race, Chests, AprilFools, Christmas is here, HollyCow, HallowedYou, Ninja Adventures, LoveYourGatekeeper, SuperStar, Squash Event and lot more including the classic ones like: Heavy Medal, Freya Celebration. Olympiad: 2 weeks(1st and 15th of month) Territorry wars Conquerable clan halls working!(25 fame every 5 min) Epics: Baium, Antharas, Valakas adapated to H5(skills/AI) Ekimus Sailren/Freya(Easy/Extreme) Miscellaneous: Vitality system Wedding system Champions system(Easy/Hard) Customs: Achievement system Newbie system(items on startup, buffs) NPC Buffer Global Gatekeeper GMShop(up to S grade) Event engine Classic TvT Voice commands: .menu .antibot .bind_ip .bind_process .changepassword .repair .expon/expoff .openatod .teletocl .tvt .divorce/engage/gotolove Lot of more features but we try to give it only the essential it. We are waiting you to form a community on forum before the beta and give opinions for example about Mana pots or anything else you have in mind.
  10. I think it's a problem of Linux because even using CURL or WGET to get the file, the first time i do isn't working and don't download completly. So i've made a "custom" that works very good. Thanks wyat for helping me. This is the code i used: class checkIt implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { Webcheck.checkContent(Webcheck.getContent(), false); Webcheck.checkContent(Webcheck.getContent(), true); System.out.println("DEBUG: Webcontroller: checking if any command"); } } public static void checkContent(String content, boolean isThis) { if (isThis) { //CODE } }
  11. Exactly..no sense at all. Acts by me but not in the same with getting content from server
  12. The php script is only to edit the .txt file as i showed you the script a little bit upper The php act here to. Php is changing the .txt file. In theory: I have a file .txt on a server and a .php. The php script is a textarea that edit the txt file. The java script from server reads what is in txt and do what's saying there. Problem is that is not reading the whole line!
  13. Ok first of all. Im trying to make a script that read a line from a text file from a website. 1.If i add the script in gameserver and put to run in Gameserver.java first time it doesen't read the whole line and only few words from it. The next schedule it's reading the whole line. 2. I tried to make the script run by itself without putting in gameserver just compiling a java class and it works everytime. i see the output correctly and seeing the whole line. LE: i edit the .txt file manual not with the php script and it works perfectly. Any idea what could php script have?
  14. But the file has only 1 line. I'll try to make it html and at the end of line ill put a </br /> to see if its working. LE: Same thing even if it's HTML extension. Not even this way works: StringBuilder responseData = new StringBuilder(); while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) { responseData.append(inputLine); } System.out.println(responseData.toString()); comanda = responseData.toString();
  15. Yes just checking the file and taking the first line. I don't get it why it loose ends of the line first time. LE: Isn't 60 seconds enough? OUTPUT1: DEBUG: Webcheck:announce i dont fucking get it.asda OUTPUT2: DEBUG: Webcheck:announce i dont fucking get it.asdas public static String getContent() { String comanda = ""; try { URLConnection conn = new URL(Config.WEB_LINK).openConnection(); conn.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.76"); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(isr); String inputLine; int count = 0; while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) { if (count == 0) { System.out.println("DEBUG: Webcheck:" + inputLine); comanda = inputLine; } } in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Something went wrong:" + e); } return comanda; }
  16. ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate(new checkIt(), 60000, Config.WEB_INTERVAL * 1000);// Everytime i change something at the commands.txt file sometimes it doesen't work from first time. Weird Example: I test the new class with new text everytime and it reads whole. And if i read whole before the new check comes the check is reading whole too.
  17. I made a different class in eclipse to see if it's working and both ways it's working, BUT when i go in the gameserver first time doesent read all the line and second time it does. I don't get it. Could be the format of TXT file or anything?! <? if($_POST['Submit']){ $open = fopen("commands.txt","w+"); $text = $_POST['update']; fwrite($open, $text); fclose($open); echo "File updated.<br />"; echo "File:<br />"; $file = file("commands.txt"); foreach($file as $text) { echo $text."<br />"; } }else{ $file = file("textfile.txt"); echo "<form action=\"".$PHP_SELF."\" method=\"post\">"; echo "<textarea Name=\"update\" cols=\"30\" rows=\"1\">"; foreach($file as $text) { echo $text; } echo "</textarea>"; echo "<input name=\"Submit\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Update\" />\n </form>"; } ?> This is the PHP script that edit the file.
  18. url = new URL(Config.WEB_LINK); is = url.openStream(); // throws an IOException br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); int count = 0; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { if (count == 0) { comanda = line; } count++; } System.out.println("DEBUG: Webcheck:" + comanda); The file is a simple .txt file containing "Still doesen't work how it should." First output: DEBUG: Webcheck:announce Still doesen't work how it s Second output: DEBUG: Webcheck:announce Still doesen't work how it should. I've made a thread to check every 60 seconds and the first time doesen't read the whole line, but the second time it read it. Any idea why?
  19. One of the best shares i have ever saw:o
  20. We already thought about that. www.hyperfilter.com is the solution!
  21. Because as you may noticed mostly Lineage 2 server have an "awesome" staff just in the first month and after that they start to dissappear and don't focus anymore on server. And for your question, yes i belive that we can make something outshine and bring the population to our server. And yes i can assure you that we can make features that you didn't see before and most important for a server it will be stable.
  22. We want to use H5 Client and we've also bought the files. Any more opinions/ideas? I really want it to hear
  23. Hello, first of all Hi MxC Community. I have few questions and i am curiously to hear your answers. I want to open a server H5 L2j advanced files L2PS. First of all we are a team of 3 guys with plenty of experience in developing, controlling the crowd and ability to handle urgent situations. From my point of view i want to make a Middle rate something about 15-25x, but our team was talking of something of 60-70x too. I have to mention that the server won't start without DDoS protection since i see now its a hobby to DDoS and destroy servers. Also it will have Lameguard and Nexus-Engine events for sure. Our goal is to reach best type of this rates on the market from more perspectives(Performrance, Features, uniqueness, community) My questions are: 1. What do you think we should open? 2. What customs, improvements, unique features you would like to see? 3. More opinions regarding this. PROs/CONs 4. We will make a closed beta players to help developing faster because as you may already know "A good developer is nothing without a good player", So i'm waiting for SKype IDs on PMs.
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