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Everything posted by TroubleChick
Server is actually growing steady. Players are farming and getting used to our leveling and farming system (not as fast as they knew it from other servers) and everything seems good. We still QQ to get our topic moved to Private Servers. Is not OBT anymore :D Thx MXC staff.
If any moderator can move our topic to the proper section we would appreciate :D We are still in previews. As about the start, it was a modest one but i am aware that was influenced a lot by the website attack. Now what we can do is to add the server in the voting sites and to keep advertising.
Definetly not enough, but still no fake players and we hope next days will be way better
ON motha' fuka' :D
Got confirmed from NL, UK, SE and RO that forum is up. http://l2pow.com/forum/ Some files left from site itself and we can move the discussion on our forums and see if it reached all countries/providers. Later Edit: We are back in control of both our site and forum. We needed to delay the opening from 6pm to 8pm GMT+1 We deeply regret this incident, and thank you all for patience. Regards, Odin
YES! I want that. But i can not do it without a working website. Because not everyone have the system to log, and we will make a mess. Is the only reasonable solution to get the web up and running before we open the server. Later edit: The site is out of DDoS, and now we are loading the files. If any of you can confirm if they can reach the website i would be grateful. The thing is that the DNS must spread before everyone can get to it.
The 4,99 one i think. Joe did it :D Since there are 6 minutes until 6pm gmt+1 and our website is still down we will have to wait one hour more to finish the website moving so players can get system and so on...
We got this one: http://www.ovh.ie/web-hosting/ It have ddos protect, but we just got it yday, and did not moved the website to it yet.
Due to heavy DDoS on our web hosting, and since we have not moved yet the site to the new OVH host (just got it yday ), we redirected it to FB to keep communication up : https://www.facebook.com/L2PreyOfWar You have here the download links for the system and for now you should start from L2.exe : https://www.mediafire.com/?m3ehncpy0k6fnbn or http://www.4shared.com/rar/Uz7U9e6ace/system.html
Joe: http://www.4shared.com/rar/Uz7U9e6ace/system.html this is the system in case our website goes down again
Mucho DDoS on web host. Haters gonna hate i guess. We put it to OVH because we still have 1h and 20 minutes.
Hello dear players of Lineage 2. Since i have been asked to make a clan event and is a trend on Lineage 2 Private Servers i decided to do it also on L2Pow. So, for all clans that in the first two days we will reward clans with 10 unique players and actives when you request the reward with: *Clan Level 5 Also after one week of server if 10 unique players reached 85 and the first condition was reached in two days, the clan will get: *10.000 CRP And for each additional active member level 85 you get 1000 more CRP.
4 hours left!
Mucho forum wars that can make me smile after a 3h sleep night. Damn i missed L2 players! I am a bit freaked out, but i guess is ok when we open the server today :D Beta will run 4-5 more hours before we start to wipe db and delete beta npcs and multisells. There are still small things to do, i am sure we did not found everything in beta, and some of the things we got reported i will wait to change/fix until after live so i get more opinions and feedback around it. But we are as ready as we could be starting from the 3th place (advertising, community, files) when 3 servers are opening. We have no idea about possible online at start, what we can do is to compare with web traffic and unique users from last year, and those look good. Probably i will not post again before opening, so i wish GL to both Cartel and Holiday, and let's have a good weekend for L2 mid-rates :D Regards, L2PoW Staff
If you're talking about 0 reuse with macro bug while enchanting than yea we found a way to solve it and it has been solved
I am aware we will have much less ppl AT START than stalone's servers. But that is fine for me lol. I just want it to be a clean start and clean running, because the population you win in time, by having an active staff, steady fixes and so on. And i still believe that not all players chose a server only because of online counter, and that there are some left that have higher requirements than that :D
This server (and when you say server you mean staff) can not be surprised from Stalone's side trust me. And this is because this owners were the first ones in Stalone's carrier that got heavy DDoS-ed so he can make his mega-server, his first Tales. He thrived with it on my Silver v2's corpse, DDoS-ed to the ground for days. But he remembers, as well as i do that he was at the point of giving up, closing his dedi machine and selling out the project, before he opened Tales. I was the one that talked to him and man him up to continue working and to come out from hiding before fake names and telling ppl who he is and what he wanna do. Same as Mouse remembers he was just the clan leader of ''300'' clan on my L2-AH when he first got the idea of opening a server. And how he came to me to ask how to do stuff because he never did it before :D That we might got DDoS-ed again... what can i say, we have a damn good protection, more advanced than OVH, today we put the website on a protected host and the shit still can happen. But, but but .... I think he/they realize that by monopolizing the entire L2 private servers market (is them and Domi from world left now, and even Domi gets attacked), they dig their own grave. The overall population that play on mid-rates have became much lower than it was 2 years ago. And by not giving the players the possibility to chose they just make it smaller with every server they stop. And what will happen is that, if we look 2 years more in the future, they will not have ppl to open a new server, to make new money because they made everybody run. So in order to keep the population counters at the same levels, they will have to boost online counters more and more until 9 out of 10 in .online will be bots. But players are not stupid, and they notice this stuff. Having a pack of dogs that can make pages of posts on your MXC topic dosent mean they have ''customers'', and if they have they have less and less. And they see that. So yeah, DDoS us again, open server after server with new names and once in a while give a rebirth to Tales until you will end up to have at opening your staff + you dogs + 100 randoms that still are not tired of this shit. And from this 100 maybe 50 will donate. But how will you business be than? Or be smart and mind your own servers, and ofc i will take some players from you, but i will also bring back some players that quit L2 because they could not play on anything else but your servers. And trust me there are plenty of those. No matter how good a server is ppl will migrate. Big clans will emo after a time and search for a new server. An so, the community can become healthy once again as it was when they have at least 4-5 servers to chose from AND this servers were owned by 4-5 different teams. Not 4-5 server with 3 of them owned by your team. Diversity is what keeps a market healthy. And if you stop this, over a period of time the market dies. And so will your business. So, this message is simple. Do whatever the fuk you want Stalonka. But if you are smart (and it seems you are since you made the biggest EU private server ever), think long term. Because you are killing this community and it's the thing that makes you dineros. You cant foul ppl forever that this and that server is not yours. They all know, and i seen ppl that stopped to play L2 because you dont let them have a choice. And the number of them grows by every opening that you stop :)
Hi Legendkay ! Thx for the good words first of all. But i tell you a secret: If it happens that you heard something good about me it can only be one thing. I am an old bastard now and if i learned something in my existence, is that if you try to live your life in such a way... that you dont let bad things behind you, the chances are high that about you, will be heard more good things. Than bad. If i should try to answer your question, i would start with longevity. In all my projects i had before, the only one rule to keep a server on or shut it down was this: When nobody have fun anymore, we close it. But if a bunch of ppl still have fun I will have fun together with them. Until we stop having fun, no matter how long that takes. When i say a bunch of ppl i say at least 2-3 full pty because else there is no siege, antharas, hard freya or any of the normal things that bring fun to this game. Olf Shirts? Fuk that shit! We do it old school. But we only do it old school from now. If i will ever have a good server, that can stand and keep community for more than 3-4 months i have to start to introduce new stuff. Because most of the pvp population is end game. And let's be serious, if you dont give mid rates players things to do ... they leave. So yeah, Olf Shirts and other type of upgrades have to be brought to the game ore way or the other, so ppl still keep being busy when they dont pvp. About donations now :) The good old subject that can make some ppl happy, but more ppl sad. When i start to do something, whatever that is, i try to do it well. If i also like it, i try to do it as good as i can. I like my servers. A lot. I would never accept that me or anyone else make shit on my server. My donation system is simple. I never handle donations because i tend to be a good guy, and many times this can be tricky. Ppl understand it as weakness and they try to get more than they should, deserve or is ''legal''. So i let Joe handle the donation but there are some strict rules. And he keeps them, because we are a good team and work together for 5 years. So, donations do not start with more than moirai/vesper and this ONLY happens when also the other players have them. You wont see player in vesper in a sea of s grades on any of my servers. Because is not fun for the most, and is not fair. And this principle keeps for anything else in the future. He never hands a donation without asking me and i am quite strict about that :)) We look at it like this, if we run it, he train his coding skills (he is a young programmer, doing uni in computer science), I have some fun and all this pay for itself and also make some money ... or not sometimes. Than for us is ok. It dosent need to become a money making factory because we have day jobs. Some of us quite well paid. I hope i answered all your questions but there would be another thing. The server itself. We run on a private java, and even if that is russian it might still have it's flaws. So there might be few things bad working. Or missing. Or bugged. We can only promise that we will do our best to fix them, but as we all know, day job/school + private life = things can take time. Even if not always but sometimes can take time. So yeah, you are more than welcomed to check us up and maybe stay :D This will be up to you. Back to my OBT because i have a LIVE in 2 days and still a shitload of stuff to do. Regards, Odin
Granny i was like Oo when i saw your post than i checked other topics and i understood. I am sorry for the mess that happened and i ask kindly to stop advertising like this any player that like our server. I kindly ask them to find forums about servers and post their as new topic not in others. Again sorry. Thanks, Joe So i do not free bump the topic (that would not be fair) and since i have something to say about this issue, i will just edit and post after Joe's post. Any type of promoting our server that is abusive, unfair or is harming any other projects is not supported by our staff and is one of the highest bannable offences. To avoid unclear situations i will briefly mention the most know ways of dirty promoting: - advertising on public chats of another running server or it's forum/web regardless if is a beta or a live, and regardless the chronicle or rates, is bannable offence. - advertising on any other server's topics on game related forums, is a bannable offence. The advertising solutions that we encourage are: - spreading the word to your contacts (Skype, Twitter, FB, etc) about L2PoW. - making topics about our server in gaming related forums, but ONLY if there is not an existing topic made already. In that case, just supporting that topic is enough. - when we will come in voting sites, supporting our comments topic there is also welcomed. - following us on FB (for now, more will come) and being active on our posts. To the admins and in fact the entire communities that were abused by our supporters, i just wanna let you know guys that i am deeply sorry. It is my fault, and this is because i did not made this public statement before, and as i could see in the last year or 2... fair-play and respect in the L2 community was something long time forgotten. I believe in this stuff, and i believe in a community of L2 private server admins where we work together and help each-other and where we do things 75% for the players and a well done job and only 25% for the money. So if any of ''my'' community members want to be a part of L2PoW, STOP DIRTY ADVERTISING. I wont act for actions that happened before my statement, since lets assume no one knew my position, but from today on, even if you are a clan leader of a 10 party clan, i do not want you in my community if you abuse other communities by dirty advertising. I made it also global on our forum/web: http://l2pow.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=319 Thank you all :) Regards, Odin
BETA LIVE. Check out the website for more info.
About OBT starting today 15 Dec 2014 As Joe announced, today we will start OBT. The first 1-2-3 days will be a heavy developing mode OBT, that means a lot of restarts. This is because we wait more players to join so we can comment features and take some decisions about drops, quests and other stuff, that will follow us to LIVE. Thursday and Friday (till live hour) it will be easier with fewer restarts since i expect the main lines of the server to be ready till than. So what do we expect from this OBT? First of all we wanna show you the files so you can tell us more about them. We have them for some time but are not yet fully familiarized with the pack. Second big goal is balancing. Both farming balance and classes balance. You have a Beta Assistant NPC that give you free stuff, lvl, nobless, hero status, d-lvl and if we need to add more we will. Use it and do not stop us from working so you ask us to lvl u up or other stuff that u can get from that NPC. A thirth goal is all that have to do with epics and instances checked. We plan to do this in the last 2 days when hopefully we will have more ppl on for testings. We want to make a long term fun server, not a grinding paradise but not a HR. We need to find the balance in epic jwls, else you will get bored to fast and leave. On the other hand, i expect that after 2-3-4 month of server, any player that was active on PoW since the first week to be able to have at least one set of RB jwls (maybe not Valakas/Antharas but for that he can trade). As i write this post, Joe is putting up the DDoS protection (we wanted to start without protection in beta but we changed our mind in the last moment) and as soon as that is done we will do the last checkes and cleanup and start. I know we are in a bit of delay but thats the price we have to pay for a job well done You must understand very well: IS NOW OUR OWN PACK! This means we are not the creators of it so, if you see any other server names from the old developers let us now so we fix it. If you see anything that looks like a bug ask us, maybe is some extra feature and than we decide if it stays or goes. (ex. in Sel Mahum you can drop some op herbs that last for 10 minutes) That was all.... cya ingame!
Oh, about the hacked/leaked/stolen DB with lots of accounts and passes. We will enforce players at account creation to use at least one number in the account name and one in the password. This will cut a lot of accounts from being scammed with old info from other servers. We will also have a pin code that you need to enter at login, after enter world. It takes 5 sec to authd. yourself and keeps a trouble some steps away. And i also found a way to stop clickers / make them useless ;) But you will see that ingame during OBT. Cheers and lets all have a wonderful week! Me again :D
Kinda this is the price i paid
Joe(the other guy): Indeed. But we exepect and we bought one of the best Protection that is on market, but in this world is better tbe prepared for worst and not to put your hopes too high. I am sorry if that after posted you understood we do not owe any DDoS protection