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Everything posted by secretakoc

  1. Aftos o server,exei endiaferon!No lag,alla liga atoma on!Max on ppl ka8imerina 30atoma kai AN!alla dn exei ka8olou lag. Nmzw oti s vrhka allon ena server me safe/max same! http://l2hp.fdns.ro/. An 8es rikse mia matia.
  2. @SeCreT ~GM{SeCreT}~ h to name t server ..GM(......)
  3. egw,psifizw IL,gt meta to IL,to L2 arxise na ginete PSEMA!
  4. Ade re!!!TY pr poly! :D (Ka8e pote anigei to Chaos event?an ksereis?)
  5. Ty gia to link!Afto to event Chaos s dineis speed?dn ktlva! ;)
  6. 1-2 questions akoma : exw dei pou merikoi pane san diaoloi...komatia...trxoune san na exoun super haste lvl2-3! kai 2) boreis na m doseis ena link gia to phx,kai guide pos vazw script gia adi target?(eimai asxetos apo programs :{ )
  7. Kserei kaneis,kanena bug gia tn l2Java(Faction)?
  8. Can anyone give me more informations about the server? for Example : [(what costom armor have(dynasty,apella?)weapon(epic,dusk?)]
  9. But why in site write offline?(sry for double Question,but the site i think has problem)
  10. If mxc open server i will play cause they know ALL the BUGS,about l2 and we will play in a normal server!
  11. L2Justice is good server,but u need to have many patience about the farm!Dificult farm,but nice server!that's my opinion!
  12. I think the best archer in HellBount is PR!Hex+dead eye!
  13. to wraio einai na kanoune donate kai na peftoune! :D
  14. Kai an borousate na me help,ti class einai prwtimotero gia arxi?
  15. Pia einai h gnwmh sas gia tn server l2java?Rwtaw gt 8a h8ela na arxisw,alla prwta 8a h8ela na akousw merikes gnwmes! :P
  16. afto ginete me sxedon olous tous chars!Px me tn archer!Stun stn guard kai allazeis target se afton p exei pk kai tn xwneis! :S
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