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Everything posted by LoLeTo*

  1. Kane paste ta Configs s edw
  2. Peigene Clientpackets vres to RequestDropItem anoikseto kai steile tin shra 197 Sou vgazei error ekei mipws otan petas items s vgazei ksana to hdio error?
  3. Ama thes free pare apo http://www.simplemachines.org/ Ama thes na agwraseis agwrase vBulletin
  4. Allo to domain allo to webhosting to domain eine to .com, .gr to webhosting eine analoga ti tha dialekseis.Afto to forum dn eine se web hosting eine se deticated machine..
  5. Aplos sto Code afta pou exoun to "+" tha ta kaneis add afta pou exoun to "-" tha ta kaneis delete
  6. Sou leei oti sto buylist afta ta id dn eiparxoun opote prepei na ta peraseis..
  7. Preph na anoikseis ta ports apo to rooter sou Tha pas www.portforward.com tha vresi to rooter sou tha to dialekseis meta tha dialekseis to Lineage II tha akolouthiseis tis odigies.. Meta tha kaneis dissable to firewall kai tha Checkareis apo kapoio program ama eine anoixta ta ports sou
  8. Peigene Database ==> npc anoikseto kai vres ta apo ekei
  9. Peigene Gameserver/Data/Stats/Skills vres to skill kai katevase tou to power
  10. Stis ls tha pas Gameserver/Data/Stats/Skills sta skills eine!
  11. Katse psakse edw Java Codes http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=105735.0 Ama thes allakse pack kai xrisimopohse h L2JServer katharo h l2jfree alla h l2jfree geinete Compile mono me maven
  12. Tha sou protina www.tophost.gr
  13. Tha deineis 15 euro ton xrono gia 1 domain ante 20
  14. Sou stelnoun unknown packets sto gs
  15. Lock http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=149924.0
  16. Logika afto tha to ekane xwreis na tou to peis esi
  17. Lock http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=149922.0
  18. Kane to //spawn roy_the_cat kane shift + click sto npc kai kane etsi to edit pou thes
  19. Afou apo to pc tou dn mpwrei na mpei h no-ip pou kolaei apo to local pou prospathei na mpei??????
  20. Peigene sta Configs sou kai vres afto edw AllowClassMasters = False Ama eine etsi kanto True
  21. Afou h eine local ip opote dokimase me afto p sou eipa kai pes to
  22. Mallon kanoun attack failed ta skills s epeidh eine megalitero lvl gia pata shift + click kanto 80 lvl dokimase ksana
  23. Afto edw eine sticky kiolas http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=145109.0
  24. Vale sto InternalHostName..Sto l2.ini vale
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