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Everything posted by LoLeTo*

  1. Hello community, I've been a member of Maxcheaters since 2008-2009 with multiple accounts that I don't recall anymore. I have been inactive for more than 5 years ever since. I was active for a little while, and then went inactive for a long time. It's been a long time since I visited Maxcheaters with this account. I occasionally visit this website here and there under another account. but that happens very, very rarely. so I'm here to say Hello! and ask if there's anyone from the oldies still here :) Is it still lively here?
  2. And how we're supposed to believe it?
  3. I wouldn't even try to join cause of this filthy topic
  4. It has, me as player
  5. your stupidity, shut your piehole now
  6. Server features seems awesome, I wish you good luck. greetings
  7. fags
  8. /îngrijire
  9. Posa KG internet kai pio einai to xorio sou ean epitrepete.
  10. Apo ta posts krineis esu ama kapios einai *newbie* ? chill out.
  11. Kanto save se Version "413"
  12. Anoikse to Spawnlist peigene katw deksia kai vale Limmit Records parapano kai kane CTRL+F ==> ID Npc kai kanta Delete
  13. Kanta ta kokkina opos sta exw kanei
  14. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=164596
  15. Anoigeis to Port 3306 Pigeneis sto Site sou kai briskeis to arxeio Config.php to anoigeis kai bazeis ta eksis stoixeia ID) Apo MySQL PWD) Apo MySQL IP) Tin IP sou
  16. To fix einai edw
  17. Mpes edw Auto edw einai if(activeChar.getRace() != Race.Orc) { activeChar.setPunishLevel(2); return; }
  18. Katse diavase auto edw..Exei pos tha kaneis kai Compile Click me
  19. Kanto etsi GameserverHostname=* ExternalHostName: no-ip InternalHostName: <== Einai gia lan den metraei auto aplos kanto etsi gia na einai sosto Ta Ports den pezoun kanenan rolo me to error sto gs!
  20. Pare http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=101678.0
  21. O Elite exei kanoniko patch den exei host
  22. Tha prepei na peraseis sto site sou auta edo ta Scripts http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=76059.0
  23. Tha ta kaneis Compile Pare kai ena Guide http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=84234.0
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