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Everything posted by Zoubis®™

  1. I want to buy a code for l2j IT.Iwant the skills are missing like salvation. Also i have some java codes that i can't install becauze of errors. Dev will be paid when the pack will have sold at least 1 time.pm me for mor info!
  2. Hi MxC. I have a big big big problem.i have open my own project.i have make commits but this time it gives me this error. http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=w14du0&s=7 I aske a friend about it and he told me that i have to update my pack...so i do TEAM/Update To Head but it still give me this error when i do a commit. Also the pack is l2jserver interlude and i want to head it to the last version of l2j. Thx in advance
  3. olo to line svhneis. afou thn exeis wraios ;P
  4. einai duskolo twra kapouios na katsei na s kanei code....
  5. einai mesa ston fakelo tou gamesrver
  6. egw sunithos allaza kai ta 2...:P opote xrhsimepse kai se emena.. :P
  7. euxaristw..auto akrivos hthela..
  8. Gia sas paidia.exw na asxolithw sxedon 1mish xrono me to l2 develop kai ta exw ksexasei..:P To provlhma m einai oti exw to source apo ena pack sto pc m alla dn kserw pws na to anoiksw. Opote thelw na m peite ti prepei na kanw gia na anoiksw ena sourrce me to eclipse...! Euxaristw :)
  9. Good servers have domain and many other things,home made want only money.
  10. You have ucoz site, this explains it all.
  11. Freya για παρα πόλους λόγους που βαριέμαι να αναλύσω.
  12. Hello all i am searching for freya server. Exp Rate:100-5000 Safe:3-5 Max:16-20 Enchant rate:I dont care. No Lag ofc. Players on:300++
  13. B> Pack No Hacks IL Pm me..!!!
  14. men i want to buy a new pack for c6 interlde with no hacks...
  15. :'(re paides poio STP LEEI OPOIOS MPOREI NA ME HELP NA ME KANEI ADD MSN mpouzo_keftes@hotmail.com
  16. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(paides mporei na me boi8isei kapoios me ton server pou exw ton anoi3ei kai to problhma pou exei den mporoun na mpoun oi alloi egw mpaino exw ftia3ei ports no ip alla den 3erw th fteei :( my msn mpouzo_keftes@hotmail.com add me pliss na me help... :'( :'( :'( :'(
  17. exw ena provlhma...exw ftiaksei ta panta kai mpainw kanonika alla oi aloi dn mporoun na mpoun kai ports kai no-ip kai sta config ola einai swsta...an mporei kapois thelw na mpei me team na dei ti paizei..einai shmantiko na ginei h douleia mesa see 20 lepta :/ euxaristw guys
  18. When you use unstuck /teleport or has died the most times server throws critical.
  19. paidia thelw opoios mporei na m pei pws na parw to quest gia ta Beleth's Gold Dragon apo ton WH Keeper - Collob
  20. Μόνος σου το σκέφτηκες?
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