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Everything posted by Zoubis®™

  1. Ginete px ena diko m skin pou eftiaxa na to prosthesw kai me riot point na to exw oste n to vlepoun oloi?
  2. To tsigaro prokali pio megalo provlima sto ethismo apo thn founta trele.
  3. eutiaksa kai alla config me alla onomata kai m elege kai kala oti eftege thn mia auto to config thn allh auto ee mexri p nevriasa kai ta esvhsa ola kai ta evala sto l2jmod..
  4. prwth fora to vlepw sthn zwh m kai oute p kserw ti einai...!
  5. exw ellhnika win7
  6. Pws na kanw epanafora leitourgias?dld o upologisths na ginei opws akrivos htan exthes? me ta programata p eixe ta panta
  7. lathos section. phgene window/preferences/java pata search phgene arxei efarmogwn vres ton fakelo java pata ok kai epelekse to lastest revision
  8. i want smthing like ths theme : music text : PowerMusic
  9. prob solved thx
  10. what do you mean?
  11. anyway is there any guide?
  12. I want a guide how to make this :
  13. ok thx..! :)
  14. prepei na diagrapsw kai thn apo katw seira etc?
  15. exw auto. if (_pKsCounter.size() > Config.ZOUBISCUSTOMS_PUNISH_PK_PLAYER_IF_PKS_OVER) { if ("jail".equals(Config.ZOUBISCUSTOMS_PK_PUNISHMENT_TYPE)) { setPunishLevel (PunishLevel.JAIL, (int) (Config.ZOUBISCUSTOMS_PK_PUNISHMENT_PERIOD / 60)); sendMessage("Jailed for excessive PK."); kai sto prasino m vgazei error.....
  16. i want the typo for interlude client setPunishLevel(PunishLevel.JAIL,
  17. a0xa0x0axax0ax0a0 klewwwwwwwwwwwww auto p egrapses esu einai epic fail :P :P :P pata sto npc p thes Shift + click meta pata edit NPC kai telos psakse gia to Collision Radius kai to Collision Height vale ekei arithmous kane delete kai ksana spawn kathe fore p allazeis kati apo ta 2 afta tha s pane to npc i panw i katw palepse to ligo kai tha to vreis :)
  18. awsome guide!!very usefull good job :)
  19. -1 karma no repair no install again just right click relocate i find it :)
  20. What i have to do to intsall the new repository location?
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