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Everything posted by Zoubis®™

  1. I think that l2jbrasil is Fail project, i recomend you to try other project.
  2. Server based?(i mean project)
  3. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=74785 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=74785;sa=showPosts Name: Ψυχικά_νεκρός
  4. Balance isnt only weapons and armors but Stats/Class/Skills and more.
  5. Klasiki apadhsh ellhna l2 player.
  6. I voted for Strom Screamer on peilogue i think is very good class.
  7. Ma ke fisika oxi alla kai o titan exei stun an piasi iparxi periptosi na ton xwsi. Ala autos leei gia stun me critical stun nixia oti tha piani sinexia.
  8. Eisai poli agrios to kses? Pistevw esi dn exis pexi an pistevis pws tha piani stun kathe 1 deutero ok.
  9. Ade kai pes pws exei balance to pistevis oti tha skaei sinexia stun?tote eisai axios ths mira s.
  10. Blackberry :P
  11. Ok se Interlude x10000 server no balance pou pernis critical stun nixia kai skaei sinexia stun ok.
  12. Se server me 5000 ls kai rate 99% kai deuteron dn exei mp pottion opote poso mp tha xalasi.(arki an iparxi eva saint gia na tou gemizi mp)
  13. +1 einai anousio auto pou kanei.
  14. 1)stop spam 2)You cant bump because you are not the topic owner.
  15. Exw dei para poloys na to kanoun omos? Exw dei kai se sena ti grafis otan ksipnisis ela. Empiros pali?
  16. Xwris na s prosvalw tsamba perimenis,gnwsh java kati dn exis toulaxiston an dinis lefta tha vris kapion.
  17. Kita mexri na skasis to zealot exis faei merika hit apo titan,mexri na skasis celestial pali exis faei kapia hit an kiolas o titan exei gemisi hdh frenzy dn pistevw na prolaveni.
  18. Nai ala molis vali zealot tha einai apo 30% kai pio katw h zwh t, enw o titan vazi battle roar kai aneveni i zwh t.
  19. 1)xaa proton legete Celestial. 2)o Tyrant exei Force Barrier. 3)Force Barrier=8 Deutera / Frenzy=1lepto+
  20. Nai tha tros kai esi dmg omos an to exis katalavi, gt iparxi kai to reflect kai an o titan gemisi frenzy pataei battle roar kai xwni eukola ton tyrant.
  21. Kai pali omos exeis to pet pou troi ta misa dmg,to curse or abyss panta piani se lol server kai gemizi mia xara i hp tou.
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