60 online player ?lies.
In the afternoon 6-7 you had 20 players.
I finish here.
First of all before make fail servers learn some thinks about developer and java.
Only me?and why you have only 20 players online because is balance ?
Ok i think that you must learn the basic things again.
L2jbrasil pack,Customs armors with high stats,ofc unbalance, the paladin still OP class with angelicon.
Vitality System.
New Zones,mobs,skills.
Toulaxiston perisotero balance.
Kai ala para polla feutures pou kai na sta grapsw dn exis thn noimosini na ta katalavis.
C4 oute PI exei kai vasika exei 100+ feutures ligotera apo Gracia.
pio c4 einai 7 client pisw exoun vgei tosa feutures exalou sto c4 dn exei na kanis tpt.
Stous pvp server o domi dn leei katholou kai me katares full dn xwnei to exoun katastrepsi san class.
Anyone know how to put the players to buy and sell items with Gold Bars instead for adena?(for interlude)
Edit:I mean the actions of character,Private Store-Buy/Private Store-Sell
Oso pio polu pezis l2 toso pio polles apetisis exis gia ena server,autes oi apetisis dn tha ginoun pote kai gia auto xeneronis apo to l2.(auth einai i gnwmh m)