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Everything posted by cunhado

  1. I got the quest loaded but the script seems bugged :/ _______________________________________________ UPDATE: I've read that a buffer script should allways start with an " if event == 2 " In this case there is: if event == "1": Could this be the problem? Just asking before I rewrite the script and htm's :P _______________________________________________ UPDATE 2: All seems to be working fine except I get an error. It has to do something with restoring my hp/mp after a buff. Because of the error I won't get back to the initial html. The code I use is: #Wind Walk if event == "2": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1204,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) And this following part causes me troubles: st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP()
  2. Screen from GS error: The __init__.py file from jscript/custom: __all__ = [ '3995_echo', '4000_ShadowWeapons', '7000_HeroItems', '8000_RaidbossInfo', '6050_KetraOrcSupport', '6051_VarkaSilenosSupport', '9999_NPCBuffer' ] print "" print "importing custom data ..." for name in __all__ : try : __import__('data.jscript.custom.'+name,globals(), locals(), ['__init__'], -1) except: print "failed to import quest : ",name print "... done" print "" Do you also need the __init__.py inside the 9999_NPCBuffer ??? import sys from com.l2jarchid.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance from java.util import Iterator from com.l2jarchid.gameserver.datatables import SkillTable from com.l2jarchid.gameserver.model.quest import State from com.l2jarchid.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState from com.l2jarchid.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest qn = "9999_NPCBuffer" NPC=[40006] ADENA_ID=57 QuestId = 9999 QuestName = "NPCBuffer" QuestDesc = "custom" InitialHtml = "1.htm" print "importing custom: 9999: NPCBuffer" class Quest (JQuest) : def __init__(self,id,name,descr): JQuest.__init__(self,id,name,descr) def onEvent(self,event,st): htmltext = event count=st.getQuestItemsCount(ADENA_ID) if count < 10000 or st.getPlayer().getLevel() < 0 : htmltext = "<html><head><body>You dont have enought Adena</body></html>" else: st.takeItems(ADENA_ID,10000) st.getPlayer().setTarget(st.getPlayer()) #Wind Walk if event == "1": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1204,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Acumen if event == "2": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1085,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Agility if event == "3": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1087,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Berserker Spirit if event == "4": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1062,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Bless Shield if event == "5": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1243,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Blessed Body if event == "6": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1045,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Blessed Soul if event == "7": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1048,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Concentration if event == "8": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1078,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Death Whisper if event == "9": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1242,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Empower if event == "10": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1059,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Focus if event == "11": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1077,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Guidance if event == "12": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1240,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Haste if event == "13": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1086,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Magic Barrier if event == "14": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1036,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Mental Shield if event == "15": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1035,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Might if event == "16": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1068,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Resist Shock if event == "17": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1259,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Shield if event == "18": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1040,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Vampiric Rage if event == "19": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1268,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Dance of Aqua Guard if event == "30": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(307,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Dance of Concentration if event == "31": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(276,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Dance of Earth Guard if event == "32": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(309,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Dance of Fire if event == "33": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(274,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Dance of Fury if event == "34": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(275,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Dance of Inspiration if event == "35": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(272,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Dance of Light if event == "36": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(277,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Dance of the Mystic if event == "37": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(273,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Dance of Protection if event == "38": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(311,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Siren's Dance if event == "39": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(365,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Dance of the Vampire if event == "40": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(310,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Dance of the Warrior if event == "41": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(271,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Song of Champion if event == "50": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(364,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Song of Earth if event == "51": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(264,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Song of Flame Guard if event == "52": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(306,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Song of Hunter if event == "53": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(269,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Song of Invocation if event == "54": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(270,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Song of Life if event == "55": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(265,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Song of Meditation if event == "56": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(363,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Song of Renewal if event == "57": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(349,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Song of Storm Guard if event == "58": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(308,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Song of Vengeance if event == "59": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(305,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Song of Vitality if event == "60": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(304,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Song of Warding if event == "61": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(267,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Song of Water if event == "62": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(266,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Song of Wind if event == "63": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(268,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Greater Might if event == "64": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1388,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Greater Shield if event == "65": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1389,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Chant of Victory if event == "66": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1363,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Prophecy of Fire if event == "67": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1356,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Prophecy of Water if event == "68": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1355,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Prophecy of Wind if event == "69": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1357,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Cancellation if event == "70": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1056,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #MPreg if event == "71": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) if event == "73": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Chant of Magnus if event == "74": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(9952,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Wild Magic if event == "75": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1303,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) #Vampiric Rage if event == "76": st.takeItems st.getPlayer().useMagic(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1268,1),False,False) st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() return "1.htm" st.setState(COMPLETED) if htmltext != event: st.setState(COMPLETED) st.exitQuest(1) return htmltext def onTalk (self,npc,player): st = player.getQuestState(qn) htmltext = "<html><head><body>I have nothing to say to you</body></html>" st.setState(STARTED) return InitialHtml QUEST = Quest(QuestId,str(QuestId) + "_" + QuestName,QuestDesc) CREATED=State('Start',QUEST) STARTED=State('Started',QUEST) COMPLETED=State('Completed',QUEST) QUEST.setInitialState(CREATED) for npcId in NPC: QUEST.addStartNpc(npcId) QUEST.addTalkId(npcId)
  3. Solved In my L2Net is a map with all icon id's I use them to insert in my NPC's Your help is much appreciayed.
  4. Thanks Trying to put them on my server for testing purposes. :)
  5. Every 9999_NPCBuffer (quest/jython buffer) I insert won't load. Tried everything. Browsed the net and tried all "solutions" they offered. Is there some trick I missed? I run the latest Archid pack (with custom buffers which I don't like) Thanks
  6. Thank you for your advice Intrepid. UTXviewer didn't work right for me. Gave me errors :/ But thanks anyways Albion.
  7. yes the codes "skill.1323" etc
  8. I know i've seen them somewhere around but I can't find them anymore. I need the codes of icons, armors, weapons and misc. The complete pack. Thank you.
  9. I lolled so hard before I got amazed. Really nice work. It was time to get rid of the boring adena.
  10. Very great looking weapons. Nice job!
  11. Great textures. Very nice armors. Thanks
  12. This is so much lol L2 coming out of the Dark Ages!!! But a very nice job btw My repect.
  13. Thanks you all :)
  14. Thanks going to try this one out.
  15. Does this NPC also work on interlude servers? Anyone can confirm this?
  16. Really awesome. Was looking for a buffer fix (IL and my jythonbuffer suck together) but i found this! Thanks!
  17. Thanks man Going to build my own buffers now :) This upload is one of the best ever.
  18. I will test it, but more info would be nice. Also some added pictures would be great. Well can't have all in life.
  19. Based on L2J. L2JInterlude pack kinda gave it away ;) ______________________________________ Downloading as we speak to chck the revision. If I come up with an idea I'll report in forum. Need to make account first though 8) Keep the work going mate and gratzzz
  20. lol how do you know that for sure? Did you compile a version and examened the files like I did*? I guess not. This is a L2J (l2jdp.com) compilation from their SVN**. A project who quit working on it chronicles ago. Just a basic pack with some bugs left in it that needs fixing***. Lets say a pack with a some work ahead****... * I compiled the database from L2J and both packs are as far as i've investigated similar. ** Before I joined mxs I was very active on l2j.com/l2jdp.com *** There is nothing that can't be fixed **** so to this dev... again a lot of fun and luck mate
  21. Thank you for this shop. Like all "leeches" i did, i'm going to check this one out on my testserver. Looks complete judging on the picture. Thanks again. [even if its an old post i found it fair to say thanks]
  22. 1. Project just started and is in development so it can only get better. 2. new 1337 java doctor in the company... lol not everybody is born with a masters degree in Java unlike you i must asume reading your knowledgeable words. Sorry to say but -1 respect for lack of intelligence and snobbism. I prolly won't make friends with these comments but I find the lack of support and compliments really annoying.
  23. OMG why are the "forum GODS" of mxs so negative? When we ask for help we are told to learn JAVA. When we start a project so we can learn java we are downtalked by those same people, because we lack knowledge of JAVA. See the circle? Since we live in a free world let people have their chance and wish them goodluck. Nothing more nothing less... I compiled this version and am looking forward to the updates... *\o/* [btw i'm also working on my own project to LEARN java, but I won't share it coz I choose not to be downtalked by those so called JAVA gods of mxs. I'm glad that i've learned allready this much on my own... I started my carreer on a early 80's commodore64 computer :p]
  24. np SySt3MGaM3RFr3aKs. I'll give it a few days before i'll compile a version :) In the mean while ill keep an eye on this topic. gl mate
  25. As an Interlude lover I will compile your project and test it out. I hope this project will grow and have a long lifespan. Ofcourse all the best wishes on your project :)
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