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Everything posted by cunhado

  1. It works but all it does is speed up everything in game. Must be usefull for travel imo. Maybe enchanting. But thats it. Thanks for the share anyways.
  2. V843 is working OOG but I cant get IG. It gets stuck after the part: Bot gameserver: using port 7777 nothing happens after this :/
  3. it does not seem to work for me either since i have windows 7. Any other suggestion?
  4. As the title says. I cant seem to find a program thats works. Please help me out.
  5. I also got an error I cant manage to solve. The error is: Error on: C:\Users\Beheerder\Desktop\server\gameserver\data\scripts\custom\9999_NPCBuffer\__init__.py.error.log Line: -1 - Column: -1 Traceback (innermost last): File "__init__.py", line 2, in ? ImportError: no module named net The code is too long to paste it. I could pm it if needed. I'm using the l2j compiled pack. Thank you [solved]
  6. Error on: C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\server\gameserver\data\scripts\custom\9999_NPCBuffer\__init__.py.error.log Line: -1 - Column: -1 Traceback (innermost last): (no code object) at line 0 SyntaxError: ('invalid syntax', ('__init__.py', 27, 7, ' htmltext = event')) This is the error I get from the log. Any suggestions? Greetings
  7. ^^ It was the patched system! Thanks again... Now trying to pick up the dev part again. It's been a long time.
  8. I think I found it for \Epilogue... http://www.4shared.com/get/239217947/f9a2118c/Patched_System_Epilogue_110320.html;jsessionid=3EC72E15E780A4AF1E3F6D0EA11E6569.dc210 I will report my findings. Again a million thanks from me xD
  9. @Realtek Where can I find a patched system?
  10. no I dont have it and i dont know it. Please explain it to me xD
  11. yes i did... could it be my internal ip isnt under windows 7? Ive got a brandnew system?
  12. it seems the problem is not yet solved. I guessed the l2folder wasnt a clean one since i changed the system folder to play on some server. But that wasn't the case. Going to reinstall server and try again. Thanks for the advice!
  13. They are correctly loaded and running
  14. Hi I've had my own test server running on local ip before. Decide to pick it up asgain, but i must have forgotten something because i cant log in on my own server. Followed the tutorial to be sure. Gameserver and loginserver are up. I made a account using the accountmanager. Edit my hostfile and put lines: L2authd.Lineage2.com nprotect.lineage2.com I'm running my server under windows 7 Thanks for the advice :)
  15. Any knowledge about the chronicle? Thank you.
  16. Very cool mod weapons. But a bit to mod for me and i miss... AFC Ajax :/ well havent been in CL for a while... Gratzzz anyways
  17. As the topic says... looking for both files. What I could find on internet and here in forum is outdated so the links won't work. Kind thanks in advance... Cunhado
  18. Thank you for putting them together and sharing.
  19. Thanx for this nice share. Saves me some work :)
  20. omg this is so much lolz. Great idea and just as great worked out. Gratzzz.
  21. Looks nice. Gonna use them on my testserver. Thank you.
  22. Hi I searched the forum, but had no luck :/ I am looking for a guide to teach me how to make a skill (with icon) It is for the rebirth manager. Thanks in advance.
  23. Solved Dont know how, but got one working. Thanks Ceptimus!
  24. Nice buffer Thank you for sharing
  25. Okay thanks Intrepid. If anyone else have suggestions...I welcome them.
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