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Everything posted by CrazyManiac

  1. Ti tha legate ama evaze o maxtor ena subboard forum suggestions etc... outoswste na mporoume na tou poume tis apopseis mas gia na valei nea pragmata sto forum kai oxi na anoigoume neo thema sto offtopic??? Pisteuw pws aksizei ena board opws auto.. Eseis????
  2. καλησπεριζω!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)
  3. especially stack subs haven't got so much balance to all classes... and with this the results will be awfull ...
  4. why not??? When we change Version our members wanna see a new theme ;). Else if you want to keep this one try to make difference ;) by adding new mods/items etc... ;)
  5. Perfect ofcourse.... and i think that in every change of our SMF Version have to find more extremely Themes like this one ;) ;). GJ Maxtor :)
  6. wellcome ;), enjoy your stay to our forums and read -= MaxCheaters.com Rules =- -babylon
  7. isws xrisimopoihse kanena exploit gia extra buffs.... auto pisteuw egw....
  8. http://crackstorage.net/get_uploaded_file.php Edw einai auto p psaxneis. Ean exeis apories/provlimata kane reply. Elpizw na voithisa... -Babylon
  9. Downloading And saving to my Custom Server Files ;). Thanks for your share! yours -Babylon
  10. Loipon ADERFARES MOU sas xeretw!!!!!!!!! Paw na tin araksw gt dn paleuetai to thema! GN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Vasika auto den mporeis na to xeireisteis... kai en0w tin kinisi twn paixtwn... apla tha prepei na kseroun ta meloi sou pws den prepei na patane sunexomena to move me skopo na stuckarei o char....
  12. i had posted allready first time but due to forum's lag posted another one: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=199040.0 Junk it plz.
  13. mipos enois sto movement????? giati sto movement einai p kolane orismenoi.....
  14. welcome to our forum m8, enjoy your stay and read our forum rules ;) ;) ;) ;)
  15. [glow=red,2,300]Dead Link[/glow] http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=173186.0;topicseen
  16. mporeis na kaneis report to prob sou edw www.l2jfrozen.com kai tha sou steiloun apantish amesa ;). Good Luck..!!
  17. isws einai logo tou traffic tou server sou.... O server sou einai hostarismenos se etairia??? an nai tote prp na uparxei provlima sto pack pou exeis katevasei.... isws an kaneis restart ton server na ftiaksei....
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